
Ghost Adventures

An average high school student with a strong interest in the paranormal died an untimely death. However, death wasn't the end. He woke up in a home he didn't recognize with a system that feeds off of fear. With a new lease on life, he uses it to discover the truth of life after death and help many beings, dead and alive. His Ghost Adventures are just getting started. Extra tags: #Ghosts #Investigations #Spirits ......................................................... A/n: New synopsis, I think it's much better. Please let me know what you think.

OvaLism · Fantasy
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65 Chs

37 - Final Shift pt.1

After James got Jack to make the EMF go off by threatening him, Jack decided that he would ignore James completely from now on and wait till the final shift to completely scare their pants off.

James tried multiple times to get a reaction out of Jack after but had no success.

Eventually, he got impatient and said,

"Jack, I'm sorry but I'm turning the TV off."

"It is hindering our investigation."

After James said that he waited for a reaction from Jack and he wasn't disappointed but was also stunned because it wasn't the reaction he expected.

Jack knew he was provoking him just to get him to do something for the camera so he decided to just turn the TV off himself.

"Well... Thank you for your understanding." James said in shock.

Jack decided to wander the house and wait for the final shift.

James noticed the cold spot disappearing so he tried asking other questions and even put the EMF on where the cold spot was but got no reaction.

So he figured that Jack left and He spent the rest of his shift trying to find him with no success.


When James' shift was about to be over he pointed the camera to himself and said,

"For anyone still watching or anyone just getting up to watch, my shift is about over, and Billy will be taking over for the final shift."

"After Billy's shift is over we will take a day to review all the evidence and then we will slowly update the website with everything we found."

"After that, we will show the owners of this house the evidence we have gathered and then after a short couple day break we will move back to the location we were originally supposed to investigate and continue where we left off there."

With all that said and done James was done and stopped the camera after wishing the audience a good morning and goodbye.

After James ended the stream he opened the front door and left the house before entering the nerve center where he took a deep breath and finally relaxed.

"What's up with you?" Billy asked as he prepared his equipment for his shift.

"Nothing, it's just... it's hard to relax in that place for me."

"The energy in the air is so thick and powerful, just being in there fills me with so much tension."

James explained to Billy.

"It really affects you that much?"

"How does it compare to Doll Island?" Billy inquired while thinking of their scariest investigation.

"Well... it's definitely a more powerful spirit... but that's about it."

"The energy here doesn't feel evil or malevolent or anything, unlike that place the spirit here doesn't want to kill us." James shuddered when he remembered the energy of that place.

"I see..." Billy wanted to inquire more about what happened in that place to James but knew James didn't want to talk about it so he didn't.

"Anyways my shift is about to start so ill trouble you to watch the cameras for me." Billy changed the subject back to the present situation.

"Sure, have fun in there," James smirked at his friend.

James provoked Jack on purpose hoping that he would scare them more seriously, He wasn't afraid of Jack harming them.

But unfortunately, Jack didn't do much of anything to him so he hoped Billy would receive his wrath.

James watched as Billy gathered his gear consisting of the usual infrared camera, the EM Pump, and a brand-new motion sensor.

As Billy was about to leave James suddenly spoke up.

"Try the basement first." James suggested.

"Okay." Billy agreed right away and then left the nerve center and walked to the front door.

"Alrighty, time to get this started." Billy said as he started the broadcasting using his camera and pointed it at himself before doing an intro.

"Hello and good morning to all the early wakers. also, thanks to everyone who chose to stay up all night with us."

"I'm about to start the final 2 hours before the end of the show."

"Without further ado, let's get started." Billy hyped himself and the audience up before he turned the camera around and entered the house.

He headed quickly and directly to the basement stairs and started going down.


Jack heard someone enter so he leisurely made his way to the front door and saw Billy head for the basement.

"Great, the perfect place." Jack said to himself and proceeded to follow him down there.

As soon as Billy got down there he turned the EM pump on and placed it on the floor in the middle of the stationed camera's view.

After that, he placed the motion sensor next to it.

Jack who laid eyes are the motion sensor heard a ding noise from his system and checked the bee notification.

[Detected newly encountered spirit medium/s.

Name: Motion sensor

Effect: 5% Chance for detection without energy expenditure of costs 1 energy.


'Interesting.' Jack thought as he planned to not use any energy at all for now and just wave his hand in front of the sensor as many times as possible to see if he could set up off with that 5% chance.

As Jack checked the notification Billy started trying to communicate with Jack.

"Hello, Jack."

"I'm Billy, it's nice to meet you."

Billy's polite greeting grabbed Jack's attention and almost made him start doubting his plans for the final shift.

"Can you do me a favor and make this sensor go off by waving your hand over it like this?" Billy asked as he showed Jack what to do.

Jack was hesitating now about whether he should go through with his plan since he didn't want to scare this polite gentleman.

He decided to do as Billy asked for now and think about it while giving Billy some evidence.

Back at the nerve center, even James felt bad that he tried to make Jack more aggressive while he watched how respectful Billy was to Jack.

So he walked up to the sensor and started waving his hands in front of it.

Thanks to Napvious, TheDeathGod, Shikdi_1, and Bryson99 for the power stones.

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If you have any ideas you want to see, suggestions, changes, and/or constructive criticism, please, please let me know in the comments and I'll take it all into suggestion.

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