
Ghost Castle

NEVER CALL AN UNKNOWN NUMBER !! I SAID NEVER !! What if someday you are just calling a random number and it turns out to be your death ? Davy is a 16 year old boy who is a adventure seeker and loves thrills and mystery. He has a group of 8 friends named Ghost Hunters. One day they dialed a number and what they hear was a death notice. EVERYONE OF YOU WHO IS LISTENING TO THIS WILL DIE !!! They searched for the location of the number and find it near their city and reached at the 'Ghost Castle'. 365 days Ghost Adventure has came to your Home Horror x Thrill x Mystery x Suspense Updated every Wednesday and Saturday

RawkRed · Horror
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The Next Day

Being the President of 'Water House' is not an easy job. But still the Manager has the say in most of the things. Hence the main power of Water House was in the hands of Stella Joy. Well it doesn't matter since they can't do anything inside the school and they are still student. Competition and battle are of course total different matters. So, the school was over everyone went home, members of Ghost Hunters usually go home together since they don't live very far away from each other. Davy came home, freshen up, have food and started doing his homework. His itinerary was no different from any other normal student.

In the evening at around six, his uncle, Michael Markle came home. He is a police officer. Not knowing what is Davy going to do, he left his wallet, phonebook and other stuffs on the table. Uncle Markle went to wash up and at that moment Davy checked out the phone book, and took out all the necessary numbers that he can check on. The numbers was written under the title of 'investigation' so it was easy to recognize.

(The Next Day), Davy took his phone and he was just about to go out when he heard his mom calling "Davy, where are you going, today is Sunday?",

"Well Mom, I am going out to meet my friends at Swan Lake, I'll come back soon." he replied. "By the way mom, you usually don't stop me from going anywhere, What happened today?" He added curiously. "I don't know Why but I feel uneasy today! Can you not go Davy?" his mother hesitated and asked. Davy went to his mother, sat down near her feet and said, "Mom, don't worry. I'll be back soon. " Who would have thought what was going to happen next.

Davy reached Swan Lake to meet his friends, everyone was already there. Reine, as talented she was brought a notebook and a pen with her to write the locations and details. Of course that's a common thing but people usually forgot about that so we must say Reine was one of an intelligent kind. They started calling the numbers as planned and Celicia who was the top hacker of Alpha School 'Less talk, more work' girl, started hacking the locations. "Hello, who's there?", "You've called me, you should know", "but first you've called." this was how the conversation going on... both numbers were outside their city so they can't visit there. Soon they dialed the third number 8-7-1-4-X-X-X-X-X-X. "Hello?" Ray asked, there were some disturbing noises from the other side of the call... He couldn't understand anything hence put the call on the speaker.. After a few seconds, the line connected properly, in the meanwhile Celicia tracked down the location of the phone number it was inside their city, in fact near their houses, suddenly some sound began from the other side of the phone. WHOEVER LISTENING TO THIS WILL DIE... They were shocked at first because the sound was too creepy but soon they thought it must be a joke and decided to go to that place. The location they searched for...

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