
Genshin Impact: Spreading Anime Culture Across Teyvat

A boy regained consciousness in a ship after being struck by lightning in the middle of the ocean. Thanks to his near-death experience, he actually triggered his sealed memories. His memories from Earth were unsealed. He remembered everything before his memories were sealed where he was given the chance by the goddess to be reincarnated into another world called Teyvat. The boy is named Niwa Ryūhei and was born in a nation called Inazuma led by the Electro Archon, one of the deities residing in Teyvat. After his memories returned, the system gifted by the goddess also started to activate. From there, he started his new life, not as a world conqueror, but as a spreader of anime culture. Follow Ryūhei's journey to spread anime culture, starting with opening a manga shop. — — — — (C) I do not own the characters from Genshin Impact except the OC (the MC). (C) The cover is from the official page of Hoyoverse. ————— 1300-1700 words per chapter. 1500 words average. 4 or 5 chapters per week. And I might take a break sometimes if I had tight schedule irl or Genshin new maps and lores.

UltimateSenpai · Video Games
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

115. Everything Went According to My Plan

"Hmmm. So this is the so-called Abyssal poison, huh? Or rather, this is blood." Ryūhei held his chin in ponder.

Ryūhei had contact with the Abyssal energy before. However, something like this was the first. By using Rikugan, Ryūhei could discern what was really the blood that caused the teardrop to crystallize.

"By the way, do they really know who you are?" What he meant were Diluc, Jean, Aether, and Paimon. Although they seemed to know Venti's real identity, it might be better if Ryūhei reconfirmed.

"It's alright, they already know me anyway."

Since Venti confirmed it, Ryūhei didn't beat around the bush.

"Then, let me ask. Was the dragon that Dvalin fought really an artificial dragon?"

"Yes, but…"

Ryūhei interjected before Venti finished his words.

"It had similar traits to the creatures from the Abyss?"

"Yeah. Weird, right?"

"I learned from my teacher that the Abyss creatures broke into the mainland 500 years ago, causing destruction everywhere. You found out that the dragon was artificial, yet it possessed blood from the Abyss. And the main question is, did Teyvat and the Abyss go to war with each other and someone from the Abyss created the dragon?"

Ryūhei felt that the story about the Abyss was so deep just like the abyss itself. If this was really the case, it would be better if Ryūhei could prepare beforehand. After all, there was no use in expanding his business if the people were busy fighting the Abyss creatures.

Who would bother to read manga or play games in the middle of a war? Well, only chads or unhinged motherfuckers would do that.

"I'm not so sure of myself. However, Abyss creatures occasionally came to this world." Venti stated. But, Ryūhei felt that such a thing was normal in this kind of fantasy world. Still, Ryūhei felt his current world is too messy.

"Hmmm. If I assume that there was someone behind the scenes, I can say that what happened with Dvalin was expected by that person too. Then, Dvalin would be easy to manipulate."

"That…might be the case…" Venti frowned. "Their organization is called Abyss Order. And it looks like they just got a new leader from what I've heard."

Ryūhei was suspicious about the reason the Abyss creatures broke into the mainland. But, knowing that Venti didn't delve too much into the Abyss, Ryūhei decided to ask someone else later. And Zhongli was pretty knowledgeable in this aspect. Probably.

Putting that matter aside, he seemed to hear about the new Abyss Order leader.

"The leader of the Abyss Order?"

Venti gazed at the other with a pensive expression. He turned to Ryūhei, his wind-swept hair dancing with the breeze, and began to explain.

"You see, the leader of the Abyss Order is a shadowy figure, a mastermind who shrouds themselves in secrecy. They've taken root in the darkest corners of Teyvat, a place where even the bravest dare not venture, The Abyss. Their true identity is hidden, but their influence runs deep."

Venti's eyes took on a serious tone, a departure from his usual carefree demeanor. "The Abyss Order's leader is like a conductor orchestrating chaos. They command the Abyss Mages, turning even the most ordinary people into agents of darkness, all in pursuit of their enigmatic goals."

He paused for a moment, a contemplative look in his eyes. "But we won't be daunted. As the Anemo Archon, I'm dedicated to preserving the beauty and harmony of Teyvat. We will uncover the truth behind this leader and ensure that their darkness can never extinguish the light that graces our world."

Venti's voice held a hint of determination, a reminder that even amidst the chaos and secrecy of the Abyss Order, there was still hope, and that hope would prevail.

'Ugh, how come the conversation ended with the Abyss Order? Who started it? Damn, it's me.' Ryūhei couldn't help but curse himself. Though the curse was used by him.

But, this might be a chance for him to play along. So, he replied.

"We? Do it yourself. You're an Archon, aren't you? For me, I just run my business as usual." Ryūhei shrugged his shoulders.

Venti, his expression a mix of surprise and frustration, took a step closer to Ryūhei. "Well, I might be an Archon," he began, "but that doesn't mean I can do everything alone, especially when it comes to matters of the Abyss Order. The safety of Teyvat is at stake, and I can't ensure it on my own."

Diluc chimed in, "He's right. We've faced the Abyss Order before, and they won't stop unless we stop them."

And Jean also nodded.

Aether added, "It's our responsibility to protect this world, even if it's inconvenient."

Ryūhei, unmoved, turned to Ayaka and asked, "What do you think, Ayaka?"

Ayaka hesitated but finally said, "I believe it's our duty to ensure the safety of our people, Ryūhei, even if our feelings are indifferent."

Ryūhei, though reluctant, nodded, "I won't promise anything, but I'll lend a hand. Just don't expect too much."

Venti, leaning in closer to Jean, whispered, "Jean, I think I've found the key to getting Ryūhei on board. He's keen on expanding his business into Mondstadt. If we can ensure that, he'll be more motivated to help us against the Abyss Order."

Jean nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of having Ryūhei's support. She replied in a low tone, "Alright, Venti. Since you've said that Ryūhei's power is invaluable, having him invested in protecting Mondstadt will be a great asset. We should offer him a building for his business in our city. It would give him a stake in its safety and prosperity."

Venti grinned, satisfied with the plan. "Exactly, Jean. Let's make that offer to Ryūhei, and I'm sure he'll be more than willing to fight against the Abyss Order if they ever disturb his business in Mondstadt. It's a win-win situation."

Jean gave Venti a quick nod and turned to face Ryūhei, a friendly smile on her face. "Sir Ryūhei, we were just discussing something important. Venti has a proposition for you."

Ryūhei raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh? What's this proposition, then?"

Venti, with his usual charm, stepped forward and explained, "Ryūhei, we understand your concerns. We'd like to offer you a building for your business in Mondstadt. In return, we hope you'll lend your formidable abilities to help protect the city from the Abyss Order."

Ryūhei thought for a moment, weighing the offer. "A new branch in Mondstadt, huh? Well, that's certainly interesting. It can't promise everything, but you've got a deal. I'll help when needed, especially if it means safeguarding my business interests here."

"You're being a tsundere, Ryūhei. You're delighted inside, aren't you?" Ayaka teased him, which made him give her a dumbfounded look. He did that for the sake of a free building, so he didn't care if he had to be so shameless.

Paimon, in her usual feisty manner, floated up to Ryūhei and pouted, "Hey! We've been helping out for a long time, too, and we didn't get any special rewards like that!"

Aether tried to stop her. "Paimon, we don't really need that."

"But, you don't have any Mora. You're broke. What will happen if I starve to death???" Paimon replied angrily. But then, she suddenly added after momentarily forgetting about Aether, "And you also need to eat as well."

Aether didn't know how to retort Paimon in Paimonal wrath now.

'That is extra emotional damage. And she almost forgot about her companion.' Ryūhei said to himself.

Venti exchanged a quick glance with Jean, understanding the situation. "I apologize, Paimon, Aether. It wasn't about favoritism. We just thought this would be a significant incentive for Ryūhei. Rest assured, we appreciate your efforts too, and we'll find a way to show our gratitude."

Ayaka added, "We're a team, and we should all be recognized for our contributions."

"Really?" Paimon energized all of a sudden. But then…

Ryūhei nodded in agreement, "They're right. I'll only be a part of this if everyone's recognized for their efforts. But, I don't think flying emergency food like you can be that useful." He shrugged while showing a cynical expression on his face.

Of course, Paimon was mad after that. Honestly, bullying Paimon is so fun.

Putting that matter aside. Ryūhei nonchalantly tossed the precious teardrop crystal, meant for repairing the Holy Lyre, toward the unsuspecting Rimuru before he swallowed the crystal. A collective gasp and startled cries erupted from the group. They couldn't believe their eyes.

Venti exclaimed, "Ryūhei, that's the teardrop crystal we need to fix the Holy Lyre! Why did you throw it to the slime?"

Diluc, his voice edged with disbelief, added, "You've got to be kidding! We needed that for a crucial mission."

Ryūhei, unfazed, just raised an eyebrow and explained, "My slime likes shiny things. Maybe it's got a use for it."

Ayaka, who knew Ryūhei's idiosyncrasies well, sighed and said, "Ryūhei always has his own way of doing things. Let's hope this doesn't come back to haunt us." They all watched in suspense as the teardrop crystal began to melt inside Rimuru's body, making the group cry in agony.

Jean glanced at Venti since it was his idea to invite Ryūhei over. However, Venti decided to avoid her gaze. They asked Ryūhei almost simultaneously, but Ryūhei asked them to keep quiet as he asked Rimuru.

"How is it, can you copy that thing?"

Rimuru wiggled his body to nod. Then he shot some purified teardrops filled with pure Anemo energy to the Holy Lyre. In that instant, everyone except Ryūhei's group was dumbfounded.