
Ghost Castle

NEVER CALL AN UNKNOWN NUMBER !! I SAID NEVER !! What if someday you are just calling a random number and it turns out to be your death ? Davy is a 16 year old boy who is a adventure seeker and loves thrills and mystery. He has a group of 8 friends named Ghost Hunters. One day they dialed a number and what they hear was a death notice. EVERYONE OF YOU WHO IS LISTENING TO THIS WILL DIE !!! They searched for the location of the number and find it near their city and reached at the 'Ghost Castle'. 365 days Ghost Adventure has came to your Home Horror x Thrill x Mystery x Suspense Updated every Wednesday and Saturday

RawkRed · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter 1, The Boring Days

'Alpha School' is the most famous and prestigious school in the whole Country, situated in Divine City. This school is filled up with all the talented students. The school doesn't only focus on a student's grades but also whatever he is interested in, that's why they create talents and not admit talents. If you want to be a Comic writer you can study in that particular class of your choice, there's no division among students on the basis of Grades and they have particular houses on the basis of Student's choices like 'Water House' which includes Students interested in Studies and Books-related activities, Or the 'Green House' which includes students interested in Gardening or planting activities and many more. The presidents of these houses are the students themselves...

"Mom, I am going to school" he said and went out. Davy Markle is a 16 years old boy who loves adventures, mysteries and thrill seeking. He loves to do everything in a thrilling way. Also he is the favorite student of all the teachers in his school due to his good behavior and top grades. What it is to be perfect, he knows it all. But who knows the struggle behind the success... Of course, he has to work hard to stay in the top prestigious 'Alpha School'. Walking around long and long, he finally reached his destination, the famous, 'Alpha School'.

He is in Class 'Study-A', (Class known for studies), he was walking towards his class when he saw two boys standing in front of the class door, maybe waiting for someone. Of course, they were not from his class. "Hi guys" said Davy when he reached to his classroom. "Hey, Hi Davy we were just waiting for you" they replied together. The two boys were actually Kai Sen and Ken Sen, the famous blue haired twins of 'Alpha School'. By the word famous, it means they are known in the whole school by the name of 'Sen Twins' they both are born with blue hairs and are top students in their classes, Kai in Studies from class 'Study-B' and Ken in sports from Class 'Sports-A'. But still far behind Davy, he is the top student in the whole school, in both studies and Extra-curricular activities also known by the name of 'Mr. Perfectionist'.

Davy also has a team of 8 members including him namely Ghost Hunters. The members of Ghost Hunters are four boys- Davy, Kai, Ken, Ray, and four girls- Celicia, Stella, Alice and Reine. Since Kai and Ken are twins, and same mind thinks alike... "Don't you think we should do something new this summer too, like we did like time?" said Kai gleamingly, "Yes, like we played a lot of horror games last summers, that was so interesting." added Ken.

Hearing this, Davy firstly raised his eyebrows, fold his lips inside, then closed his eyes tightly and started thinking very deeply. Suddenly he opened his eyes and smiled at both of them. He asked them to go to their classes and meet him at their usual place in the lunch break. He ran towards his seat, took out a sheet of paper and started to write something.

Just then a beautiful girl entered the classroom, she is the Goddess of Alpha School, 'Stella Joy' from class Study-A, she represents the 'Alpha School' by being the face of the School magazines and the Main member of Cheerleading girls. "What are you doing?", she asked Davy, while sitting beside her watching the paper. "Tell every member of Ghost Hunters to meet at our usual place, on the rooftop, in lunch break and I'll tell you everything there", he said quickly. The Rooftop, that's their usual place for discussion among the group. She looked at his face for a second, then shakes her head and sighed, "Alright!". The bell rang, it was the time for Lunch Break. Every Member of Ghost Hunters was already on the Rooftop waiting for Davy. Then he came and handed out the paper to them, there were some numbers written on the paper. "We will find them" said Davy. "Find what?" smirked Ray while raising one of his eyebrows. "The location of the numbers... I talked to my uncle some days ago and he said there are so many people reporting some numbers, they are having prank calls but it's not a big deal, that's why police haven't taken any action yet." Adding further Davy said, "Since the police is not taking this case, why don't we call the numbers and find their location and have some fun too, like pranking the pranksters? haha". "But we have a person who knows all the hacking and computer-related works, then why bother doing this?" said Alice. "Well, since we don't have anything to do, let's do this..." said Reine with a stern face. "Okay, so anyone have any problem regarding this?" asked Davy. "No, we're fine" replied the members.

Davy's face was shining like he had crack a tough business deal. He said with a long Smile on his face "Then, that's done, we will call on this number tomorrow, since tomorrow is Sunday, so we have a lot of free slots in our hand!!" adding further he said, "All of you Meet me tomorrow at Swan's Lake, I will collect all the numbers from my uncle's Phonebook and will meet you guys there!" The break was over, bell rang and everyone went back to their classrooms.

Stella Joy and Davy Markle are from the same class and the idol couple for many students, although there's a silent battle going on between them. They are friends but more like enemies, all due to their grades positioning. Davy Markle is the Number One student of Alpha School in studies as well as extra curricular activities. And Stella Joy, not far behind Davy just on the second place because of only one mark, is the face of Alpha School and on the second position in studies and other extra-curricular activities. Because of being the top students of School, Davy Markle is the President of 'Water House' and Stella Joy is the manager of the same...

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