
Cheer Up, Baby!

"[Y/N]-san, you did great on the dance," your club adviser commented after the volleyball competition.

You smiled and thanked him. Even though you were forced to participate, you knew it was the least you could do for your school since it was really late when the volleyball club found out that the school they will be competing against has a fabulous cheering squad.

"[Y/N]-chan," Kira, your best friend, and the club's vice president ran towards you with pompoms in her hands, "The captain of the volleyball club wants to see you."

You removed the weird hairclips on your hair and nodded. The cheerleading uniform was skin-tight, and even the skirt was too short. Thank goodness you're wearing tights.

"Alright, wait for me outside," you waved your hand at Kira while looking around looking for Tetsurou.

"Oya? A first year is a president already?" 

You turned your head when you heard a very cool voice, that's when you saw the volleyball team walking towards you. But your eyes were stuck at Tetsurou Kuroo, the captain of the team.

"We just want to thank you for doing the cheer dance. It means a lot to us." 

You weren't able to respond immediately. You're mesmerized by the captain's attractiveness. How can someone sound, look, and feel awesome?

"Uh... Miss President?" Tetsurou waved his hand in front of you, making you go back to reality. 

"Yeah? I... uh, I mean, yeah. It was our pleasure. I'm happy that we helped."

You cleared your throat from stuttering. You didn't believe that Tetsurou is really handsome since you never bothered looking at him before, but now, you can testify to his greatness.

You felt your heart race the longer you see and hear him. If you don't go out of this situation, you might suddenly shift clubs and enter Tetsurou's fan club.

"I have to go. My clubmates are waiting," you bowed your head and was about to head out of the gym when you heard him call.

And just like a beat, you followed his voice.

"[Y/N]-san, maybe you want to join us celebrate our victory? Bring the dance club."

You turned around, looked at his captivating smile, and nodded. Just like that, without even thinking, you agreed.

"I'm really sorry, Kira. We had a plan but I didn't go along."

You kept on apologizing to Kira even though it's clear that the dance club was much excited about celebrating with the volleyball club than celebrating with only their clubmates.

"Are you crazy, [Y/N]-chan? This is amazing! I can see Lev-sama!"

Kira has always been Lev's number one fan since day one of high school. She said it was because of his height and his beautiful eyes.

The team chose a barbeque restaurant and Coach Nekomata treated everyone. The celebration was great until a fan of Tetsurou appeared out of nowhere. Since you were sitting in front of Tetsurou, the clumsiness of the girl affected you.

She accidentally spills the soda you were drinking on the table and your skirt got soaked. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't put your drink near the edge of the table, [Y/N]-san," the girl said without any sincerity to her tone and continued to bother Tetsurou to let her join the celebration.

You didn't even blink, nor exerted effort in changing your expression. You just took a napkin with a straight face and wiped your skirt. 

"How rude," you heard Tetsurou say.

You saw the girl tense up without lifting your eyes, you know Tetsurou's tone got into her but that wouldn't change anything, the damage has been done and this girl's the type who'll blame others on their mistakes.

"Don't worry about it," you mumbled as you stand up to check your skirt, but suddenly you felt the girl's hand on your shoulder and pushed you off.

"It's your fault!" She screamed while you were on the floor, leaning on your elbow. "You're stealing him away ever since you started practicing for the cheer dance. The fan's club can cheer for them, but why did they choose your stupid club?"

You sighed. You're not the type to fight verbally nor physically. It's none of your business if someone hates you, especially if they created their own issues and problems, but calling your club stupid is way out of the line.

You looked at her ankles, if you slide your leg on them, she'll trip. It'll be perfect revenge, but she may hurt herself. If you kick her, it'll leave a bruise. Instead, you look at her, stood up, and just smirked at her face.

It's enough since she's already irritated and jealous. 

Tetsurou stood up and removed his jacket, "Here, [Y/N]-san," he said and offered it to you to cover your skirt. 

It would've been fine if only you don't feel cold with the wet skirt on your skin, that's why you took his jacket and wrapped its sleeve around your waist. 

Since none of you were paying attention to the girl, she left with tears on her eyes. Everyone apologized for the commotion caused earlier while you and Tetsurou went back to sit.

"Thank you, Tetsurou-senpai," you smiled as you take another barbeque. 

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]-san. My fans can be a little rude when they're upset." Tetsurou's worried and soft voice made you look at him.

He was frowning while staring at you.

"Don't worry about it, Senpai. I'm used to that."

You tried to look away, but his gaze made you feel locked in his eyes. You don't quite know how long you've been staring at him, but it sure caught everyone's attention since Kira hit your side softly with her elbow to call your attention.

You saw Kenma staring at you too, as well as the other volleyball players.

"Thank you so much for cheering us," Nobuyuki said with a smile at your clubmates to change the atmosphere, and after that everyone had a great time as if nothing happened.

"I'll be going here, thank you, everyone." You pointed at the other side of the road while everyone were heading the same way.

If you didn't walk with them, you would've rode the train and be home by now, but you decided to stay with them because of Tetsurou.

He's been talking to you nicely about the competition earlier. He was worried that they will lose, but after watching your cheer dance, they all felt better and much stronger. It was as if your club's cheer were a lucky charm.

"It seems dangerous to take that road, [Y/N]-chan," Kira commented while staring at the dim way.

She's right, you've never taken that road before since you always rode the train. But during daytime, you walk that path though it takes about 10 minutes before arriving at your house.

"It's fine, don't worry." You gave Kira an assuring smile.

Your male club mates were about to open their mouths to offer you to walk you home, but you shook your head. It's already late, you can't risk them getting hurt if they send you home.

You bowed and was about to walk away when Tetsurou spoke. "I'll walk with you."

You turned around, then you saw everyone's faces turn relieved.

"I knew this road was familiar. I use to take it when I was in middle school, right, Kenma?"

You looked at Kenma who nodded while walking towards you.

"Alright, everyone, see you tomorrow." Tetsurou began walking to you along with Kenma.

But you aren't sure whether they are telling the truth or they just want to walk you home.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" Tetsurou tilted his head towards the road while waving his hand at the others.

"Are you sure you know this road?" You asked as you walked under the flickering lights with the two.

"We do. This road seems different at night though. A girl shouldn't walk alone in this type of places, you know?" Tetsurou answered.

You glanced at the quiet Kenma. He looked like he knows this place which makes you feel relieved. If these two lied just to walk you home, it'll make you fel guilty if something happened.

"Anyway, if you took the train earlier, it'll be much faster and safer, right?" Tetsurou glanced at you while you kept your eye at the end of the road where no lights were on.

"Yeah," you muttered.

Now that you can see the whole road, you're thankful that your senpais went with you or else you would've walked back to the train station which will be closed by the time you arrived.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" Tetsurou asked.

"No, it's not the darkness that scares me, it's the people who will jump out and hurt me."

Unconciously, you moved near to Tetsurou and held the end of his shirt while following him a little behind, like a cat hiding behind a post.

Kenma looked at you. You do look like a cute scaredy-cat. No wonder Tetsurou kept on staring at you.

"Uh... do anyone of you have a flashlight?" You asked, "My phone's already dead."

Tetsurou wanted to laugh, but seeing your scared face, he looked at Kenma who pulled out his phone and opened the flashlight.

"They should fix the lightposts here. It's scaring the little president." Tetsurou teased.

You kept quiet while clinging to Tetsurou's shirt until you're home.

"Be safe," you bowed as the two wave their hands in goodbye.

When you lay on your bed, you can still feel your chest pounding so hard. Whenever you remember Tetsurou's face, you can't help but feel a weird sensation in your heart that sends you rolling around your bed.

"He really looks so cool," you whispered while remembering the way Tetsurou played earlier.

It was breath taking.