
Get 5 wishes at the very beginning

After finding himself in front of the Great Rob and the person we all want to meet after sleep he makes 5 wishes and moves to the world of Naruto to create the most powerful village of all time

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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Talking with Ashina Uzumaki and sons

Time passed and Ryu noticed that the damn hashirama and Madara disappeared from sight and he started to get bored fucking the biggest enemy of Damn humans so he decided that it was time to offer the first clan to join ryugakure

He put a list in front of him with the names of the clans and was thinking about who would include the names that were on the list



Will survive




He showed the names to Kokonotsu no kamikimono, and each of them gave his opinion, and in the end they decided to bring Uzumaki or Hyuga

Ryu kept thinking about who to choose from the two, and in the end, the choice fell on Uzumaki for several reasons, including

Their strength at the moment

The abundance of chakras they have

The Uzumaki beauties (protect, protect, Don't get me wrong please )

Their fuengetsu techniques

Their wealth

And many other reasons

Ryu headed towards the whirlpools above his beautiful favorite Dragon ryugumo, although he enjoys the pride of the Dragon Clan, but nevertheless agreed to carry Ryu to The الدوا whirlpools

After 3 hours

Ryu managed to reach the whirlpools in 3 hours knowing that it would have taken him 3 months without ryugumo, however ryugumo was now using only a small part of his speed with his full speed he would have arrived in minutes, but with pavito it was possible to arrive in less than a blink of an eye just changes the spatial laws and they will find themselves at their destination

After he arrived, he went to the gate and, of course, told ryugumo to return to ryugakure, and immediately upon arrival, the guards stopped him and told him that he was not allowed to enter, and then he told them

"I want to meet Ashina Uzumaki to discuss something very important."

One of the guards said

"And what guarantees do we have that you are not here to attack us?"؟؟ "

"If I wanted to attack you, I would have stormed the village with the dragon I came down from and I would have burned it down, and now I want to meet Ashina Uzumaki, please don't exhaust my patience."

The other guard said

"I'm going to tell the clan chief that someone wants to meet him."

"Well, take this as a gift to understand you."

Ryu took out a sword from the system Store and gave it to the guard, and the guard was happy because the sword is made of rare Chakra metal and it looks strong, while the other guard was showing on his face the features of jealousy that Ryu did not pay attention to

The guard returned 5 minutes later and told Ryu that he was allowed to meet the clan chief and told him to follow him

Ryu followed the guard until they arrived at a huge mansion that is the palace of the clan chief

They entered the palace and went down to the basement, and the guard put his hands on the wall, where hundreds of symbols and writings began to appear until some door was opened

Ryu was shocked by this, but nevertheless he silently followed the guard until they arrived in front of a red-haired man with two swords in his back and a slightly white beard with a purple-black robe ( I know that in the shot where Ashina Uzumaki appeared he was an old man with white hair, but it's supposed that it's years later ) next to him there was a girl with red hair and a blue mark on her forehead and red lips like cherries and you know, bastards, go to hell and let Ryu delves into the beautiful scenery until Ashina Uzumaki says

"Then what is your reason for coming here, sir?"؟ "

"I actually came here because I want to join the Uzumaki clan in my village of ryugakure to be the first clan in the village."

A surprised freshness appeared on Ashina's face and he said

"And what will push my Uzumaki clan to join your village, you have no clans and nothing."

"In fact, in my village I guarantee you protection + technologies of all kinds + some abilities that I will not be able to pass until I am in my village."

"And do you think we can't protect ourselves or we don't have the techniques?"

"The subject of techniques in my village there are hundreds of thousands of techniques ( just a lie, he made only 300 techniques, but he can make this number of hundreds of thousands in a day), in addition, the techniques are diverse and not just fuenjitsu and some ninjitsu in terms of protection ..... What will ensure that your clan will not be wiped out in the future?"

Ryu said the last part in a strange tone, which angered Ashina Uzumaki and made him get excited, and then he shouted, saying

"Are you threatening us?"

"Oya Oya, I didn't expect Ashina-San to be so irritable, and no, I'm not threatening you, I'm just giving my opinion."

"Cha, what will we get other than technology and protection," she says, " and what guarantees us protection, you alone?"؟؟ Who do you think you are wise to the six paths?"

"Those who will guarantee your protection are Kokonotsu no kamikimono."

"Kokonotsu no kamikimono?"؟؟؟ "

Ashina Uzumaki and Mito Uzumaki were surprised, Ryu said

"They are nine monsters under my command and their strength surpasses even the Biju monsters, in addition, I intend to use them to tame the Biju monsters, and I have a relationship with the young masters of the ochiha and Senju clan, so I intend to include them to me in the future, and I also intend to include Hyuga, Hatake and namikaze."

Ashina and Mito were shocked because if these clans were gathered together, in addition to their Uzumaki clan, they might be able to rule the whole damn ninja world, and then Ashina Uzumaki said

"What guarantees do these Kokonotsu no kamikimono exist and why have we never heard of them?"

"What guarantees their existence, I have brought one of them, and they are the most powerful, the absolute Divine Dragon ryugumo, and the guards can confirm it."

"I said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

Mito and Ashina shouted because dragons are something they don't hear about every day and after thinking Ashina said

"I'll think about your offer. you can stay in the whirlpools until I think about it well. we'll provide you with accommodation and food until then."

After he left Rio, he got lost for a few days in the whirlpools until one day he found a sad boy sitting on a swing. he was reminding Rio of Naruto, but the difference was that his hair was red, but they had a great resemblance to the meteors of Rio, and he sat next to the boy and said

"Yo, how are you, boy?"

The boy said

"I'm fine, uncle."

And he was silent until Rio broke the silence and said

"So why are you here alone?"

"All my brothers are talented in fuenjitsu and ninjitsu, unlike me, so a hut was built for me and they kicked me out

Ryu was sad until he told the child

"What's your name, Boy?"

"My name is Uzumaki Byakuya "

"So byakoya, how about you be my son?"

"What are you serious about?"؟؟؟ "

"Of course I'm serious."

"But there's also my twin sister who's an outcast like me because of her lack of talent. we're the same."

"Go and get her."

After 10 minutes

The boy came back and next to him another girl was told the little boy

"This is my sister Uzumaki Rina."

"Then how about you two become my children?"

He said to them smiling until the two children started crying and he took them in his lap and let them continue until they stopped crying and said


Then Ryu said

"So from this day on, you are Akatsuki Byakuya and Akatsuki Rina, the Sons of the first ryukage of ryugakure, Akatsuki Ryu."

The two little ones were very happy and said in one voice

"Thank you, dad."