
Genshin Impact: Sword Master

In the enchanting land of Teyvat, Xian Yu, an enigmatic young man, grapples with newfound powers and a mysterious past. With the ability to wield elemental power, Xian Yu's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters an Cryo Crystal Butterfly, unlocking a unique connection to elemental forces. _______________ Note: This is a Translation Original Book: 原神之剑主

Firesight · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Two: Dawn Winery

Upon hearing the familiar name "Wagner," Xianyu found himself at a loss for words. Despite all his inquiries, the only new information he had acquired was the name Sinbad.

In this case, could the Cold Steel Forge in Mondstadt also be an option? And if not, didn't Wangshu Inn have an elderly gentleman?

While these thoughts crossed his mind, he knew he couldn't return at the moment. When he was at Dragonspine, he hadn't seen Orban and had assumed the person didn't exist. Little did he know that Orban just liked to "wander" around and wasn't entirely absent.

"Alright, thanks, sir. I've got it."

After that, he resumed walking.

"Young man, this is something most people already know. You don't need to offer this wolf carcass."

Xianyu didn't stop and merely waved his hand.

His figure blended into the crowd, gradually disappearing.

"Never thought there wouldn't be anyone who could forge weapons here. It looks like I'll have to go to the city."

Going to the city was a necessity, but before that, he needed to handle some matters within his inventory.

As for Mora, Xianyu didn't have a single coin. Initially, he had given all his money to Uncle Zhang because he was going to Dragonspine. However, this kind of situation was a simple matter for the current Xianyu.

He wasn't like Mona, who was as poor as a church mouse, to the point where her wallet echoed with emptiness. Xianyu had emptied his wallet, and it still contained more Mora than his face had expressions.

The trading hub at Dawn Winery was quite prominent. Most of the caravans here were involved in the alcohol business, but over time, the items traded here had expanded beyond just spirits.

Xianyu casually strolled around the trading hub, keeping any unrealistic thoughts of bargains at bay. Even the more valuable items here came with exorbitant price tags.

Although he had no intention of making any purchases, he did learn a few things. For example, the Roaming Rose, a plant found in the Whispering Woods, was far from cheap. It wasn't as easy to collect as it seemed in the game.

There was also a type of plant called "Windwheel Aster," a species Xianyu hadn't heard of before, but its uses were impressive.

According to the seller, it was favored by Anemoculi and held significant medicinal value.

The fact that the Windwheel Aster attracted Anemoculi reminded Xianyu of Valberry, a plant that benefited the Cryo Slimes. However, it had no effect on Cryo Slimes now. Their attributes were different, and the Cryo Slimes had evolved significantly over time.

Otherwise, he might have considered collecting some.

"How intriguing. I initially thought Starconch was a unique case, but there seem to be other plants with attributes that benefit corresponding elemental creatures. In that case, there might also be something like 'Hydro Fireweed.'"

His quest for unusual knowledge continued, with his main goal still in mind.

He found a shop specializing in buying and selling hunted creatures.

As he walked in, someone approached him and asked, "Are you looking to buy or sell some game, sir?"

Without much ado, Xianyu presented a Snow Fox carcass.

"Do you accept this Snow Fox carcass?"

The receptionist was quite surprised when they saw the Snow Fox carcass. After years of working here, they had a good understanding of the local wildlife and monsters. Such pure white wolves were known to roam deep within Dragonspine, typically in groups, and rarely as solitary individuals. Hunting them was an exceptionally challenging feat.

Given the dangerous environment of the snow-capped mountains, everyone in Mondstadt was well aware of the perils and the presence of numerous monsters. So, it was a moment of surprise when the receptionist saw this Snow Fox carcass.

While he was somewhat surprised, the receptionist didn't inquire further. Professionally, he stated, "I must say, sir, you seem quite extraordinary. Let me be honest with you."

"The Snow Fox carcass is quite valuable, especially in Mondstadt. Many young ladies there have a liking for these furs. If you take it to Mondstadt, the price will be even higher. Are you sure you want to sell it?"

The receptionist didn't feel the need to hide the truth. The ability to conjure creatures out of thin air signified a certain level of skill, something not only he but even children understood.

"Yes, I want to sell."

"Alright, due to its rarity, the Snow Fox carcass usually fetches around 20,000 Mora."

"However, that's the market price. When we purchase it, we generally offer 18,000 Mora, and I believe our customer can understand that."

The price of 18,000 Mora was somewhat unexpected for Xianyu. He had estimated it to be worth at most 5,000 Mora. This was due to his own limited understanding. He could freely roam Dragonspine without fearing danger, but he realized that his perspective was unique.

For ordinary people venturing into the snow-capped mountains, survival was almost a matter of life and death, let alone expecting a bountiful harvest. It was incredibly challenging!

"Alright, that price works for me."

"I do have eleven more, though. Do you think you can take them all at once?"


Thinking that the Snow Fox was just a random lone wolf, Xianyu hadn't expected it to be such a windfall.

But for the receptionist, it was very surprising. Even though the person in front of him was a Chosen One, surviving in the harsh environment of Dragonspine was no easy feat. One had to be cautious, as any mishap could lead to life-threatening situations.

As he looked at the slightly youthful face before him, Sade suddenly realized he had underestimated this individual.

This person might not be an ordinary Chosen One, but perhaps a powerful one among them!

Just how strong were they? He couldn't say for certain, but one thing he knew was that he had heard of Chosen Ones from the Adventurers' Guild who ventured into Dragonspine and returned empty-handed. Some even returned heavily wounded, and there were cases where they didn't return at all.

This information wasn't exactly classified; with a little effort, one could learn about it from the Adventurers' Guild.

Xianyu didn't pay much attention to the surprise on Sade's face and calmly replied, "Yes, eleven Snow Fox carcasses."

Suppressing his speculations, Sade quickly exclaimed, "We can handle it!"

"Kind guest, please wait a moment. I'll go get the money."

Xianyu nodded, "Sure."

The receptionist retreated into the back room, and after a short while, returned with a card.

"Esteemed guest, this is a Mora Gold Card. It has 220,000 Mora inside. If you happen to have similar gane in the future, please consider us."

With the deal completed, Sade eagerly started his work. Despite having spent 220,000 Mora, if he were to sell these Snow Fox carcasses to Lord Lupus, he could make at least 50,000 Mora in profit or even more!

It was no secret that the Dawn Winery and Lord Diluc had substantial wealth. They wouldn't fret over such a small sum of money. Of course, if he were to sell the Snow Foxes individually, the profit wouldn't be as high, but with quantity on his side, it added up.

For Xianyu, this was just a small matter. When it came to Mora, unless the amounts were exceptionally vast, it wasn't a concern for him. If he ever needed money again, he could always go hunting other monsters. Perhaps, he even considered trying his hand at selling flowers?

It seemed that these items also fetched a good price.