
Ghost Saves The Girl But König Truely saves her

When the 141 get a mission to save a hacker, and Ghost isn't expecting Emma, a goth queen, they fall in love and get married, but Ghost gets abusive and hides it from everyone. Until König noticed it, he had loved her from the moment he saw her. He was glad she always came to him for comfort. He finds out Ghost cheated and you are pregnant; of course, he will help you. He loves you. Be aware there will be blood and NSFW and Abuse also murder

Zavery_Meddows · Video Games
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5 Chs

Found The One

Ghost opens the door for me. I walk in, and we find seats. I curled up in his arms, and his fingers ran up and down my arm slowly. I smile, feeling it after the movie. "Thank you, Ghost," I say. Ghost smiles and lifts my chin, and kisses me softly. I blush and kiss back. Ghost drives me home. I get out and hug him goodbye. Ghost held on, breathing me in. His grip became tight. "Simon, I can't breathe," I gasp. Spirit let go. "Sorry," he said, stepping away. I fix my dress. "It's okay, just not so tight next time, okay?" I smile. Ghost nods. "Okay, Emma, see you soon," he said. I head back inside, take a deep breath, and sigh. Ghost went back to base and was smiling or trying to hide it 

König looks up. "You pleased with yourself," he said. Ghost looks like he "had a good first date with Emma," he said. König made a fist swallow and nodded. Ghost grinned and walked off to get ready. König was worried. 

Ghost walks out in his uniform, pulling his mask down. König sighs. He was worried about me. Ghost pulls out his phone. As Ghost dates Emma, she is in love with him. Every time I stopped by the base König saw me covered in hickeys and bruises and could barely walk some days. König was pissed off at Ghost seeing me. But he waited. He knew I would come to him when I needed him the most. I was heading home from the doctor's office. I look at my engagement ring and smile happily, seeing it. I pulled into our home and held the papers saying I was pregnant. I walk up the stairs and stop hearing moaning and Ghost grunting. I swallow and slowly open the door and see him having sex with some bleach blond. I look at him, drop everything, and rush out as it rains heavily. I got in my car crying and drove to König's. I knocked, shivering. König opens it and looks down, seeing me. "Oh my Bärchen, come in," he said in a calming voice. I walk in König takes my coat. "Go upstairs and take your wet clothes off and find a T-shirt of mine, okay?" König said. I nod and go. 

König looked, seeing my phone light up, and saw it was Simon.

I walk down. "Don't answer it," I whisper. König put my phone down. "What happened, my Bärchen?" he asks. "I walked in on Ghost cheating on me," I cry. König swallows his rage and pulls me to him. Holding me close. "I am so sorry, Bärchen," he whispers. I curl up. "I just found out I am pregnant," I cry. König rubbed my back and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he held me up by my ass. "It's okay, my little Bärchen," he whispers and lays me down. "Rest okay," he said. I nod and cover-up, and fall asleep. König waited until I was sleeping. He loaded his gun and got his keys.