
Little Sister

"Good morning," you opened the door of your class and saw that some of your classmates were already inside.

They greeted you back while you went to your seat. Kira was already there, she stood up from her seat and went to sit in front of you.

"So, what happened last night? I got to talk with Lev-sama, thanks to you." She beamed a wide cheerful smile, making you smile back.

"Nothing happened, but I'm now sure I won't take that road again. It was really scary."

"Oh, I know now why that girl was so angry at you yesterday. I heard she stalks Tetsurou and found out that the volleyball team has been watching us practice since day 1."

You froze when you heard Kira. They've been watching you practice? That's so embarassing. You kept on yelling at your clubmates whenever they don't dance seriously.

"Oho, you're blushing, [Y/N]-chan. Are you embarassed?"

You glared at Kira. It is embarassing. Tetsurou saw you acting like a gorilla, yelling and frowning all the time of the practice. You felt bad because he looks like someone who likes cute sweet girls, which is not like you.

During lunch, you were about to go to the cafeteria with Kira when you felt a cold wet thing touch your cheek.

You turn to your right calmly and saw Tetsurou smiling at you while holding a juice pack.

"Where are you eating?" He asked.

Kira almost squealed whe she saw Lev standing behind her while Kenma smiled at you along with the others.

You tried your best to act as if you weren't surprise to see your senpai, but deep inside, you're bursting. He's so near your face, and he is smiling.

"In the classroom. We were just going to buy drinks."

"Here, you can have it. We're done eating and we'll have a short practice. See you around." Tetsurou tossed you the juice as they walk away.

Kira was waving her hand at Lev, while Tetsurou smiled at you with his hand raised.

"Oh my goodness, how can someone be so beautiful?" Kira screeched while stomping her feet in excitement, while you still watch as Tetsurou walk away.

"Yeah," you agreed while you were drowning in awe.

The day ended once again. Good thing the club meeting was postponed because you had a performance yesterday, but still you had to send a documentation to the principal.

You stayed behind while Kira walked home with the other club members. You finished editing the photos and writing the document exactly the same time the volleyball team finished practicing.

You locked the door and went out. You weren't able to notice the team walking behind you since you were too occupied with your senpai's jacket. You forgot about it last night. You mentally made a note to wash it later and give it back to him tomorrow when you heard his voice.

You sighed, you've been thinking about him for too long that you can even hear his voice.


He called once again but you don't look back.

"Is she listening to music?" Tetsurou asked Kenma who was walking beside him.

"I think her head's up in the clouds. It doesn't look like she's wearing earphones." Kenma shrugged his shoulder.

Ever since Tetsurou found out that the dance club will be cheering for them, he didn't miss a day to watch your practice even just for a little 5 minutes. He said he loves watching 'you kids' dance because you all look cute, but Tetsurou's friends know that it's not the only reason.

He began talking about you not a little while ago. He always mentions how well you manage your clubmates, and how great your choreographs are.

"It's getting late, she shouldn't walk alone," Tetsurou was about to run towards you, but Kenma stopped him.

"She'll take the train, she'll be fine."

Tetsurou may be giving too much attention to you, and with his 'bestfriend/big brother' mindset, Kenma doesn't want you assuming things. It will be better if Tetsurou stops or else one of you will get hurt.

"But it's already dark," Tetsurou looked back at his friends who were all shaking their heads.

Morisuke began walking to their way home, followed by the others. Knowing Tetsurou, he'll still want to go to you because of his worries.

And as the team walks away, they heard Tetsurou's footsteps towards you. They just sighed, it'll be their work to wake him up in case he overlooks his feelings for you once one of you confessed.

"[Y/N]-san!" Tetsurou called.

You stopped walking and sighed, his voice is becoming real the longer you think about him. Is hallucination part of having a crush?

"Hey," you felt someone tap you shoulder, making you jump away.

"Oh, careful, you might trip," Tetsurou smiled at you.

It's Tetsurou.

You took a deep breath when you felt your heart beginning to panick. His full teeth smile, however, gave you in. You felt your cheeks heating up while trying to look away from his gorgeous face.

"It's getting dark, where are your clubmates? Are you walking alone?"

"Yeah," you said with a soft tone, making you wonder if your senpai even heard you.

"We'll be going, join us." Tetsurou gestured towards his friends.

"No, there's no need, senpai. I'm fine." You looked away, you don't want to be flustered all the way home because of him.

"But people may jump out of the dark and hurt you, you know. Even though you think it's safe, you may not know who's hiding behind the dark." He non-chalantly said, as if it was not obvious that he's provoking you to walk with them.

"Alright," you sighed. You've been walking the same way for a year now, but no one has ever jumped out of nowhere. That thought was only applicable to the way you took last night. The roads towards the train station are full of people and with lights, but you can't say no when Tetsurou wants to walk with you.

"You'll be taking the train, right? I'm taking it too with Kenma, come on." Tetsurou looked at his friends who were not that far from where you are, "Let's go. They walk real fast."

You watched as Tetsurou began walking. Why did he even bothered to ask you to walk with them? Is it because he's worried?

Maybe, right?

"Uh, senpai," you called as you run to catch him, "Why did you bother asking me to walk home with you?"

He smirked, then he looked down at you, making you commend his tall height.

"You're like a little sister, [Y/N]-san. I don't want you getting hurt on your way home."

Oh. Yes.

You smiled and nodded, but you felt the panick in your heart turned into a weird cold feeling. A little sister, he says. You're just a little sister. What did you even expected? He's your senpai, he'll think of you that way obviously.

Kenma and the others looked back and they saw your expression, as well as Tetsurous smiling face. He looks like he just won a game, but there you were, frowning while looking at the ground.

All of them sighed. Tetsurou has done it. He definitely called you either a friend or a little sister.

The whole way back to your home, you were silent. You only listened to Tetsurou's words about Kenma and his other friends. Then, you found yourself amazed by him again. He's not only good-looking, he's fun to be with, he loves his friends, he encourages them to be better, and god, he's definitely a big brother to everyone.

"I'll be going down in this station, Kenma-senpai, Tetsurou-senpai."

You stood up and bowed at the two who were sitting. You smiled before you turned towards the exit of the train.

"Be careful." Tetsurou said while waving his hand.

"Goodbye," Kenma whispered.

You immediately walked away without looking back. You've been keeping this weird feeling on your chest for too long. You may look stupid, but you've never felt this way before, not to someone you just met yesterday.

When you went home, you find yourself clinging to Tetsurou's jacket and frowning. You don't seem to have the urge to cry, you just felt sad.

"Ugh, you're so weird," you said to yourself as you wash the jacket, watching it spin around in the laundry.

"Why weird?" You heard your mom standing beside you. "Oh, whose jacket is that? Do you have a new uniform?"

You didn't bother looking at your mom. You groaned and sighed.

"What?" She asks, chuckling softly with your weird behavior.

"Mom, I like someone. But I just met them yesterday."

You mom folded the washed laundry and placed them in the basket, "And?"

"What do you mean 'and'? I just met him yesterday."

Your mom raised her brows at you and placed her hand on her hip, "And? Does it matter when you met them? You can suddenly crush at someone you know for years, [Y/N], having a crush on someone you just met is the same. It's not weird."

"What do you mean? If I know that person for a while, it's not weird to have a crush on them. I don't even know anything about Senpai yet I like him."

"Hm? It's more weird to suddenly have a crush on someone you know for a long time, darling, because you already know everything about them but it took you too long to realize your feelings. It's better to have a crush on someone you barely know since it's also much easier for you to get to know them, the only bad thing about it is that, you may not see their bad qualities."

You looked up to your mom and sighed. Bad qualities, huh.

"You're right~" You stood up with a wide smile on your face. Now you know what to do to uncrush Tetsurou.