
Genshin Impact: Sword Master

In the enchanting land of Teyvat, Xian Yu, an enigmatic young man, grapples with newfound powers and a mysterious past. With the ability to wield elemental power, Xian Yu's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters an Cryo Crystal Butterfly, unlocking a unique connection to elemental forces. _______________ Note: This is a Translation Original Book: 原神之剑主

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98 Chs

Chapter Thirty-One: The Blacksmith

"Compared to Liyue, Mondstadt's atmosphere is definitely much more relaxed,"

That's how Xianyu feels.

While Liyue is prosperous, it's also full of rules and regulations, which contrasts sharply with Mondstadt's "freedom."

And Xianyu himself is someone who appreciates freedom.

If there weren't things to attend to, Mondstadt would be like a retirement spot.

The journey is long, and the pedestrians are gradually returning to normal.

Most of them seem to be part of merchant caravans.

"Keep moving, we're almost at Dawn Winery! Once we get there, this delivery will be considered complete!"

"Phew, it's about time. Every time we transport goods, it's nerve-wracking, all thanks to those annoying Treasure Hoarders. The hilichurls don't disgust me as much as they do."

"Sigh~, who doesn't agree? If we had a chosen one with us every time we made a delivery, we could do our rounds in peace."

"Hey, Old Li, what are you daydreaming about? Do you think those high and mighty folks will bother with us? Don't kid yourself."

"Instead of dreaming about unrealistic things, it's better to pray for the protection of the Anemo Archon..."

"Hahaha, you've got a point. Let's not dwell on it, everyone, let's go!"

Listening to these conversations, Xianyu ponders.

"Are we close to Dawn Winery? It seems like Mondstadt isn't far either. I'll have to check out who can forge weapons when we get there."

Although these people have been worrying about that 'Mutual aid Network', Xianyu hasn't paid them much mind.

Little do they know, he just effortlessly dealt with a few of them. In his eyes, their strength is just average.

"Maka, take a look at that young man over there. He's been maintaining this pace since we started, and I haven't seen any fluctuations in his aura. Do you think he might be...?"

"I say, old Li, just because they call you 'old man,' doesn't mean you have to start thinking of yourself that way! Don't go assuming everyone's a Chosen One. Maybe the guy just has good health and a unique constitution, that's all."

"Don't overthink it. We're at most half a day away from the winery, and our esteemed Master Diluc's reputation precedes him. This stretch of road rarely sees any mishaps."

Though he knew he might be jumping to conclusions, old Li couldn't shake the feeling that the young man was different. It was akin to the impression Diluc of Dawn Winery gave him, albeit one warm and the other cold.

It was this gut feeling that led him to speculate in this manner. Of course, it was just speculation and far from certain. Many things could influence one's senses; for instance, carrying around mist flower seeds might produce a similar feeling.

Returning his gaze, old Li chose to remain silent, occasionally glancing back at the casually strolling youth.

"To think he could guess I'm a 'Chosen One'? Seems like another one with heightened elemental sensitivity."

Xianyu's artificial Vision had never been on display, once thinking it necessary, but now deeming it inconsequential. Unless someone sought to investigate or specific circumstances required proof.

Investigating was unlikely, as it would be very impolite and could even lead to conflict.

As for proving, it was usually only required for certain tasks from the Adventurers' Guild.

If it wasn't necessary, why bother?

This Vision of the divine, while it could save a lot of trouble, could also bring a lot of trouble.

Given the choice between troubles, Xianyu still felt it was better not to flaunt it. Those who could discern he wasn't ordinary would naturally avoid causing trouble, and those who couldn't discern it wouldn't pose much of a threat.


Dawn Winery, although referred to as an estate, wasn't entirely so. Given the winery's business, it had organically developed into a sizable town. As far as Xianyu could see, the caravans and pedestrians made it seem quite bustling.

"Excuse me, miss, do you know if there's a forge near this estate?"

The young lady who was stopped was about to respond, "Haven't seen..."

But as she caught a glimpse of Xianyu's face, she hesitated and said, "Oh, my apologies. I didn't notice earlier. Did you say a forge?"

"Just head forward, take a left, and then a right, and you'll find it."

"Thank you."

After thanking her, Xianyu followed the directions she provided.

The young woman watched his departing figure for a long time, only turning away when her companion approached.

"He's got such an air about him. I wish my future partner had that kind of charisma and looks..."

The thought was lovely, but reality seldom worked that way.

After a short walk, Xianyu began to hear the rhythmic sound of hammering.

It was only when he got closer that he realized that, although this was a forge, it wasn't quite what he was looking for.

Inside the forge, various farming tools were strewn about, leaving him somewhat dumbfounded.

While it was true that both weapon and farming tool forging fell under the same craft, the items produced served drastically different purposes.

Nonetheless, since he was already here, Xianyu intended to inquire. After all, they were fellow craftsmen, and he might come across someone who knew other weapon smiths.

"Excuse me, sir, do you know if there's anyone nearby who can craft weapons?"

Hearing the young man's words, the blacksmith paused his work.

"Weapons? Young man, if you need some simple weaponry, I can certainly forge them here. But if it's a custom job, I'd recommend you go to Mondstadt City. The facilities there are better suited for that, and the craftsmen are more skilled."

Listening to this straightforward response, Xianyu was a bit surprised. Such frank admission of one's limitations was refreshingly genuine, something not often encountered.

However, considering that most people in this trade tended to be straightforward and open, it made sense.

"Well then, could you please make a recommendation?"

"Of course, I wouldn't ask for nothing. Consider this wolf carcass as payment."

After speaking, he produced a wolf carcass.

Xianyu's actions piqued the blacksmith's interest, and he spoke with a more solemn tone, "I didn't expect you to be a Chosen One. In that case, the weapons you need aren't likely your typical ones."

"I happen to know of two master smiths, though I'm not very familiar with them. I've had the chance to meet them, but whether you'll encounter them or not depends on your luck."

Upon hearing this, Xianyu inquired, "Please, tell me more."

"These two individuals, one is named Orban, and he's often active around Dragonspine in the Snow Mountain area. Your wolf carcass is likely from there, so perhaps you could continue your search there."

Xianyu didn't immediately respond, merely looking at the blacksmith.

Orban was a name he knew. After all, he had previously undertaken the "The Festering Fang" task assigned by Orban, making them somewhat familiar.

"But right now... he's been up in Dragonspine for nearly half a year, and I haven't seen more than a few people around, let alone Orban."

"It seems you're not planning to head to Dragonspine. In that case, you'll have to look for the other option."

"The other one is Sinbad, located inside Mondstadt City. You can inquire about him; he's easy to find within the city. However, whether he'll take the job or not is up to you."

"Oh, by the way, you can start by visiting his son, Wagner. Although his skills aren't on par with his old man's, for most non-complex weapons, he can handle the job."