
Genshin Impact: The Template System

In Mondstadt, the Knights of Favonius are actively searching for a wanted criminal who stole the Holy Lyre der Himmel. "No matter what, bring me the man named Ezio at all costs!" Jean said to her knights. However, deep in her mind, there was another reason she wants him. * * * Finding himself Transmigrated as the infamous stalker in the game he loves and obtaining a template system, Albert started his path of chaos. Steal the Holy Lyre to gain Fame Points? Done. Be present in Rex Lapis' death and take on all the blame to gain even more points? Count it done. Actually touching Guuji Yae's ears?! He will do it for the fame points. Assassinating the Grand Sage out of spite for locking up Nahida? He doesn't even need fame points, he'll do it anyway. "It doesn't matter what I do." Albert grinned. "Because in the end, they won't even be able to find out my real identity." ...Or will they?

Unusual_Hilichurl · Video Games
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39 Chs


"You're good at this." Commended Draff, the Head of the Hunters from Springvale.

"Not really." Albert shook his head. "I'm still a novice when it comes to archery."

It has been a few weeks since he has received his new quest. During this time, he had done nothing but train himself and obtain fame points through other means of not exposing himself to the knights.

For example, he had been going out on random days so he won't be under suspicion to hunt down bandits.

He would go to bandit camps and act like an enigmatic person wearing a hood before knocking all of them out and sending a signal to the knights via smoke signals of their location.

Needless to say, the Knights have long put him on their wanted list.

But in exchange, he has gotten more fame points. He had already seen the items in the system's shop, but there is one particular item that he is saving up for.

Speaking of the knights, he and Jean have been talking for weeks now. She would oftentimes go to Good Hunter to eat some food, thus having the chance to talk.

They without a doubt are friends now.

Moving to the main topic. The reason Albert was with the Head Hunter right now is that he volunteered for some hunting.

The supplies that are used in Good Hunter all came directly from Springvale. Draff and Lenny are close business partners and the latter would even send some of her employees to help him.

And Albert found this as an opportunity.

Grabbing the boar that has been shot with a lot of his arrows, Albert sighed. "See? My sloppy archery needed to hit it seven times before going out."

"Haha, you're doing alright, kid." Draff laughed. "Y'know, even I started out like you."

"Before becoming a Hunter, I was an adventurer," Draff said proudly. "I would go and explore the deep wilderness and clear domains... Ah, those were the times."

"But after a few years of leading an adventurous life, I met my wife." He said with a smile. "And after that... My daughter, Diona."

Albert just listened and did not interrupt. 'Let the old guys have their time.'

"After having a daughter, I completely gave up on adventuring and became a hunter." He said before taking out an arrow. "Even with my experience, it took a lot of time to master the bow."

After saying this, he placed the arrow on his bow and aimed at a bush. "But with time, you will improve."

He then let go of the string and the arrow shot out and pierced the bush.

A few moments later, a good squeal of a boar could be heard.

"See that? That didn't just happen right after I picked up the bow." Draff turned around. "I heard a lot about you from Lenny. Boy is she lucky to have a vision-wielder like you as her employee."

"She even went as far as to tell me to teach you how to wield a bow." He said with a sigh. "But anyway, continue practicing."

He then walked past Albert. "Tell you what? If you manage to hunt five boars before lunch, I'll let you have a taste of my famous pepper-roasted chicken with glazed honey."

"Alright." Albert nodded. 'Pepper-roasted chicken with honey... That sounds like a weird but delicious combination, actually.'

Hearing Albert's response, Draff nodded with satisfaction and started to walk away. "Oh, by the way, make sure to not wander off too much into Wolvendom. You might encounter a pack of wolves!"

"Yes!" Albert shouted.

Checking if Draff's silhouette vanished, he sighed. 'Finally, alone time.'

Of course, Albert was not here just to simply learn archery. He needed an excuse for his disappearances and frequent leaving out of Mondstadt.

He figured that, under the guise of bow training in the woods, he can train his other skills.

"Alright, let's try this." He muttered before closing his eyes.

'Concentrate...' He thought. 'You need to concentrate... Don't let anything distract you.'

Currently, he was in the middle of the forest. About sixty meters away from the main path that most hunters use. He was quite confident that no one will see him and that the silence would give him more focus.

After a few more seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes. 'Gate of Babylon.'

Right after he said this, something happened. Geo elements started gathering around him, synchronizing with his manipulation and forming something.

Behind him, six golden ripples started appearing. And from there, weapons started sticking out. There are swords, polearms, and daggers coming out of the golden ripples behind him.

All six of them were radiating Geo pulses. If this pulse reacts to other elements, Elemental Shards of the corresponding element shall form which can provide a shield.

'Six, huh?' He thought with a satisfied smile. 'That's an improvement.'

After thinking about this, he stopped manipulating the geo elements, and the weapons then crumbled away.

'I knew it... Adding the golden ripples really is a nice touch.' He thought before sitting down with a bow beside him. 'It doesn't take that much of a problem to add it and it still looks cool...'

Thinking of this, he made a slight nod. 'Alright, now, it's time for my real elemental skill.'

After thinking this, he then lifted his hand forward. 'Elemental skill: Actors on Stage.'

Casting his elemental skill, Geo elements started releasing from his vision and automatically formed the Geo Constructs instead of him manually doing it.

Soon, a tall humanoid Geo Construct appeared in front of him. If one were to look closely, it even seems to be breathing slowly, giving it a touch of realism.

Standing up and inspecting the Geo Construct, Albert couldn't help but compare it to a certain Geo Archon. 'It kinda looks like the aftermath of Zhongli using his Elemental Burst... But more alive.'

He then looked at it and commanded it. "Take on the form of Ezio."

After commanding this, the Geo Construct started changing. A hood formed on top of its head as its color changed.

It went from looking like a solidified statue to a replica of when Albert dons the Assassin Robe. It even has the color scheme right.

"Amazing..." Albert said.

Soon, the time limit was up and the Geo Construct crumbled away.

"This is definitely a skill suited for me." He said.

Using the 'Gate of Babylon' as his supposed 'Elemental Skill' instead of using his real one was truly something Albert would do.

Noticing this, Albert got curious. 'I don't ever remember being this deceitful... System, is there any explanation for this?'

[It is suggested for the host to check their status.]

'...Oh right.' Albert thought with a wry smile. 'I don't check my status that much, do I?"

[You do.]

'I know.' He sighed with a smile before opening his system status.


[Status Window]

Name: Albert Derichs

Current active template: Ezio Auditore

Titles: None

Fame Points(FP): 205




INT: E++



Skills: [Stealth(Active Skill), Assassination(Passive Skill), Actors on Stage(Vision/Active), The Play of Life (Vision/Active), Gate of Babylon (Vision/Active), Deceit (Constellation/Passive)]

Current template progress: [63%]

Vision: [Geo]

Constellation: [Magna Furta]

[System note: Excluding skills, you can take on at least five knights at the same time.]


'Hold on.' Albert tapped his temples. '...Since when did I get a constellation?'

'First a vision then a constellation?' He thought before sighing. 'No matter how I look at it, there's a high chance that I'll be a playable character.'

'...The hell?'

Albert doesn't want to be bounded by the traveler. No, more precisely, he doesn't want to get caught up in their whole "Loom of Fate" nonsense.

He just wants to gather up the strength to the point that he can protect himself from any casualties and live a peaceful life somewhere.

'Three years... I still have three years.' He thought before sighing. 'Before then, I need to get stronger faster.'

'There's an item in the shop that I want... But it's expensive as heck.' He thought as the thought of grinding all those Fame Points flashed through his mind.

'I need to finish this quest as soon as possible.' He stood up. 'I heard from the local hunters that a knight would regularly go to Wolvendom to train.'

"...And she calls herself an Outrider." He said before picking an apple from a tree branch.

He then rubbed the apple and took a bite. "Let's see how it goes."