
Get lemons, Make lemonades

Getting sent into naruto world as a waifu catalog contractor wasn't in max's plans. However when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and he's gonna get a lot of lemons.

handsomax · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Anko's P.O.V.:

'Fucking weakling! Even though he wasn't even strong, he somehow managed to resist Inoichi's jutsu, get out of his restraints and attack us. I am pretty sure he did all of that thanks to his cloak'

I thought while rushing to help Inoichi's inert body that was wrapped in Masashi's coat. Unfortunately, even after his death, the cloak is still very resistant and agile. Also, I am not making the same mistake I did before and try to get it off using my hands, rather than that I summoned some snakes to do it instead.

'Damn it, if only someone else with a better-suited technique was around!'

It took a lot longer than I wanted to, but after two minutes, I was about to manage to get it off. It was only holding onto his torso. I could see that Inoichi was still out. Suddenly, the cloak just let go of him, I was puzzled but Inoichi's safety came first. I looked at him and saw that he started to open his eyes.

"If you could help me finish binding the cloak, it would be appreciated." I said to him. He started going through hand signs while I was still holding onto it.

"Mind-Body Disturbance"

As he said the name of the jutsu, my body suddenly stopped moving and freed the cloak, almost immediately, it rushed at my standing still body. As it was about to cover my head, I saw Inoichi's clothes move unnaturally.

'What the fuck! Why did he cast it on me? Was it a mistake or was he somehow compromised by the cloak? No, it can't be a mistake, otherwise he would already have freed me. That means he must be inside a genjutsu! I have to get out of his technique and out of the cloak and release him from it before it also affects me.'

I struggled to break free, but Inoichi kept a tight grip on my body, and couldn't move at all.

- 10 minutes later -

Masashi's P.O.V. :

When I felt the connection establishes between Anko and me, I got up from the ground.

'I am glad I still had the one-time full heal from my [Body Defense] perk.'

I saw Anko and Inoichi stand before me, both shroud-bound to me and happy to obey my order.

'I don't have any way to heal myself or even keep me alive after a grave wound now. Catching those 2 got me 24 points. I should get myself a regeneration power, I can't take the risk to save those points to evolve my psychopomp heritage or my shroud, I could die at any moment from a slit throat or a stray shuriken.'

I started looking through the possibilities in my budget and found what I needed.

'I can buy one [template staking I, which character do I know that has a good regeneration power... Ha yes, Ban!'

After choosing to take ban's template, I immediately bought it. As ban's powers are mostly healing and immortality, I should still be very hard to kill and be able to heal from anything but just slower, despite it being reduced to tier 4 level. To test it, I changed one of my cloak's sleeves to blades and sliced my forearm in a 10 cm line, it then closed in just a few seconds without leaving any marks.

"Do you want me to test your regeneration a bit more thoroughly?" Anko asked me with a mix of sadistic and teasing facial expression.

'Of course, Anko can't stay serious for long' I thought.

"No thanks, I would rather stab than have you slice me open." I answered with a suggestive smile.

"So you want to penetrate my body with your weapon. What kind of sword do you have? Do you have a tanto or a kubikiribocho?"

"Maybe I'll let you check later when I am not in an interrogation room. Speaking of that, what can you do to get me out of this situation? I would like to stay in Konoha without constantly getting suspected of being a spy. There are too many valuables targets here for me to just give up". I asked them. Inoichi who was quiet until now then spoke.

"We can't report that you are nothing and the guard did a mistake. Any sensor ninja would notice that they can't sense your chakra. But if you want, we can tell that it is a new bloodline limit you didn't know you had, that would explain why you didn't turn it off or warned the guards when you wanted to get into Konoha."

"We could also say that your cloak is part of it and that you can grant the cloak part of your power to other peoples. That way, people will come to you on their own without knowing they will get captured." Anko added.

"That's a good idea, I could create my clan, that would grant me a certain trust from others that I wouldn't normally get as a foreigner.

"If you're okay with it then Anko and I can get to report it, just wait here for a moment, we'll come back with all the paperwork done."

"I'm okay, you can go"

They then went out of the room and I was left alone in there. Of course, I wasn't worried they would screw me over, even involuntarily. People that are shroud-bound to me have an instinctive knowledge of what I want, and even if they can disagree with me, they can't disobey. While waiting for them to set up everything, I was still mentally talking with them to determine exactly when I am in the timeline. I know I am at the beginning of the story but I don't know exactly when. After some questions, I managed to know that Anko is supposed to be a proctor for the next chunnin exam in 3 months.

'That means that the main cast graduated around 2 to 3 months ago and that I have 3 months to train and catch as many targets as possible before the attack on Konoha.'

After waiting for around 20 minutes, I heard Inoichi contact me mentally.

'Master, we just finished our report to the Hokage. There should not be any problems as he trusts me. However, you should expect to be summoned to his office in the coming days. He will want to interview you before allowing you to create a clan in Konoha, even if you have a powerful bloodline.'

'well done, now when will you arrive here and let me go from here? I want to get out quickly, I still have to find a hotel to settle for the night.'

'We are coming using the body-flicker technique, so it will only take us 1 or 2 minutes. However, if you want you can spend the night at my home, It would also be a good occasion for you to capture all of my family.'

I can feel he doesn't like the idea of selling out his family like that. However, he knows that they will eventually get caught by me, and he prefers them not to get hurt when I do so. Furthermore, he also knows that the cloak they will gain will be a good synergy with their clan techniques.

'That's a good idea, you will lead me there when I get out of here.'

- 5 minutes later -

Inoichi entered the room.

"Everything is done, you can come with me now. The Hokage will probably only summon you tomorrow as it is already late for today."

"Very well let's go, I am eager to be in a more comfortable place."

I then followed him out until we reached his home. On the way, I could see that even though it is starting to get late, Konoha is still a very lively place. There were a lot of shops and restaurants, probably an influence from the Akimichi clan on that part.

"Konoha looks nice when I am not in an interrogation cell. I could easily imagine myself living here for a while."

I could see that my compliment on his home city pleased him a bit. And I am sincere in what I said, if I have to live in this world for the foreseeable future, I prefer it to be in Konoha where the weather is nice and the living conditions are rather easy compared to the other major village. In Kiri, there is constant fog and there is a civil war, in Iwa, there are only rocks with no vegetation all around the village, in Suna it is more or less the same but with sand instead of rocks and there is a financial crisis too. The only other major village I think I would like is Kumo as there is no major crisis and as the village is set up on mountains tops, I am sure the view would be breathtaking.

"Yes it is nice to live here, if you want after you're done with setting up your clan, I can show you around the village so you can discover its best sides."

"I would love that."

He then opened the door to his home and we both entered, it was just beside the flower shop his clan owned and where his wife worked, as such there was a nice smell all around the house.

"Nanao I'm home! I have a guest" He called from the entrance and a woman came to greet us, she was wearing an elegant green dress. I recognized her as Ino's mother, however, in the manga they never specified her name.

"Welcome home honey."

"Nanao I present to you Masashi Kishimoto, a friend of mine. Masashi, she is Nanao Yamanaka my wife."

"Pleased to meet you Yamanaka-san"

"I too am pleased to make your acquaintance Kishimoto-san"

After we exchanged greetings, Inoichi then looked at his wife and said.

"Honey, Can we go into the living room? There is something I would like to discuss"

"Yes, of course"

Inoichi then led us into the living room and made us sit.

"Honey, I brought Masashi here to stay the night for a reason. You see, he can grant you a special power and I would like you to get it too."

"What kind of power is it?"

"it is a power that will grant you a sentient cloak that you can control and morph in different forms and textures. It can also be used as a weapon"

"Why would I need this kind of power? I always stay inside Konoha and I never fight. Sure, it would save some time not having to put on clothes and just morphing it to dress up. However, I think it is better to give this kind of power to our daughter, she is the one I am worried about when she goes on missions."

"Don't worry about that Yamanaka-san, there is no limit on the number of people I can grant this power to, and your husband asked me to grant it to your daughter too"

"Also, this power would be more of an insurance, it is better to have it and not need it than the opposite."

"Well if you really want me to have it, I'll accept it."

"Perfect! Now all you need to do is to let him wrap you up with his own cloak."

"For your information, I don't need to wrap you up completely, it is just that the more exposure to the cloak you have, the faster it is."

"Understood, you can do it"

Once she said that, I made my cloak wrap around her gently, no need to scare her by rushing it. It took some time to get her to agree to it. I know I could have just forced it, but Inoichi would have hated that, and being his master doesn't mean I have to be a dick.

As she was willingly getting caught and she was very weak, it only took 5 seconds before I finished capturing her. I then removed my cloak from her. After she was free from my cloak, she looked at the shroud she had around her. She made it move around a bit before morphing it into the clothes she was wearing prior to her capture.

After that, Inoichi led me to the house of the other members of his clan, they were neighbors so it wasn't far. However, as most of them weren't named in the manga or anime, they were only worth 1 point each. After that, we went back to his home to see Ino that was opening the door. She must have just come back from her team's activity.

"Hi, Ino!"

"Hi, dad! hum... who are you?" She said while looking at me.

"Hi, I am a friend of your dad, he invited me to pass the night in your house to make me grant him a favor."

"What do you want him to do, dad?"

"I would like for him to grant you a special power, he already gave it to me and your mother."

"What power is it?"

"It is the power to manifest a shroud that can change shape, color, and texture according to your will."

"You want to give me new clothes that can always make me look how I want? Hell yeah, I want it!"

"Yes, that is more or less it. Now let's get inside and I'll do the procedure."

She rushed inside like a child going after his gifts on Christmas.

'She is hyper, well she is still 12 years old and she hasn't taken part in a big battle yet. She will probably change after the attack on Konoha during the chunnin exam.'

We went after her inside and once we were in the living room, I captured her without a problem. After it was finished, she then started changing her shroud into several outfits with different colors and styles.

"Thanks for this power master! Now that I can always look at my best, it's only a matter of time before Sasuke falls for me." She said excitedly while hugging me.

'Well, she's still too young for me to have a romantic interest in her. I'll let her chase around Sasuke, I know he won't get into a relationship with her.'

After that, we ate dinner before heading to our bedroom. However I didn't feel like sleeping, and as such, I decided to contact Darcy to know how she was doing.

'Hey, Darcy! How are doing after our first day in this world?'

'I am handling it as well as possible but it is still hard. I am not facing a lot of difficulties with the money you gave me and the power of the shroud, but I am still currently alone in a new world.'

'Where are you right now?'

'I am in an inn that is on the way to the fire capital. I am in my own room as I didn't want to share the room with the other member of the group I am traveling with.'

Hearing that, I teleported to her using [Apportation], I saw her in the bed in the room. She was surprised as I didn't warn her. I then told her.

"Let's spend the night together, I don't want to be alone either."


Lemon will start here, for those not comfortable with it you can go to the end of the chapter there is a similar mark when it ends

For those that stay here, it is my first time writing a lemon scene.


She nodded before I then changed the form of my shroud to just pajama pants, and went into the bed with her. We snuggled together, and I started to rub her back using [Sticky Fingers]. She started to blush a bit at the feeling she got from my rubs. I then slowly lowered my hands along her back while carefully massaging all her stress away.

She started to squirm and emit small moans. My hands didn't stop until they reached her ass before slowly kneading them. She then suddenly started kissing and hugging me. I could also feel her hands slowly reaching down on my back. My ass massage must have felt very good, as she began to make more and more noise while moaning. Her hands reached my ass, one of them stopped to caress it while the other one kept going toward my dick, which she slowly stroked. I moved my right hand to her front and used it to knead her right breast.

'Damn they really are huge, my hands just sink in her tits!'

She then screamed in my mouth while arching her back a bit. Once she finished her mini-orgasm, she removed her lips from mine.

"That felt very good, now let me reciprocate it."

She then kissed me on the neck, then my right pectoral, then my abs, she only stopped when she reached my boxers, which she removed before taking my erect dick in her hands and kissing the tip. After that, she put it in her mouth before bobbing her mouth back and forth while I was laying on the bed. She was very good at it, and in just 2 minutes I was ready to blow. I came in her mouth, once I finished, she removed my dick from her mouth and showed me her mouth full of my cum, before swallowing and opening her mouth again to show it empty.

"I hope you can keep going because I want more of that." she said while licking her lips.

"Don't worry, with my regeneration I could go all night"

I then pulled her to my level, before switching positions with me on top of her. I kissed her deeply before I slowly inserted myself into her. With how wet she was and with her saliva on my dick, it slipped right in with no problems. I then started to move, slow and soft at the start, before getting faster and rougher. I could hear the clapping sound from where our hips smacked into each other. She was also moving her hips in sync with me. As were both very excited and already on edge, it didn't take long for her to cum, just before I joined her.

I let myself fall on the bed next to her. we both bathed in the afterglow of the event.


End of lemon


"Are you more relaxed now, Darcy?" I asked her.

"Yes, it was a very good relaxant. I hope we can do the same when I don't feel good in the future."

"With me in the same world? I don't think you will ever feel bad, but that won't stop me from doing it again later." I said with a teasing grin.

She smiled at that.

"Thanks, Masashi, that was very sweet of you to come to spend the night with me." she said before adding with a teasing grin of her own "even if you got something out of it."

"you're welcome Darcy, but now we should sleep, I have to return to Konoha early tomorrow morning."

"yeah, you're right, good night."

"good night"

After that, we rapidly fell asleep after such an eventful day.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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