
Ghost Saves The Girl But König Truely saves her

When the 141 get a mission to save a hacker, and Ghost isn't expecting Emma, a goth queen, they fall in love and get married, but Ghost gets abusive and hides it from everyone. Until König noticed it, he had loved her from the moment he saw her. He was glad she always came to him for comfort. He finds out Ghost cheated and you are pregnant; of course, he will help you. He loves you. Be aware there will be blood and NSFW and Abuse also murder

Zavery_Meddows · Video Games
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5 Chs


I was finishing up, and I hugged Ghost. He hated seeing me in König's shirt but hugged back. I hug König. König wrapped me tightly and hugged me back. I wave and walk out. I got home and got some clothes on, washed König's shirt, and cooked a meal to bring to the team. I packed it up and drove back. I walked in and set the food out. Soap saw it first. "Thanks, Emma," he said as he rang the food bell. I cover my ears. "Shit, sorry," Soap said. König walks up to see the food. "Thank you, Bärchen," he said, sitting down. "I washed your shirt," I said, pulled it out, and handed it to him. König takes it. "You didn't have to do that." The smell of her laundry soap hit me in the face. All I smelled was fresh cotton. König smiles softly. Ghost walks up and sits down. I smile and serve everyone happily. Soap was eating. "You should stay and cook for us," he said with a full mouth when König kicked him under the table, making him swallow the food.

I was cleaning up— soap stands up. "Thank you, Emma," he said and left. König smiles and stands. "Thank you for the meal, Bärchen," he said. Ghost stood and walked over to me, whispering. I blushed and nodded. Spirit is pleased with himself and walks off. The following day, Ghost walked out in street clothes and went to pick me up. I smile, see him, and walk out and hug him. Ghost held on, taking in my smell and the feeling of my body against his. *God, she smells good. She looks fucking amazing* I think as I feel my cock harden. I smile. "So you said you wanted to go to the movies," I ask. Ghost nods and opens the car door for me. I blush and get in. Ghost was driving. He wanted to see how far he could get, so he rested his hand on my thigh. "Simon, if you wish to touch me, we will date and marry," I say. Ghost grins and squeezes my thigh. "I can live with that," he said, rubbing my thigh. I slowly open my legs for his hand. *fuck I haven't felt a woman in so long. Her skin is so soft she smells like fresh-cut flowers* Ghost thought as he parked the car. 

I got out of his car. Ghost followed, putting his arm around my waist. I blushed and got closer to him as we walked.