
Genshin Impact: Sword Master

In the enchanting land of Teyvat, Xian Yu, an enigmatic young man, grapples with newfound powers and a mysterious past. With the ability to wield elemental power, Xian Yu's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters an Cryo Crystal Butterfly, unlocking a unique connection to elemental forces. _______________ Note: This is a Translation Original Book: 原神之剑主

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98 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Insights

Sometimes, even seemingly ordinary individuals display clever thinking.

Wang Er understands one fundamental principle: rashly meddling in a complicated situation is fraught with difficulty. While taking risks might lead to gains, he recognizes his place and aims to avoid unclear predicaments. Not everyone is like characters in novels, striving relentlessly for opportunities. If you lack the necessary skill level, you're more likely to get burned.

Moreover, Wang Er is content with his current life. He has a soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and he has no desire for any unexpected mishaps.


"Shui family? It would be much easier if we knew the other party's name."

"Perhaps Uncle Zhang has some information. You could inquire with him."

This suggestion wasn't unreasonable. Uncle Zhang had consistently referred to him as Young Master. In the past, Xian Yu hadn't given it much thought and merely regarded it as a gesture of gratitude for saving his life. Now he contemplated whether there might be additional reasons for Uncle Zhang's choice of address.

Pondering as he walked, Xian Yu was in no rush. Though he had sensed murderous intent, he wasn't prepared to take immediate action. In the absence of overwhelming strength, the best course of action was to lurk and, if necessary, address the situation through retreat.

While the problem could be resolved instantly, it would likely lead to prolonged complications. Meditation appeared to be the more sensible choice for the time being between the two options.

Of course, encountering the individual in the wild would be ideal.

Although Xian Yu had yet to take a life, it didn't mean he was incapable of doing so. When faced with individuals who harbored intent to kill him, Xian Yu wouldn't hesitate to reciprocate. If there was murderous intent, it signified irreconcilable conflicts. Consequently, at times, the swiftest way to resolve problems was through elimination.

"It's a pity. If we were outside the city, we could do it without anyone noticing, but it's really inconvenient in Liyue Port..."

With a slight sigh, Xian Yu put down his thoughts and continued to wander.

It's not easy to encounter this kind of festival, so we can't let this bad thing affect our mood.

Among the endless crowds of people, Xian Yu looked around.

The streets are filled with all kinds of items, whether they are food or entertainment. Even those stalls that usually do not have good business are now in short supply.

From this, we can see how lively the atmosphere is today.

This is only on the periphery; you can imagine what happens inside.

Sitting casually in a teahouse, Xian Yu ordered a cup of hot tea and looked out the window quietly.

He was different this time than last time.

At that time, there would still be some emotions, such as envy or jealousy, but now, just looking at it, it seems that he has reached a state of mind that is as calm as water.

Well..., at least on the surface.

"I don't know if I have been discovered by the Shui family now? If so, how will they deal with this matter?"

"I... seem to be looking forward to it."

"Is it me who feels this way? Or is it the original person?"

The thoughts in my heart were slightly turbulent, but that was all.

Xian Yu did not hide anything along the way and was not worried about whether people from the Shui family would discover him.

Rather than saying "worry," it is better to say "deliberately."

Unfortunately, his actions did not receive much attention.

Even the previous Wang Er only wanted to protect himself wisely, but this made his vague expectations come to nothing.

"Hey! Did you hear that? Yun Jin seems to be showing up at Heyu Tea House!"

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"If you go late, you won't see anyone, and you may not even hear her voice!"

The sudden discussion in the teahouse prompted Xianyu to pause and reflect.

He lifted the tea and continued to drink. "I didn't expect to come across another familiar name. This Lantern Festival is proving to be quite interesting."

It seemed like many "acquaintances" had appeared today, individuals who were rarely seen on regular weekdays.

Additionally, Xian Yu had heard about a fireworks show hosted by the Qixing, but not here, rather near the port or Yujing Terrace. Despite hearing about it, Xian Yu had no intention of taking part in the festivities.

Regardless of whether he had the time or not, rushing over without a plan wouldn't achieve much. He preferred to take a more measured approach.

Shaking his head, Xian Yu finished his tea and left the teahouse. While the festival was undoubtedly lively, it belonged to others, and he found little joy in his heart.

After a brief stroll, he located a place to rest. Having witnessed and experienced the festivities, he felt it was sufficient.

As for Uncle Zhang and Lingmei Yujiao, Xian Yu wasn't concerned and didn't seek them out. They had agreed upon his arrival not to worry about him, explaining that he had some matters to attend to.

Once inside his room, the contrast between the inside and outside was striking. Xian Yu pondered his next steps.

First on the agenda was resolving the lingering thoughts of the previous occupant, although he could delay this for a while. It would be ideal if he could address it once and for all, but such a scenario appeared unlikely upon consideration.

Then, there was the matter of the Traveler, a significant concern that demanded his ongoing attention.

The arrival of the Traveler would signal the start of a series of disruptions. In comparison, the conflicts between the Shui family and the previous occupant seemed inconsequential.

So far, Xian Yu hadn't heard any news regarding the "Traveler," which offered him some relief. This implied that he had more time to develop, which was a positive prospect.

"Liyue is quite distant from Mondstadt, and there's no intelligence network like Ningguang's, which makes things somewhat inconvenient."

"Although I could visit the Adventurers guild to inquire, it would be a bit of a hassle."

With these thoughts, Xian Yu considered alternative approaches, even though they appeared challenging to execute.

A night passed in silence. The following morning, Xian Yu visited the Adventurers guild and procured a detailed map of the Dragonspine Mountain. He kept the visit low-key and inconspicuous, so as not to attract attention.

Besides, he hadn't taken on any missions in over half a year, and the Adventurers Association had a substantial turnover of individuals. It was unlikely anyone would remember him, especially given his youth.

Upon leaving the association, Xian Yu headed towards the outskirts of Liyue Port. Unbeknownst to him, two individuals in the crowd were stealthily watching him, appearing to confirm something.

"Big Head, look at that man! Does he resemble the young master from the Li family?"

"You think so too? He looks quite similar to me, but if I recall correctly, didn't Master Shui push him off a cliff? How is he still alive?"