
Get 5 wishes at the very beginning

After finding himself in front of the Great Rob and the person we all want to meet after sleep he makes 5 wishes and moves to the world of Naruto to create the most powerful village of all time

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Transition and beginning

"Ito .... "

"Ahem ahem, I claim to be rob or the absolute god or the first above all or the creator of existence or the Supreme and purest entity in existence, or the destroyer or ...or ....or ... "

They stayed 3 days talking about his names

"And well after I'm done with my pretty names let me tell you why you're here."

The young man began to concentrate well until Rob said

"I will give you the opportunity to reincarnate with 5 wishes but on condition."

"What is your condition Rob San "

"You have to create the most powerful Shinobi village in history and you have to give the people of your village the best living the best technology the best resources give them the damn resources and make them live in peace friendliness, harmony and ..... And .... And .... "

Rob kept talking about what I should give to the people of my village for half an hour and then he said

"Do you agree?"

"No veteran otaku will miss this opportunity."

"Well, go ahead and make your wishes now."

"The first wish I want is that any technique I write about in a scroll, the method of training of which becomes fully present."

"I didn't understand."

"If you take a scroll and write the name of a technique in it, the technique training method is automatically present in the scroll."

"Well, if it's a technique of your own invention, you're going to make it her own name."

"My second wish is for a system in which anything that might beده from the modern era or even from the world I'm going to be in."

"Your third wish has been granted."

"I want a field in my village where Devil Fruits grow, whether they appear or not, or even think about it, or not, and be without the weaknesses of Devil Fruits."

"Your fourth wish "

"In my palace I want the fountain of Eternity, a drop that makes you have eternal youth, two drops that make you have renewal, three drops that give you infinite life, and the water in the spring is endless."


"I also want to master the art of matrices, alchemy, blacksmithing and painting at the highest levels and use them with the energy of that world and not with spiritual energy or Qi, like the novels of Agriculture, and if it is an agricultural world, I will use them with the energy of the world, whatever it is, spiritual energy, Qi or even Ki."

"Your wishes are perfect for someone who will build a village that is supposed to be the strongest village. well, your world is Naruto."

"Just as I expected."

"How did you know that?"

"The world in which there are villages and the strongest village and so on is the world of Naruto "

"Well, you and your village should eliminate the Otsutsuki Clan."

"Well, it depends on which era I will be in, if I'm in the era of Naruto or Boruto, I have no hope for it, not even the era of Minato or Kakashi, that's impossible, learn after thinking, if I'm not in the era of hashirama and Madara, that's impossible."

"Why is this particular era?"

"Because in the ages after that, I won't find any clans joining my village, maybe if it's the Tsunade era, I might be able to join the Uzumaki, but what am I going to do with one damn clan?"

"All right, all right, all right, I'll send you to the Sengoku era exactly as you want, you lowly human, and now let's go."

In a completely unexplored area, but nevertheless separated by fire and lightning ارض there was a naked young man lying on the ground who was slowly opening his eyes and when he opened them well, he got up and said

"Couldn't you even give me some clothes, fucking rob, anyway, system, where are you?"

[Hello, host, you have the system with you, do you want to open your newbie package?]؟ ]

"Open your fecal package. I don't expect anything from her anyway."

[If the host does not apologize, the system will be deleted in 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ]

"Sorry, Sorry, sorry, the system has stopped, uncle, uncle of my ancestors, uncle of Hashi the sexy and Madara the bitch, has it stopped now?"

[Ok Will you open it or delete it ]

"Open it, Arthur."

[Who is Arthur, was your bisexual mother called that?]؟ ]

"You son of a bitch, Arthur, my friend Aram the whore, I will not forgive you for cursing my mother, even if it means that I lost the system, son of a bitch."

[It seems that someone has to suffer a little ]

"Do what you can do "

[A task has been issued

Task title: punishment for the host

Mission description: due to the host cursing the system and the mother of the system, a penalty mission was issued to the host, please run for half a day without stopping

Mission reward: Byakugan

Penalty for failure: going to hell for 3 days

"Anyway, I don't like Byakugan, and her abilities are useless for the future leader of the strongest village, besides, I want to see how powerful your damn hell is."

[We will see ]

"Anyway, open the starter pack."

[Congratulations to the host for getting the Dragon village with its buildings, clan headquarters, village chief's Palace, training grounds, Dragon Academy and Kaji building, congratulations to the host for getting his Andhra Chakra, Sharingan and manjikyo, congratulations to the host for getting hashirama cells, congratulations to the host for getting the nine protectors of the village, congratulations to the host for getting the lava element ]

"Damn, I didn't expect all these rewards, system, let the village come out here."

And suddenly there were earthquakes and shaking everywhere until a village appeared that was bigger than the five ninja villages of the future combined, it was huge and it says in its sign ryugakure

Our hero entered and started exploring the village and went to his mansion and it was an incredibly luxurious mansion, he went to the main room and went to his bed and then he told the system

"Merge the chakra, Andra's eyes, hashirama's cells and the lava element with me."

Suddenly he began to feel incredible pain

After 10 hours

He turned to the mirrors and saw a young man with muscles and very long white hair, in addition to 4 wings behind him and a black robe, the hero was shocked by his beauty and said

"Arthur ..... Hey, Arthur .... You bastard Arthur ..... You son of a bitch Arthur ... "

[What do you want, you bastard ]

"Where did the wings come from, the black robe, the long white hair, wait a minute, are there two monsters above my head, another monster in my hand, where did these things come from?"

[These are the rewards I got because of the name Nizam parther and these monsters are powerful even though they are small in size ]

Our hero left his palace and said

"Well, call the nine protectors."

[The nine protectors are being summoned .... Has been recalled ]

At the moment he appeared in front of our hero .....