
Genshin Isekai But We Screwed Up The Plot

"I opened my eyes on that beach, the one I remember having seen before when I started playing, but the memories were gone, coming back only after I was done with main events. Strangely enough, I had some strong hunches that lingered about as warnings. The rest is history. This story... even my wildest dreams couldn't have prepared me."

TQXP · Video Games
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38 Chs


Silence was their friend as they ventured deep within Wolvendom, the silver light of the moon losing itself along dark green leaves that stood together like Roman soldiers, blocking off most of the rays of light.

Darkness was around them, which is why Aether had to grab a lamp on the way, which gave off enough light for them to find their way. Ras followed behind, deep in thought. This whole situation, as frustrating as it was, slowly moved towards something better, a little peace of mind coming back to him.

"This should be the spot," said Paimon, floating around a pile of leaves. For a random passerby, that would simply look like the wind gathered them together.

Aether kneeled down, heaving out the large blade. For the first time, he took a good glance at it, noticing just how heavy it felt. It's very image was like an iceberg: imposing and enough to crush you to death.

Ras had to augment himself with some energy to strap it on his back, feeling it weigh him down more than he expected.

"Just how can Mark use this thing? I guess those powers of his sure are handy," thought Ras as he finally managed to sit straight.

"So his sheath was here as well. Thank you both for doing this," said Ras, trying to show a faint smile, but both Aether and Paimon chuckled slightly.

"It's alright. We're friends after all; that's the least we can do," spoke Aether, patting Ras on the shoulder as they went back.

An uneventful walk led them back to the silent city of Mondstadt. Bustling with life during the day, the night makes sure to silence it to a muffled farcry of its lightful glory.

Their steps took them back to the Knights of Favonius building, specifically Mark's room. Barbara, Lisa, and Jean stood together beside his bed, talking among themselves as Barbara tried healing him.

"Ah, so you're here?" asked Ras as he put the sword in its corner with a thud, taking a deep breath as he finally felt his back become lighter.

"I tried to heal him multiple times, but it didn't work. His wounds are not visible, but I'm not sure why he's not waking up." cried Barbara, feeling both frustrated and saddened by her inability to be helpful.

"It's alright; I didn't expect him to wake up so easily, even if I were to bring him another cool sword," said Ras, trying to lighten the mood a little.

Jean had a downcast expression on her face, her gaze fixed on Mark's slumbering face, one hand held close to her chest as her blue eyes seemed to lose their warmth.

"Is this what he meant by 'not returning'?" asked Jean, her voice close to a whisper.

The room fell silent as Jean kept talking, pouring her heart out bit by bit.

"Why, Mark? Why go alone and do such a thing? Just why?" 

A single tear rolled down her cheek as Barbara hugged her, hoping to bring her sister even a bit of comfort.

Ras sighed, taking a look back on the time he had spent together with Mark prior to their adventure.

"Why? Knowing Mark, I can say it's rather easy, but there are a few options."

He took a seat, resting his elbows just above his knees, as he began an analysis of who Mark claimed to be as a person.

"The first option that I know from him personally is that he likes to work alone. He told me a few times about how much he enjoyed working on his own and how much better it felt."

One more tear rolled down Jean's face, her body still caught in Barbara's embrace. Lisa seemed to be listening with great interest, while Paimon and Aether stood together, glancing back and forth at Mark and then at Jean.

"The second option, which I'm not entirely sure about, is that he simply doesn't want to hurt those whom he cares about."

He pointed at Mark, his gaze unyielding, still stuck on Jean. Despite others being in the room, this felt like something he had to tell her, both as a friend of sorts and as Mark's friend.

"Had he been alone, he would have died in peace, and none of us would have known or grieved. But now, you're crying at the sight, and we're all hoping that he'll wake up, cursing the possibility that he might just up and die on us."

His last words were nearly a shout, his frustartion showing. A deep breath should have helped him collect his thoughts, but it didn't.

Silence fell once more, yet something was off. It felt... eerie for some reason.

"Hey, is Mark alright?" asked Paimon, worry in her voice.

Ras glanced up, only to meet a sight pulled straight from a horror movie. On the bed, Mark was shaking like crazy, his whole body spasming like crazy. His limbs were jerked around, almost as if he were possessed.

"Quick! Hold him down!" oreder Lisa, grabbing on tightly to his arm, trying to hold it in place. For some reason, it seemed impossible.

Everyone jumped on him, trying to pin him to the bed, but for his unconscious body, they were nothing more than toys. His arms could nearly lift Lisa and Ras, while his legs were moving Aether and Jean around like they were feathers.

"What the hell is going on!?" asked Ras, using what little energy he had left to force Mark down.

Two glowing orbs of blood—that's what his eyes were like. They shot open, unwavering, staring deep into somewhere beyond their world. They flared a deep crimson, drowning the whole room. Mark's mouth unhinged open. The sounds he made were nothing close to his voice. They were something far more sinister.


His eyes closed, their light taken from them as his mouth closed, returning him to his comatose state.

Bewildered, everyone exchanged glances, Lisa being the only one who made sure to write down what she had heard.

"Someone confirm these words for me. Ezriot calam and naum, that's what I got."

Ras nodded, blinking as he tried to shake himself awake from the stupor of such an event.

"Paimon could nearly faint. What even was that gibberish he spoke?"

"I haven't heard anything like that before," said Aether, maintaining a certain composure that the others seemed to have lost at least partially.

"That voice... it wasn't even human, or anything close to it," said Jean, staring at Mark with a fearful gaze.

Lisa seemed to have fallen into a trance of sorts. In a blink, she was already walking out of the room.

"I need to go study some books. Find me in the library if you need me."

She walked off, closing the door behind her.

"Damn, this was... something," said Ras, still unable to process the events that happened before his very eyes.

"We sure have a lot on our plate. My powers, these words of his... God, I can't even keep track of them all." chuckled Ras, trying to see the full side of the glass.

"At least there are chances of him waking up."

How's it going? I hope you're all fine, enjoying the chapter. This one might be a little shorter since it's late here and I'm feeling rather tired. Hopefully you enjoy this glimpse into what's yet to come. 'Till then, Deus vult and peace out.

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