
Genshin Impact: Sword Master

In the enchanting land of Teyvat, Xian Yu, an enigmatic young man, grapples with newfound powers and a mysterious past. With the ability to wield elemental power, Xian Yu's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters an Cryo Crystal Butterfly, unlocking a unique connection to elemental forces. _______________ Note: This is a Translation Original Book: 原神之剑主

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98 Chs

Chapter fifteen: I Don't Want to Know

"Who cares? I'll inform the young master first, and you keep an eye on him."

"Don't forget to leave a mark."

Datou, the man, seemed nonchalant upon hearing this.

"I know, I can deal with that waste by myself. Brother Wang, you're worrying too much. Go on ahead."

Brother Wang, after considering Datou's words, realized he might be overly concerned. Nevertheless, they were still in the harbor, and neither of them had the audacity to take direct action.

"Indeed, Li Wen isn't worth the concern. However, taking action in this port could lead to consequences beyond what the two of us can handle. It's better to inform Master Shui and let him decide."

"I understand, I understand. You go ahead and notify him. I'll follow that guy; he walks really fast."

As the big head disappeared from sight, Brother Wang hurried toward Shuifu.

Unaware of these events, Xian Yu continued to examine the map in his hands.

"There's something off about this map... It's not right! Why are there so many endless ridgelines? This doesn't resemble Liyue at all!"

"Moreover, there aren't even any place names marked. It's only noted with a few words of warning. What's the use of this?"

Indeed, Xian Yu was quite puzzled upon first inspecting this map. Not only did it lack specific location names, but even some perilous areas were insufficiently marked.

This basic map was missing many place names Xian Yu himself knew. For example, Dragon Cave and Wyrmrest Valley were nowhere to be found.

"I feel like I've bought a counterfeit."

Xian Yu considered tossing the map away but changed his mind, deciding to keep it. After all, the topographical maps of the entry routes were somewhat helpful. Otherwise, he would have to make inquiries.

"Oh, I thought I could avoid the hassle, but it seems I'll have to search for them myself in the end. It's a bit like returning to the pioneer days..."

Xian Yu wasn't exactly thrilled about his upcoming journey to reclaim Dragonspine Mountain. In his gaming days, he often took wrong turns. Now, in a real-world setting, he pondered how many challenges he would encounter.

Deep in thought during his trek, Xian Yu suddenly halted after an indeterminate stretch of time. He raised his gaze to the group of individuals ahead, then scanned his surroundings. Apparently, he was alone, and that likely hinted at what was transpiring.

"Tsk, tsk! I didn't expect our Young Master Li to still be alive. You're quite lucky!"

"Without my two servants spotting you, I wouldn't have had a clue."

"But who would've imagined that someone destined to die would appear whole. Even I didn't anticipate this."

The person speaking was someone Xian Yu recognized, the young master of the Shui family who had triggered murderous intentions the previous day.

In the wilderness, no one else was in sight, and each adversary bore weaponry. The thought of imminent bloodshed was inescapable.

"I had intended to strategize for a while, but you've appeared right before me. I must say, if you don't take the road to heaven, there's no escaping the road to hell!"

He hardly finished speaking before Xian Yu vanished. In a flash, he observed numerous blossoms of blood splattering on the ground, screams echoing in succession, until only Shui Xingkong, the young master of the Shui family, remained. He looked at his deceased servants, fear etched on his face, as he cowered on the ground, extending trembling fingers.

"You... How can you be so powerful?"

Xian Yu also contemplated taking immediate action but ultimately sheathed his sword.

In any endeavor, you must weigh the potential consequences. Though it was possible to act recklessly, it wasn't the prudent choice to indulge one's obsession. To circumvent future troubles, Xian Yu exercised restraint.

Shui Xingkong also interpreted Xian Yu's action of sheathing his sword.

He grasped the implications, knowing that only the Chosen Ones had the capacity to conjure items seemingly out of thin air.

However, the once wronged and bereaved Shui Xingkong had transformed into a Chosen One. This change was something he struggled to accept, causing him to forget some of his previous fears.

"Li Wen! Do not assume that you can act without consequences just because you've become a Chosen One. My second uncle is also a Chosen One, and I strongly recommend that you release me. We can wipe the slate clean on all past grievances."

"You're probably aware of my second uncle. To avoid further pursuit, your only path to survival is to grant me my freedom."

When Xian Yu heard these words, he nearly burst into laughter. He couldn't have imagined hearing such nonsensical statements one day.

"Furthermore, we don't have any significant grudges. The issues involving your Li Mansion aren't directed by my Shui family but by someone else."

"As long as you set me free, I'll sugges..."

Before Shui Xingkong could complete his sentence, Xian Yu sealed his mouth by using elemental power to freeze his tongue.

Xian Yu had no interest in hearing more, nor did he want to uncover the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes. He feared that such knowledge might stir his vengeful desires.

He never wished to be consumed by this darkness forever.

"I have no desire to ascertain the identity of the culprit, and I lack the time to engage in a vendetta."

"If you hadn't crossed my path, I wouldn't have given you a second thought. You could say that you've invited disaster."

Shui Xingkong disregarded the struggle, his gaze locked on Xian Yu.

Surveying the lifeless bodies on the ground, Xian Yu experienced little fluctuation in his emotions at that moment, which came as a surprise.

Upon reflection, it made sense. Despite his extensive time-traveling experience, Xian Yu had limited interaction with this world. His reactions were tinged with a gamer's mentality.

Hence, his response. After all, which video game player didn't eliminate countless foes? Each one of them could be described as a "hero" who had slain millions.

What kind of emotions could an NPC feel when meeting their end? Even Xian Yu himself, during his time in the world of Genshin, had dispatched Foolish Fatuus and Treasure Hoarders.

Thinking about it, it's indeed a grave predicament!

With Shui Xingkong in his custody, Xian Yu hesitated. His initial plan was to lure members of the Shui family out, but things might not go as expected. Furthermore, the presence of a person in the Shui family with the Vision added a layer of uncertainty regarding the opponent's strength.

While fear isn't the issue, Xian Yu knows that he needs a backup plan. However, it's unlikely to resolve the situation once and for all. He must await the right opportunity.

Having power or formidable strength would be a great advantage, but he possesses neither.

"The Osial incident presents an opportunity, but the timing is unpredictable, which is rather troublesome!"

"Argh! This is so vexing! Why must these absurd situations happen to me?"

"It's all your fault! Why did you have to show up in front of me? If you hadn't, none of this would have occurred."

Shui Xingkong, thrown to the ground abruptly, felt regret and bewilderment. If he had foreseen this, he would have allowed Datou and Wang to lead the way, avoiding his current predicament.

But it's too late for regrets now. He can only hope that Xian Yu will care about his second uncle and spare him.

Shui Xingkong's hopes are obviously based on wishful thinking.

Xian Yu doesn't fear his second uncle; he just seeks to evade future troubles permanently.

"Never mind. Let's return and have Uncle Zhang and the others head to Mondstadt to prevent their involvement."

After uttering this, while Shui Xingkong was still indulging in fantasies, Xian Yu promptly froze him into an ice sculpture.

"After careful consideration, it would be troublesome to bring you along. Sooner or later, you'll meet your demise. I'd rather send you to the [Sky Island]."