
Chapter 3

Its been 1 year since I started wearing Yin Chakra Cloak for full time.

I am now 5 year 3 Months old

It actually becomes a second nature to me.

Weather sleeping or awake, weather moving or Staying Still I have the Yin Chakra on me.

And eventually when I turn 5 year 7 months Older I managed to master it... I really managed to master the hardest Technique in Yin Release, and even Yin release becomes 100% mastery level

1.Yin release (100%)- Your ability with genjutsu and anything related to spiritual energy will be enhanced.( Allows 100% faster learning rate for genjutsu related techniques)

Hidden Perk (Passive)

Sensing (0%)- You mastered the yin Release, thus you are capable of sensing everyone emotions. (1/ Sec) (Range 100 Meters)

Genjutsu Prodigy (0%)- Your mastery over Yin Release mutated your Genjutsu, Illusions will create 0 Layers (Every 10% will add 1 layers Instantly)

2. Sword Prodigy (0%)- Your ability to master and Create sword techniques, is extremely high (Allow 100% faster learning rate for Kenjutsu Related Techniques)

3. Prodigy (100%) Due to your higher intellect than your class mates you will be considered a prodigy. Every Level increases the INT by 5

4. Yin Release Chakra Mode (100%) The user envelops his entire body in a coating of yin chakra that helps user to take an intangible form due to Yin release's ability to 'create something from nothing', the wielder is able to become nothing. [Cost: 100/Sec]

Bonus Perk (Passive)

Illusion Barrier (0%)- Able to pull everyone into the range of the Genjutsu (100 m Diameter)

Into the darkness (0%)- Able to pull anyone in the Genjutsu without a single movement of body what so ever.

Immunity- Complete Immunity to Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, Still takes the auxiliary damage

[Once damage, even by a little, immunity will be lost for 60 second]

[WIS reached 100]

[WIS perk Granted]

[Chakra Raiser- Grant 10% Reduction in Every Jutsu]

[INT Reached 100]

[Chakra Master- Ninjutsu and Genjutsu deals 10% more damage]




'What... the... freak'

What with these Perks, I mean Will I get Hidden Perks Like This Every time... no, yin Chakra Cloak is an S rank skill, one of the highest in its category, not to mention I had the perk of it, i don't think, i will get hidden perks Again.

But... These perks are awesome, If I could get Genjutsu Prodigy to 100% then I will have 10 Layers instantly, No one will be able to get out of it, and I just Need to create layers after layers and every single Genjutsu of mine is of Tsukuyomi level.

But if I think about it, I have the sword prodigy as well

If I can learn powerful Sword art, I believe I will have the perks of sword Related as well.

But where to learn Swordplay, I have to learn the Basics first, if I ever stand a chance to start learning powerful self made Sword Techniques.


I still didn't have much in terms of physical energies. I could stand to be more active, honestly. I mostly spent my days practicing chakra control by myself. I had enough development to make a bit of chakra, playing with leaves and trying to get water to slosh in a cup by itself. But mostly I kept trying to do things with that weird spiritual chakra.

Chakra was like magic to me. It's a mystical extra-energy that can influence reality just by flicking some hand seals and yelling out the name of a technique. But you don't really need hand seals or to invoke anything for a jutsu to work. So what is it really? Even children can manage to create fireballs and clones. Hell, if chakra was so complicated then why can prepubescent kids activate dojutsu?

I knew that yin chakra is used for medical techniques and genjutsu. Even if I was probably still a year or two away from normal jutsu, I could probably pull off a basic genjutsu if I worked really hard at it. You just have to concentrate really hard, to visualize what you want your chakra to do and then pay the energy bill. After all, how do people create new techniques anyways? In a world where souls exist, where souls influence the corporeal, surely chakra is just the influence of a living soul upon the world.

People here take chakra for granted, that chakra can do anything. They don't know the implications of a world without chakra, what is and isn't possible without the supernatural. Someone invented those hand seals. Reality here doesn't kowtow to some secret password or formula but to the demands of our will. Chakra is just an extension of that will.

Hasn't Lee and Might Gai proven that the harder you want something, the more you can make it happen? Concentration, will, focus, resolve, that has to be the secret to make reality bend for you.

At least that's the conclusion I came to in my head.

I was too young to leave the orphanage on my own, else I would go to the library pretty much every day to see if my theory bears out. So I had to be kind of inventive about trying to figure out genjutsu.

Fortunately, I had an entire building of unwitting test subjects.

And I hated the orphanage. Sure they made sure we orphans wouldn't die but that was about it. I didn't play with the other children or even try to be included. I had bigger concerns.

After all, this is Naruto. It would work out in the end if I never existed, right? But there was so much that could kill me. There was so much that could go wrong. I couldn't just be useless. I had to be able to defend myself, to be able to survive. And it wasn't like there was anything to do other than teaching myself to work with chakra.

I don't know how genjutsu is supposed to work but I assumed I'd have to reach my victims with my chakra. I had spent over a year trying to finagle some kind of control over my chakra. The time I was allowed to play on my own, I found the most secluded part of the orphanage's property to practice sending out my chakra.

I envisioned myself transforming into a horrible alien-esque monstrosity with dripping incisors and 'moist' rubbery flesh comprised of twisted insect-like segments, complete with mouth-within-a-mouth. I pictured it in my mind like if it were a movie, with the sky darkening and a horrible breathing sound escaping my throat tubes. It was pretty easy since, after all, I'd seen it already in a past life. I took that scene and focused on pasting it onto the kid's mind.

And then, before he could say, "Do you want to play?" he was running away screaming.

"Not bad for a first try." I opened my eyes and watched the blond-haired kid run into the safety of the building, falling down at least twice and crying the whole way.

Do I feel bad for that Kid? Even though he bullies Naruto on a daily basis?

Na... I don't think I do


[Learned Skill]

[Demonic Illusion (Basic) (0%)- The Most Basic Set of Genjutsu]

But like I had found my calling. From then on, I terrorized that orphanage. I was a perfect angel in front of any adults but eventually I became associated with creeping shadows, demonic voices, and boogie-men on the edge of your vision. All the other children learned to leave me alone if they didn't want their rice bowls to turn into eye balls or find other nasty surprises.

I would wake up first, eat breakfast alone, then meditate outside. I would do push-ups and sit-ups and practice slashing stabbing the air, not really knowing what I should be doing.

True enough only my status improve, I didn't manage to learn any sword art

Even when I am supposed to be a sword prodigy, apparently i need someone to teach me the basics of the swordsmanship.


Another Year Passed, Today I am 6, No one Celebrated my Birthday, I was without a friend or family or to have someone to look after.

Some days, I really did just stare at the clouds though. It felt like I had both a million years and no time at all. I thought about why I have all these memories. I don't remember technology and stories and my education and some of my life experiences but nothing about who I was or what I was doing with my life or even my name.

Did something call me to this world? Did something from my past life send me here? Why can't I remember everything?

A group of older kids tried to confront me once. They told me that I was weird and that I should go away because no one wanted me there. I would oblige if there was anywhere I could go.

Truthfully, those kids were right. I didn't belong here. And I took out my frustrations on them. I scrunched up a memory of Hell as it was described, complete with fire, pitchforks, sulfur, and demons. And I launched it at them, like a punch to the forehead. One kid, probably four, immediately vomited. Another, the oldest boy, just before academy age, fell backwards in shock. Which is an appropriate reaction for someone who just thought he was run through with spears and burned alive. The others simply got a head start as they ran away crying after regaining their senses.

[Demonic Illusion (Basic) (100%)- The Most Basic set of Genjutsu]

[Demonic Illusion (Intermediate) (100%)- The Foundations of Genjutsu] (Requirement- Require good Chakra Control)

Knowing I shouldn't have done that, I ran away too. I bolted before anyone could say anything or catch me. I found an alley a couple blocks away and just sat down and thought about my life. I would be 7 soon.

In any case, I tried to keep a genjutsu up at all times. Usually just a subtle suggestion around myself like making myself seem taller or making my shadow a little more menacing. And anyone who had the misfortune of crossing my path and meeting my eyes got to see something disturbing lurking just outside the edge of their vision. I figured, if nothing else, it would help my chakra Control.

And Soon I have the Notification

[WIS reached 200]

[WIS perk Granted]

[Chakra acolyte- Grants Great Chakra Control Perk Increases Chakra Control by 60%]

[INT Reached 200]

[Jutsu Master- 30% more effectiveness when using Ninjutsu or Genjutsu]

Its funny How these two reached 200 while other didn't even reached 50

But these two Stats allows me to have perfect Chakra control, without WIS to reach 1000

Thankfully, Because I don't Think I have the Chance to reach 1000 till I am old.


Everyone soon learned to leave me alone. Even the adult caretakers interacted with me as little as possible, most of them having been caught in a stray genjutsu or heard stories by now. I didn't mind being ostracized. It's not like I could really talk to anyone. "I'm training to save the world from Madara Uchiha!" That was ludicrous but my point stands.

I Was 7 and My [Intermediate Genjutsu] Reached the [Advance Level Genjutsu]

System Says Its where real Genjutsu Starts

I have been Training for Years Already and This thing Says I Only Reached Newbie Level

fu**@# you

During this year my WIS and INT didn't Raise much either

My Growth in Yin Release and Genjutsu Pretty Much stopped.

So only thing I could do this Year was taking a stick and slash stab block but I didn't get much from it.

Then through Starving I finally purchased the book called 'Basic Kenjutsu For Beginners'

At the playing field

Ok First

Grip the sword properly and tightly with one hand


Open your body at a 45-degree angle, your left foot ahead of your right.


Slash Stab Block sweep Upwards downwards left right everywhere I trained really hard.

[Learned Skill]

[Basic Kenjutsu arts - 0%]


I had exhausted the orphanage of its tiny library. Not much on how to be a ninja, but enough to become functionally literate. It was time to escape and see the rest of Konoha. Not that anyone would miss me if I were gone.


Naruto this year is 5 and apparently he was kicked out in the rain without even a single Bite

Gosh!! This is too much

I saw the pitiful Naruto getting up and Starting to leave like a kicked Puppy.

Naruto is a hero, a hero who is saving everyone from Kyubi Wraith, he is a hero who will one day save everyone... He does not Deserve such treatment.

"why did you kick him out, its raining outside and he didn't even have a single bite of food, are you starving him to kill him", I angrily asked the Matron



"Enough Daisuke, I am not Hearing any of this, you are just like those idiotic ninjas... go inside the room now"

I am not getting it, has anger blinded her so much, that she is attempting assassination in such a cruel manner, not to mention the assassination of a child.

I bow to her for taking care of me...

Then I went out in the rain to search for the Naruto. Knowing I could never Return back.


I searched for Naruto, never to see him again

And the worst thing, I left Orphanage in a hurry, and I don't really have anywhere else to go.

So I was going to sit in the alley I was in...

Looking around, I made myself comfortable in the spot, curling in on myself and pulling my sleeves over my hands. Eating two of the three apples and half of the bread, I tucked the rest into my jacket pocket. Pulling out the abandon and thrown dull kunai from my pants pocket, I scratched the words 'Home Base' into the dumpster side with a twisted smile, slipping the kunai in the pockets again...

Maybe I was going insane. Either way, it was with a shiver that i huddled into myself, attempting to sleep.

It could still be worse.

"There he is!"

"Don't let the demon get away!"

Eying the blonde, huddled figure that suddenly dashed into the alley and crouched behind the dumpster in front of him, I decided I had most definitely just jinxed myself. I have searched high and low for this guy and yet now that I have given up he shoed up wow. Talk about dumb luck.

I immediately put them in Genjutsu without a single movement on my part, they didn't even looked at my eyes and yet they are under illusion and I watch as they tore past us.

"What are you doing here?", I blinked at the straight forward question of the squatting Naruto then scowled lightly.

"About to sleep, thank you. You woke me up." He flinched slightly.

"Sorry, but... Why would you sleep here? Don't you want to go home?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow. Bold little guy, eh...?

"Obviously, I would love to go home." I offered lightly, dark sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"If I had one anywhere near here. I ran after you, because no one deserves this kind of Treatment"

Naruto slumped slightly, eyes softening.

"Oh." The two stared at each other in silence, Naruto finally looked away, kicking the dirt. "I don't have a home either."

"Hey," I finally said, reaching out an arm.

"Come here." Naruto flinched and looked at me, standing and backing away a little. I smiled disarmingly. "It's okay. It's just cold, right? You look like you could use some warmth." Seeing how he didn't run, but also didn't come closer, I unzipped my jacket and shrugged it off, holding it out. "Here. You look colder than me." He stared wide-eyed at my Dirty shirt.

He hesitated but inched closer, taking my jacket and wrapping it around himself. I almost shivered, but held it in. However, Naruto squinted at me, as though trying to see through me.

Don't do that kid you won't be able to...

Then he plopped himself next to me, huddling into my side.

"... Thanks..." He murmured. I hesitated then tugged at him, pulling him and wrapping my arms around him. He went stiff at the contact, but slowly relaxed and leaned on my shoulder.

So, Right Now We both are Homeless, sleeping on the Ground and without a single Penny.

I think I will Crash at Naruto for a while, I will let him talk to Hokage and I need a place to find work as well. I can't really depend on him

That's Leaching off the friends, and that's very bad.

I also need to master basic Kenjutsu before the Start of the academy.