
Ghost Adventures

An average high school student with a strong interest in the paranormal died an untimely death. However, death wasn't the end. He woke up in a home he didn't recognize with a system that feeds off of fear. With a new lease on life, he uses it to discover the truth of life after death and help many beings, dead and alive. His Ghost Adventures are just getting started. Extra tags: #Ghosts #Investigations #Spirits ......................................................... A/n: New synopsis, I think it's much better. Please let me know what you think.

OvaLism · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

3 - Diabetes



Race: Ghost(???)

Lvl: 1 (15%)


Regen: 1/h

Haunt location buff:

- 50% paranormal activity cost.


' interesting, it's half the energy cost in the basement because of being near the high voltage of the breaker box.'

Jack thought and smiled excitedly thinking about what had just happened and what his new life will be like from now on although he might perv on Sarah in his head he never thought about doing anything inappropriate, he isn't the type of guy to do that. He isn't the type of guy to enjoy scaring others either but he does enjoy watching others get scared.

' Although I watched people and gamers get scared while ghost hunting in real life and games, being able to do the scaring myself feels good.'

Jack smiled deviously while staring at David's back as he exited the basement and entered and turned down the hall toward the kitchen. Jack absorbs David's fear and feels a pleasure that is different and new to him.

"Daddy come play!" Angelica smiled and yelled excitedly while she jumped down from the chair she was sitting on at the dining room table and ran towards her father.

"What are you playing with sweetheart?" David asked as he allowed his daughter to grab and drag him over to the table she was sitting at.

"All clear." mouthed David while making an "Ok" sign with his hand and nodding at his wife who looked over as his daughter spotted him entering.

"Sure." Replied Sarah as she rolled her eyes believing he was making excuses for accidentally leaving the T.V. on when they left earlier.

Jack seeing this interaction felt sad as he remembered that he might never see his family again.

' Did I transmigrate to a different world or did I just become a ghost?' Pondered Jack hopeful that he might be able to find his family as he watched David sit down with his daughter and play dolls with her.

"What's for dinner?" asked David as he played with his daughter.

"I want peanut butter and jelly!" Angelica happily exclaimed.

"You can have that for lunch tomorrow, it's dinner time right now sweetheart, we're having Chicken alfredo with broccoli."

Replied Sarah strictly as she focused on her cooking.

"I don't like broccoli."

Angelica said as she crossed her arms and pouted.

"Too bad if you want PB&J tomorrow then you will eat your veggies tonight." Replied Sarah.

"Don't worry Daddy will steal your broccoli when mommy isn't looking." David smiled and whispered to his daughter while covering his mouth with a palm.

"Thanks, daddy, I love you." Said Angelica whispering back.

'Ugh, I'm gonna be sick.' Jack has had enough of this sickeningly sweet scene almost getting diabetes.

'What can I do?' Thought Jack while looking at his energy.

'5 it's just enough for a word.' Jack thought as he walked over to David and leaned close to his ear.

"Blegh." Jack mimicked throwing up and watched as David startled looking over his shoulder. Jack grinned as he started absorbing David's fear.

'5% for that looks like I didn't scare him quite as much as in the basement.' Jack thought.

Meanwhile, David after hearing a sudden sound in his ear looked behind him but didn't see anything. He turned back to his daughter and didn't see her react so in order not to embarrass himself more decided to pretend everything was normal.

'I'm out of energy now and by the time I regain even half, they will probably be going to sleep.' Jack thought as he looked around to potentially absorb some energy he could use. But in the end, decided to just go back to the living room to watch some T.V. to pass the time.

After the family finished eating dinner they unknowingly joined their resident ghost in watching the T.V. until it got late and they decided it was bedtime.

'Should I or should I not?' Jack wondered whether he should join Sarah as he saw David bring Angelica to her room while Sarah went to the master bedroom. He finally decided to follow David even though he imagined those wonderful curves losing layers of clothes.

"Good night sweetheart." Said David as he tucked Angelina into bed, She had already fallen asleep while in the living room.

Jack decided he was going to try and make friends with this girl cause children are supposedly easier to open up to the paranormal, at least according to the shows he watched before he died.

'Let's wait for my energy to recharge and try to make her up to notice me.'

Time passed and Jack regained 3 energy on top of the energy he regained while watching T.V, he was nearing full.

'Maybe if I just light poke her nose she'll wake up and I won't lose much energy.' Jack prepared himself and booped her on the nose. instantly he felt weaker. he checked his status and saw he was at half energy again.

Angelica sneezed and stirred slowly opening her eyes feeling a small touch and chill on her nose.

Jack reacted quickly by allowing himself to manifest as a white glowing orb.

"Pretty..." Angelica mumbled her eyes blurry from waking up. She watched the orb for a few seconds before it disappeared.

'Damn.' Jack thought as his energy drained fast but relieved she saw him.

"Where'd the pretty light go?" Angelica said almost fully awake as she sat up and looked around. It was such a beautiful light she wanted to see it again.

'Sorry kid I need my energy.' Hack thought as he wanted to go turn the T.V later. It's not like he can sleep being dead and all.

Angelica not seeing the pretty light anymore decided to go back to sleep. Jack seeing this wondered how he was gonna get out of this room.

'Guess I might try just going through it.' Jack walked to the door and tentatively pushed his arm first through the door, seeing no problem he then stepped completely through.

'Woah that's a weird feeling.' Jack shivered, he felt disgusting going through something. Getting over the feeling he continued to the living room.

'I hope this doesn't wake them up. their bedroom is right next to here.' Jack focused on his hand again and pressed the power button. The T.V blared to life while Jack listened for movement.

'Whew... All clear.' Hearing nothing he felt relieved as he turned his attention to the kiddie shows the family was watching last.

'Great I guess this is my entertainment for tonight, I don't want to waste energy to change channels.' Jack thought despondent.

'Status' bored Jack decided to check his status one final time before absentmindedly watching T.V and waiting for the house to become lively again in the morning.


Name: Jack

Race: Ghost(???)

Lvl: 1 (25%)

Energy: 2/10

Regen: 1/h

Haunt location buff:

- None


'With everything happening I forgot to check out the specializations.' Jack realized and decided to do that tomorrow morning.

Another chapter. I'm on a roll. this is probably the final one for today. please anyone with tips, suggestions, ideas, and/or constructive criticism please comment I would greatly appreciate it I'm completely down to learn.

OvaLismcreators' thoughts