
Ghost Rider in Twilight/TVD/TO

Shiva was a 28-year-old teenager who died in a car crash and was reborn with the power of Ghost Rider in the Twilight and TVD (The Vampire Diaries) world. . . . Arthur's Note: My grammar may not be the best, but I'm working on improving it. I don't own any of the characters, only my original character (OC). I would appreciate feedback and support if you enjoy the story. I will be updating it three to four days a week.

Sanjay_K_L · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 64: Freya Stand's Frim In Her Decision.

(A/N): I will be expanding the harem in this fic, but...

I want to clarify that I won't be treating it like collecting trophies.

Each addition will be meaningful to the story and characters.

Whether the relationships develop slowly or quickly will depend on the story's progression and any time skips that occur.

So, please understand that there are no hard feelings, and I appreciate your understanding.

Current Target: Freya Mickealson.

(Your Suggestions: ???)


New Orleans...

Mikaelsons Compound...

A Few Hours Before...

Hope had been suspended overnight for donating her blood to one of the wolf pups studying alongside her.

His name is Henry Benoit, and he always felt an inferiority complex towards his packmates.

She was sent to the Mikaelson's house overnight by Alaric Saltzman because he didn't want to be too involved in the Mikaelsons' problem.

When they contacted Hayley and informed her about the matter, she was utterly shocked by how foolish her daughter was.

After ending the call, she immediately called Freya in a hurry.

Ring... Ring...

"Hello? What happened, Hayley?"

Freya answered from the other side, implying she was busy with something.


"Freya, it is important. Hope has given her blood to her classmate named Henry Benoit."

Hearing Freya's tired voice from the other end, Hayley was a little stunned and started to explain the urgent situation in one go.


Freya was searching in the family library they had collected over time and other places for any information about the demons they faced before.

After the previous incident, her worldview had been completely shattered.

She and her family had always believed that they were at the top of the food chain in this world until now.

But everything changed after she accompanied Jojo on his previous mission.

That was the day she was subjected to a new side of the supernatural world.

Until now, she and her family were just the tip of an iceberg.

What made her anxious was that after living all these years, they didn't even know anything about this side.

So after the incident, she immersed herself in research to get as much information as she could.

And there is another reason for this; she wanted to be distracted from her unnecessary thoughts.

Before she could find her answer here, another problem came and knocked on the door of Mikaelsons.


"Do Klaus know?"

With a deep sigh, Freya asked with a serious tone.


"Yeah, it seems like Alaric informed him and called me next. They put the entire problem on our heads and sent Hope back from the dormitory."

With a defeated sigh, Hayley rolled her eyes in annoyance, not happy about how the Salvatore Boarding School treated this.

"I will be there in a few minutes."

Ding... Ding...

Freya closed the book she was reading and went towards her room to change her dress.

Ring... Ring...

When she was about to exit the room, once again the phone started ringing.

She went to it and attended the call.

"Freya, it's me, Keelin."

A voice was heard from the other end.


"How have you been, Keelin?"

Hearing her lover's voice, Freya became happy and asked her in concern.

"Yeah, I am fine. How have you been? Do you still want to stay in New Orleans? Freya, we can leave happily and peacefully here and help those who need medical attention."

Keelin with a deep voice asked Freya to reconsider her decision.

In the past seven years, many things have changed.

Even though they both are in a relationship, they have drifted away due to the different paths they chose.

Keelin wanted Freya to accompany her and move out from New Orleans, leaving behind the Mikaelsons family.

But Freya didn't accept her decision at that time.

So they both separated and drifted apart, even to the extent that they contacted each other rapidly over time.

It's been 10 months since they last chatted.

Now, once again Keelin asked Freya to reconsider her decision.


Hearing Keelin once again suggest she move away from her family when they needed her most, Freya became silent for a few seconds to organize her thoughts.

"Keelin, I know you love me, but I can't forsake my family for you."

Freya answered the other end with narrowed eyes.


"Sigh... It seems it's time for us to move on, Freya."

Keelin answered with a heavy heart and cut the call without waiting for the reply.


Hope, who arrived at the Mikaelson compound, exited the car she came from.

Hayley, who noticed Hope had arrived, waited for her to enter the house to give her some nice scolding.

She walked towards the window and looked outside.

Hope, who exited the car, took a step towards the Mikaelson's compound and stopped.

'Will Jojo be in his house? Should I visit him? Hehe~ He will be surprised, right?'

With a smirk, Hope started walking towards the opposite house of Mikaelson's compound without any worry about what she had just done.

Where Jojo was currently staying.


'This girl... Really!!!'

Hayley, who was waiting for Hope to enter the house, was left speechless seeing her daughter without care, walking towards her cousin's house after causing a ruckus there.

She gritted her teeth while swallowing her anger.

Hope, who walked towards Jojo's house, went near the door to knock on it.

But was startled by the laughter from the house.

'Is it Jojo... Why is he laughing so loudly? Did he already get the information on my suspension?'

Hope becomes a little panicked, thinking Jojo might already know she was suspended from the school.


With a gulp, she rang the bell and knocked on the door.


Jojo, who was laughing after reading the report and the voicemail of Alice, heard someone ringing the bell.

So, he walked towards the door and opened it to see who might be visiting him this late.

There was no one before the door.


He looked outside with a confused look on his face.


Suddenly, Hope jumped from the side with a "Boo," raising both hands like a claw.

"Wohhh... Hope!!! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Mystic Falls?"

Seeing Hope standing before him, Jojo was startled and asked her in confusion.

"Ah... That's..."

Hearing Jojo's question, Hope smiled awkwardly.

Seeing Hope's reaction, Jojo's eyes widened in realization.

'Don't tell me the plot is beginning.'

He had been waiting for the plot to start for the past two months because he didn't know the exact day when it would start.

Cough... Cough...

Suddenly, a cough interrupted them when they tried to see who it was.

"Hope dear... It seems like you don't want to visit your mother after the surprise you have given to me."

Hayley walked toward them with a kind smile on her face, but for some reason, Hope and Jojo felt a dark aura around her.

"Mother... Mother, I..."

Seeing her mother smiling ominously at her, Hope avoided her eyes while stuttering.

"Did you understand what you have done, Hope? Do you understand the impact of your action?"

Hayley's voice increased with depth in each word she uttered.

"I... I... I just wanted to help him."

Looking at the imposing figure before her, Hope answered meekly.

"What?! I didn't hear."

Hearing Hope's voice decreases with each moment, the anger in Hayley's voice rises sharply.

"Calm down, Hayley. Let's hear her first."

Seeing her anxiousness about Hayley, Jojo once again tried to calm her down.

"Well... Well... What do we have here?"

They were interrupted by a irritated voice that made Hayley smile hearing it, while Hayley rolled her eyes.


(Author's POV)

Thanks for reading the chapter!

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