
Chapter 4

So, its been quite a while since I have been staying with Naruto, and apparently my Genjutsu stopped moving forward.

But on the flip side I manage to get WIS to 500 getting the perk Absolute Control... now I am able to control every drop of my Chakra.

Even my INT reached 500 thus granting me the perk Master Jutsu User, that double the speed of my Jutsu.

So, yea, Kudos to that...

I looked into the mirror. Long, unruly, red hair flowed down to my shoulders, never having been cut. Large, Blue eyes stared back at me, accompanied by a blank scowl.

God, I was so pretty. My eye twitched as I realized I would give Sasuke a run for his money, but that only scrunched up my face in what would be an adorable expression on anyone else. With pale skin and soft lines, it was as if Gaara and Haku had a kid. I was slightly annoyed. I would rather just be inconspicuous.

Apparently, What I am Doing right now is Leaching, and I hate being that, I need to find a Real Job and pay Naruto the actual rent.

Maybe I should Leave, This Little Guy already get such a Pitiful amount of money every month to begin with.


"What are you doing?", as I tried to leave Naruto stopped me

To my Harsh tone and Blunt Question, Naruto flinched slightly, looking down and muttering something under his breath. 

"Naruto I can't hear you"

"... You said you were lonely."

I blinked and remembered that yes, I had said something along those lines the night before. The lack of food must have been getting to me.

Naruto looked up and smiled widely. "So am I though! So, now we can't be lonely if we take care of each other"

I openly gaped at his logic as he grinned up at me, rubbing the back of his head.

"And you took real good care of me! You even saved me from that guy with the broom! So the least I can do is make sure you have someone to hang around with. We could be... you know..." He slowly dropped his grin and looked down, kicking the dirt much like he had last night before looking up with wide eyes. "... Friends?"

"Naruto I don't have the Money to pay for rent", God, Who told me to run after this blond little guy, Now I really am feeling guilty.

"But... But you work in Library"

"Yes, but for a measly income, and Can hardly buy my food"

But he was staring at me with wide, pleading eyes, begging to stop, from one of the few people that hadn't tossed him aside or tried to hurt him.

Dammit guilty conscience, and damn Naruto for looking akin to a kicked puppy, that had just found a friend.

"... Alright. I will Stay." I finally said. When the boy threw me a smile as bright as the sun, I didn't really have it in me to really regret it.

After all, it wasn't like one more friend in the world would really change anything.

Sigh... Who am I kidding, It's Naruto I am Friends With... I assume I will be check by ANBU very Soon.

Its not Like I have anything to hide, I am as clean as they come.


"Ano, Daisuke-san..." Naruto blinked and looked down.


"Why... Why are you so nice to me?" He asked, looking up pleadingly.

"You keep defending me, you don't hate me, you don't beat me up, you feed me, but everyone else..." He hesitated. "People have started saying bad things about you too, just because you're with me."

It was true that I have seen people around me whispering a lot, and its one of the reason I can only work in Library and that too for a measly income, but... for people to beat up a kid and even starving him... and to think this little guy who felt their abuse his entire life, will save all of them

That's what makes him a Great hero, I would have left long time ago.

But it made sense that they would assume that I am some sort of evil to be involved with the Kyuubi brat. Looking at the boy before me, knowing his personality in the future, it was easy to guess how he felt about that.

"Naruto," I said slowly, making sure he was listening.

"Remember what you asked me to do for you this morning?"

Naruto blinked up at me in confusion.

"I asked... to be friends?" He asked hesitantly.

"That's right. And do you know how friends act?"

Naruto ducked his head sheepishly.

"Not really..." I hummed, idly brushing a spike of blonde hair out of Naruto's eyes and tilted his chin to meet our gazes again.

"Well, a friend is someone you can count on in any situation." I said, never breaking eye contact with Naruto. "Someone that you can trust with anything and everything, and someone you can trust to watch your back. A friend is someone that will never betray you, and will never let you down. And if they do, they are not your friends"

"But... But"

"Do you remember anyone saying any good thing about me in Orphanage... I am not concern of people Naruto... i never cared about the people... I'm helping you because no one deserves this kind of treatment... its not out of pity, its not for anything else either, its because you are a hero, and I am proud to be with a hero"

"I am a hero, right? I'm Uzumaki Naruto, the greatest hero of all!" He boasted, striking a pose with his fists in the air. "And you're definitely my best friend, Dai-kun! Believe it!"

Naruto whooped as my sweat dropped, who the hell is Dai-kun anyway


In the Backyard, I was swinging my wooden Longsword, I have already mastered the Basic Kenjutsu art and I have practically no Idea what to do next

But I didn't Let go of my training and I still swing the wooden Sword in hope of the miracle

But nothing happened...


It was during one of the training session that I accidentally slipped and swing the sword in slightly different way than usual.

That was the miracle that I was waiting for... and I swear that I only did it Once that too by accident, and If its any other person they might even ignore the slip

[Quest Created: Swing the sword for 10 Million times in a certain way, in one week]

[Difficulty: Extremely High, Slight Chances of Death]

[Rewards: S Rank Kenjutsu- Shinkenjutsu: the true sword Yin Techniques, S rank Item Yin Sword Ryoto, pure Wind affinity]

[Temporary immunity to Sleep, Hunger, Stamina wont drop below 1, heart immune to every attack]

[Failure: Death]

[Accept: Y/N]


"One week... are you freaking kidding me, even if I Give my all, I still won't be able to do it... If I take it, I might as well just kill myself... but if I don't Take it, then... If I still Remember Kage Submit will Happen when Naruto and Sasuke Becomes 16 and the Fourth War will Start at 17... Since I am 2 years Older than them, that means at 18 Kage submit will happen and at 19 kaguya will come back"

I am not like Sasuke and Naruto as well, Dammit if I have to die either way, I might as well choose to die here. Besides the Rewards are to die for...Truly what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.

And...My Brutal Training Starts...

I Swing and swing with all I got...

[Stats Does not Improve for This Quest]

Right, for Such a Great Reward, there must be some Limitations

When Naruto came to get me, I sent him away as well, telling him to leave

I swing and Swing...

[Stats Does not Improve for This Quest]

I tried really hard, in the scorching heat

I swing the Wooden Longsword again and again..

The Sun Sets... and Morning becomes Evening

I swing and Swing

[Stats Does not Improve for This Quest]

My arms burn like Crazy, I am tired and want nothing but to lie down right now

I swing and Swing

The Night Descended... thanks for the temporary immunity I was able to stand till now

I swing and Swing the FREAKING SWORD

[Stats Does not Improve for This Quest]


Its been entire 24 Hours, and 1 day have been gone by

I check the swing meter while still swinging the sword



I swing the sword faster and faster, and I didn't even hesitated to use Chaka While doing it.

The Grinding for the Next Day Continues

I swing and Swing and Swing, I was Sticky with all this Sweat, I didn't care

As I Swing And Swing and Swing feuling the Speed with Chakra

I thank the God that I have the Absolute Chakra Control

And After a day and Night of Another Hardcore Swinging of sword

[1.5 Million/10 Million]

I am done for, I should have never said yes for this Quest, Its Literary Impossible to Complete

Yet I never gave up And Swing and Swing

Unknowingly, after the 3rd day of the Brutal Training, I began to mix and Produce Wind Release with my hands.

And my Speed Rose to unbelievable Rate.


1 Week, I now only Swing the Sword Subconsciously, I don't Really have the mind or power to look elsewhere, I even Stopped looking at the Quest Meter

I just Swing the Sword like a machine

And then...

[Quest Complete]

Once My dead Eyes saw it, I dropped the wooden sword

The whole world stream around me, and I began to fall backwards

I thought I would Hit my head to the ground, It would Bleed It seems, I was so tired that I didn't even Cared for a bit, but to my Surprise A White Hair ANBU is holding me, with absolute Shock In his Eyes.

I wonder just how Powerful will be the S Rank Kenjutsu art- Shinkenjutsu: the true sword Yin Techniques

As I lost my Vision and fell unconscious