
Get Rid of Him

"For ten years, I have loved you in vain. Now, my love has withered." Liliana Xin was treated like wallpaper in her four years of marriage with her CEO husband Asher Shen, despite her best efforts to build a happy home. She thought she could endure his neglect, but when a miscarriage got her nothing but a cold shoulder from her husband, Liliana decided enough was enough! "Divorce me this instant." What's the use of wallowing in self-pity? Shouldn't she be her own boss and lead a life without begging for a man's love anymore? It was time for her to squeeze out massive alimony from this apathetic man and leave to become a successful woman on her own! On her healing journey, Liliana crossed paths with Lucas Liu. The younger man had the same forlorn look in his eyes, reminding Liliana of her misery. "Join me. I'll make you more powerful." She promised, wanting to save him to repay him for his kindness. He was there for her at her lowest. With Lucas and her friends, Liliana continued moving forward. She didn't look back at the people who had never cherished her. They were no longer important to her. But there's someone that wasn't happy with this new development. Asher reappeared, his frosty cold mask was replaced with deep regret and longing. "I was wrong. Please, come back! I'll do anything!" Liliana scoffed, turning her back on her first love. She won't repeat the same mistake of loving him ever again. ---------------------------- WSA 2023 Entry: Billionaire/CEO/Mafia Exclusive cover by @khaizusan (Instagram) Tags: slowburn, weaktostrong, boss-subordinate, divorce Please note that the characters are not OP from the start. They will undergo character development and even make good/bad decisions during the period. They are humans, not simply 2D characters to me :) Discord: hansora#1507 Instagram: hansora_author

hansora · Urban
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A Wicked Plan To Get Back To The Cheater

Liliana and Nadia spent their idle time watching TV and eating takeouts. Nancy only appeared when it was nearing midnight. She came with a big backpack, obviously planning to stay the night at Nadia's apartment as well.

Nancy was too eager to talk and share the evidence of Gilbert's cheating with Liliana and Nadia. They had to force her to change into comfortable clothes and calm down before discussing anything.

The three friends gathered in the living room, sitting on the carpet with the coffee table in between them.

Two boxes of fried chicken in different flavors, unopened cans of drinks and three mineral water bottles sat on the wooden surface.

"You really found something last night? So fast!"

Nadia was happy with Nancy's findings. This would make things easier to confront the damn scum.

Nancy opened a beer. She chugged it all down and slammed the can on the table. Her whole expression was furious.

"Hah! No wonder he comes home late nowadays! Fucking shithead!"

Liliana gave a pat on Nancy's back. She concernedly asked, "Don't worry, Nancy. We'll help you to get back at him."

Nancy's eyes were swollen under her makeup. She might continue crying after they hung up the call last night. But, she did a good job by utilizing the time Gilbert was not at home to find evidence of him cheating.

"I'll surely avenge myself," Nancy's words were laced with fury. She grasped the can tightly, almost denting it in the process, "Hell! I didn't even notice he used the money in our joint account! He'd bought expensive things for his side chick!"

Nancy showed the transaction that occurred in the joint account of her and Gilbert. She downloaded everything, kept them on her cloud storage and even printed the papers.

Liliana and Nadia were shocked to see how the funds were depleted to half. The initial amount was tens of thousands of dollars.

From having meals in fine dining restaurants, purchases in luxury stores and even payments for five-star hotels. No wonder the money decreased so much.

"Urgh! I feel so stupid!" Nancy sat in a fetal position. She hid her face behind her knees, "I trusted him so much! I didn't check the account! Now my money is gone!"

Gilbert persuaded Nancy to set up a joint account for their wedding preparations.

The money was also for starting their married life. It was opened almost three years ago when Gilbert had just started working at the current company.

Nancy left everything to Gilbert, thinking that he was good with finance. She didn't forget to deposit her portion every month after getting the paychecks even though she made significantly less than him.

Hearing that, Nadia grimaced, "You never checked it?"

Nancy was so close to tears. She answered in between her sobs, "The last time I checked... early this year! Argh! So stupid! How could I trust him easily?!"

Liliana silently gave Nancy a hug. She didn't blame her friend for acting like that. After all, Nancy had been in a relationship with Gilbert for years. Her guard went down.

To Liliana, love really could make people foolish, like how she acted all this time while waiting for Asher to open his heart to her.

Nadia swallowed what she wanted to say. It was a bad time for it. With a sigh, she patted Nancy's head.

"What else did you find? How about photos of him and that woman?"

They should have more things before planning how to deal with Gilbert. Nadia's mind was already swirling with different ideas to tell Nancy later.

"The thing is..."

Nancy told her two friends more about her findings last night.

At the couple's apartment, Gilbert used one room as his study.

Nancy rarely entered the place ever since they moved in there because Gilbert kept saying he stored important documents inside. Understanding his reasoning, she respected his wish.

"Well... his laptop has a password but, luckily I can guess it. You know what? He joined online dating platforms! I read his texts with the women! They even... shared those kinds of photos! Urgh! How sick!"

The revelation stunned Liliana and Nadia. They didn't expect Gilbert to have gone that far!

"What the hell?! Is his brain as puny as his dick?!"

Nadia slammed a hand over the table. She was beyond furious!

Liliana was so horrified.

Not only Gilbert was cheating on Nancy with a woman, but he was also in affairs with more. Without voicing it out, the possibility of him meeting and sleeping with them was also high.

Nancy sobbed again. Her entire body shook. Incoherent words flowed out of her mouth.

"Those women... look prettier and more successful than me... he might think I'm useless, so that's why..."

Liliana and Nadia embraced the crying Nancy. Their hearts were torn with every cry coming from their pitiful friend.

Enveloped by their warmth, Nancy cried even harder. The sorrowful cries echoed in the brightly lit living room.

"We're here... we're here for you, Nancy."

"We'll make him taste the pettiest revenge! Don't worry, Nancy. Leave him to us."

Nancy fell asleep after crying so much. Liliana and Nadia helped to move her to the long couch. A blanket was put on Nancy. Her face was flushed red.

"What to do? Do you have ideas?" Liliana glanced at Nadia. Her heart ached so much seeing how heartbroken Nancy was.

Nadia stood with her arms crossed over her chest. After being lost in her own thoughts, she muttered, "I do have ideas. But, only if Nancy is willing. This might take time though."

"Oh? What is it?" asked Liliana. She scooted closer to Nadia.

"Well, here is it..."

Nadia began explaining everything to Liliana. The bewildered look on the latter's face incited laughter from Nadia. She nudged at her friend's arm.

"Hahaha! So evil, right?" Nadia winked.

Liliana nodded, "Yes... But, it's good!"

Liliana got goosebumps just hearing what Nadia had just said. Her friend's mind was so creative! No wonder she could create those successful thriller webtoons!

"Let's see what Nancy will think," Nadia shrugged, "We have to plan it well. We don't wanna Gilbert come retaliating next."

"It's fine. If he tries anything, I'd make him regret it," Liliana scoffed, "Who told him to cheat on Nancy?"

"Oh~ That's rare coming from you," teased Nadia.

Liliana burst into laughter, "Well, I should learn to be cunning like you too."

Nadia rose her brows, giving a satisfied smile at her friend.