
Genshin Isekai But We Screwed Up The Plot

"I opened my eyes on that beach, the one I remember having seen before when I started playing, but the memories were gone, coming back only after I was done with main events. Strangely enough, I had some strong hunches that lingered about as warnings. The rest is history. This story... even my wildest dreams couldn't have prepared me."

TQXP · Video Games
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38 Chs


The day had finally passed. Ras slept like a brick, unbothered by anything. He was tired, even more than he had felt. Using his energy drained him more in a weird way he was yet to understand. His body felt alive, but his mind was on the opposite side.

He stood up slowly, looking over at Mark. The crisis he went through the night before still had him puzzled, but it wasn't like thinking too much about it was going to harbor any answer, so instead he got up as quickly as he could and went outside.

"It's time to train a bit more than I would usually do," thought Ras, his resolve made as to what he was about to try.

He went straight to the Adventurers' Guild, asking for any quests related to slaying some strong monsters—something that would have him on the edge between life and death. Katheryne looked over a list of quests she had, pointing out one that required he'd kill the Cryo Regisvine—or at least take it down until it would reform.

"I see. They want me to take this down and bring back at least a part of the core."

She nodded. "Yes, that's right. The core is something that goes for high prices among the nobles who can afford them. This commission is sure to earn you a nice amount of mora." 

Ras mulled it over once more, weighing the advantages and disadvantages. He could freeze to death, which didn't exactly entice him, yet fearing danger would only keep him stuck at a certain level that was way below where he'd have to be.

"Fine. I'll take it. So, they want part of the core or the whole stone in case I can get my hands on it like that, right?"

"Yes, but I'd advise you to shatter it if possible. It would leave the regisvine wide open."

"I see. Thanks for the advice."

He walked off into the distance, only to turn back after a few steps.

"Could you tell me where I should go to find it?"

She handed him a map, which he gladly took. Finally, he began pacing once more, keeping a steady pace along the way. He had to train a lot of things if he wanted to be in top shape for battle. Stamina and technique were the main things he had to work on. His power could substitute for strength and speed, but his breath and skills were still limited.

He glanced around at the large hills that surrounded him, stoney surfaces looming over him like the walls of a fortress. Before him, the remains of a round arena of sorts spread out from the center, place where a large blue plant stood, as if sleeping, bent over towards the ground.

Ras looked around for a moment, noticing bodies of both animals and humans encased in blueish ice, thropies of an abnormal twist of nature. How those creatures came to be was foreign to him.

"So, that's the Cryo Regisvine. I should be careful since I'm not sure what it can do other than use ice." muttered Ras, taking a few more steps towards it. Bit by bit, he stepped onto the arena, walking silently at his foe, sword out, prepared for the worst.

The plant straightened, moving the large flower it had as a head, twirling it around aggressively. Ras came face-to-face with it, forcing a breath of air down his throat. In a moment, he saw ice form around him, feeling his skin go cold in an instant. He didn't bother. The light on his writs began glowing as the ice around him came to a halt, the Cryo energy becoming his.

"It sure is OP to simply absorb the skills of your opponent," chuckled Ras as he struck the stem with a quick slash, leaving only a scratch on it.

"Oh, so it's tougher than wood. Well, that's a good challenge."

Ras leapt back at the regisvine, which swung its flower down at him, cracking the stone where he stood just a moment before.

"Now, where is that core it has?"

He circled the plant, stealing a few looks, until he found it near the base of the stem.


He stopped, figuring out his next move. He ran for the regisvine, leaping into the air as it swept around with its flower. Sword held firmly, a burst of energy increased his strength as his strike came thundering down, his sword etching itself in the stem. Ras tried to force it deeper, but to no avail.

The regisvine moved like a bull, throwing him around before finally managing to send him flying. Quick to rebound, Ras went on the offensive again, only to be forced to switch to defense. Large ice spikes came flying at him, nearly grazing him.

"Shit! I'm too young to be run through by big blue things!"

Ras kept running around, trying to use his power to absorb the energy, but it was too slow a process to actually be of use.

"I can't just make them disappear... I guess I should try something else then."

He took aim at an incoming projectile, throwing a punch at it, shattering the ice before it could reach him.

"I love releasing energy like this!" grinned Ras, throwing a few more punches at the air, shattering more spikes that came for him.

"Ok, time to get close and personal with it. How about choosing a cool name for the move? I have one perfectly made for this."

One more go, he ran for the regisvine again, dodging more ice that came at him, running along as large waves of ice sprung up from the ground, hoping to pierce him like a skewer.

He jumped in the air, gathering energy in his leg as he reached the apex of his leap, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Mountain Slasher!" 

He fell like a meteor, his leg glowing white as he struk the flower head on. He felt the energy leave his leg as it pierced through the flower, bursting it into pieces.

He watched as the lifeless stem fell to the ground with a thud, the ice around him glimmering in the gentle light of a soft sun, one hidden by clouds. His leg hurt more than he had expected, but it worked perfectly.

He could finally take out his sword, struggling a bit before it came free, only to then try and cut out the crystal he came for. It took him a bit, since a sword isn't exactly what one would use as a knife, and the stem itself was rather solid, more so than he would have expected. It looked like a flower, but it was as sturdy as a tree, perhaps even more.

With a few yelps and curses, he was finally able to take out the stone, holding it with great care as he began walking back to Mondstadt.

The faint sound of footsteps came to him as he walked, steadily following him. He instantly thought of thieves coming for his jewel, but at the same time, he didn't think there could be people stupid enough to try such a thing considering what he had done to the regisvine. 

"I see that you managed to take down the Cryo Regisvine. I must say, that's quite a feat."

He turned around, nearly grabbing his sword, as he heard the voice. Before him stood a beautiful woman with light blue hair that brought out the beauty of her snow-white skin. Just like the regisvine itself, she too emanated a cold aura.

"Huh? Who might you be?" asked Ras, his grip on the stone tightening.

"Ah, my apologies; I forgot my manners for a second there."

She bowed slightly with a certain grace that left Ras speechless.

"I'm Eula Lawrence."

A moment of silence followed, during which Ras tried to find some words that would work best.

"I'm Ras, so I guess you can call me... Ras..." 

"Fucking idiot, why is it that you always act like you don't have a brain?"

He forced down the urge to punch himself as Eula straightened her back, chuckling lightly.

"Well then, Ras, I assume you're heading back to Mondstadt, so how about I join you?"

He thought for a moment, trying to see things objectively.

"So, a good-looking woman wants to walk with me right as I got my hands on some expensive jewel... this sounds rather suspicious... hah, sus... ok, either way, I should be careful."

His thoughts were nearly laid bare on his face as he considered what might follow. With a nod, he spoke once more.

"Sure, I guess there's no harm in going together."

Back again with some more, little bits that make up the grand picture of it all. Who knows, perhaps things will take an interesting turn in the following days. Hopefully you'll like the chapter, and please tell me your opinions on it. 'Till then, Deus vult and peace out.

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