
Get 5 wishes at the very beginning

After finding himself in front of the Great Rob and the person we all want to meet after sleep he makes 5 wishes and moves to the world of Naruto to create the most powerful village of all time

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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Kokonotsu no kamikimono

At the moment nine monsters appeared in front of our hero

Three-headed dog

Fiery lion

A bull radiating lightning

A giant snake has a huge black ball like a black hole above its head

An owl with sacred energy

Infernal Phoenix

A huge white fox with nine tails

A tiger from which a strange force emerges

And finally a red dragon that looks like a demonstration of great power

In an instant the system said

[ Their names are as follows

Divine hell dog bonchomi

Immortal fire lion kazutama

Lightning bull Zetsu

The snake is devious worlds Citra

The sacred owl Rita

The primordial Phoenix Sedara

The Nine-Tailed Dharma Fox kurozumi

The Tiger of divine laws-pavito

The absolute Divine Dragon ryugumo ]

"Damn, they all look strong, regime, explain to me their strength."

The divine hellhound bunchumi (possesses the firepower of hell )

Immortal fire lion kazutama (possesses pure black fire power that can burn even Andhra and Ashura )

Lightning bull Zetsu (possesses Lightning power of the highest purity and is compared to the Lightning of the divine Tribulation in the novels of Agriculture and immortality )

The snake devours the worlds Citra (she has the power of infinite darkness, even she may devour the worlds with her darkness )

The sacred owl Rita ( an immortal owl that possesses the sacred energy of light and can grant immortality to one person every thousand years )

Primordial Phoenix Sedara (possesses the power of primordial chaos where she can create Chakra attacks with the power of chaos )

The Nine-Tailed Dharma Fox kurozumi (has the power to control the energy of life and death )

The Tiger of divine laws pavito (has the power to change the laws of the whole world, where he can revive the dead, kill the living without moving and many other things )

The ultimate Divine Dragon ryugumo (the ancestor of the Dragons in his world and he possessed many abilities such as divine fire, red lightning, red power of destruction, immortality ... Etc.]

Our hero was shocked by their strength, but he stepped forward to them and said

"Hello, My Name is Akatsuki Ryu (the name he decided to use in this world starting today) and I am the one who brought you to this world."

The Tiger stepped forward and said

"Isn't that thing called the system the one that brought us here, or does it make sense that you are the system?"؟؟ "

The Dragon stepped forward and said with a frightening voice shaking hearts

"He's so weak, he doesn't even have 0.011111111111111111111111 of the power of that thing called the system."

Ryu said

"Actually, I'm the owner of the system."

Everyone there was shocked and suddenly a strange force began to come out of the Tiger's body and within seconds he was coughing up blood and said

"Damn, why is that thing called the system protecting him?"

The Owl said

"What did you try to do?"؟؟ "

"I tried to change the cosmic laws to make myself the owner of the system, but it seems that he has sealed the majority of our powers because we are in a low-class world, besides, he protects this boy."

Two hours later

Ryu stayed discussing with the monsters for two hours and named them Kokonotsu no kamikimono (the nine divine monsters )

Until he suddenly got a notification

[Title: the host failed to complete the task

Punishment: stay in hell for three days ]

Suddenly Ryu found himself with the nine divine beasts in an endless desert until kurozumi said (the Nine-Tailed Dharma Fox )

"Where the hell are we?"

Ryu said

"We'll stay in hell for three days."

Rita ( the sacred Owl )said

"He broke the seal on a part of our strength "

CITRA said (the snake devoured the worlds )

"It seems that with my current strength, I will only be able to devour the heavens."

Suddenly a worm the size of a small mountain came out of the underground and headed to attack Ryu and the nine divine monsters, but as soon as it got a little closer, it turned into a chakra and was eaten by a Citra and then said

"A good harvest this time "

After 3 days

"And finally we came back, we didn't stop fighting monsters in those three damn days."

Kazutama said

"But your strength has increased significantly."

Zetsu then continued by saying

"You even started using that Wooden Buddha statue."

While they were talking, they all felt that two people were there watching them, and then Ryu said

"Come out quietly."

Two people came out and Rio was shocked when he found out who they were

They are the Ninja God Senju hashirama and the most powerful ochiha of all, ochiha Madara

Ryu said

"Sati Sati Sati, then what is the disgraceful thing you have come to do here?"؟؟ "

Hashirama laughed as she showed signs of anger at Madara

Ryu pretended that he didn't know them, then he got to know them and introduced them to Kokonotsu no kamikimono, although they were afraid of them at first, but hashirama managed to adapt and joke with them, while the fresh doubt on Madara's face got lost and Ryu knew that at this stage Madara and hashirama still didn't know that they were in clans fighting with each other

They talked and chatted and joked And so the days passed until one day Madara and hashirama decided to leave, but they were grateful to Ryu for teaching them techniques, he used his technology that allows him to create techniques to teach them

Flag of hashirama

Internal Tammany Gates ( the first and second Gates )

The six styles of the Navy

The Buddhist Chakra Palm (invented by Ryu and not inspired by anywhere )

And the flag of Madara

The art of the Akatsuki clan sword ( invented by Ryu and not inspired by anywhere )



After they left, Ryu said

"System, please show me my case."

[ Name: Akatsuki Ryu

Age: 17

Title: technologist - Divine Master of matrices-divine chemist-divine blacksmith-divine painter

Strength level: medium grade Kaji

Elements: Fire - Water-Air-Earth-lightning-lava-wood

Chakras: the level of the six paths

Techniques: the eight inner gates - the six marine styles-the Buddhist Chakra palm-the Sword Art of the Akatsuki clan-Kamehameha-Rasengan

Devil's fruits: there are none

System points: 10000

Breed: Senju / uchiha ]

Ryu went to the lake of immortality, which he asked for, and began to drink from its water greedily, although he only needs three drops to become immortal, but its water was the best that entered his mouth, in addition, its water is infinite, and then he went to the forest of Devil Fruits was eaten

Maju Maju no Mi ( Aquino fruit )

And also

Jura Jura no Mi ( white beard fruit )

And also

Zeno Zeno no Mi ( fruit not shown but enables him to transform into the primordial demon Zeno )

As soon as I ate them, although the taste was disgusting, but I noticed that its strength increased significantly