
Genshin Impact: Spreading Anime Culture Across Teyvat

A boy regained consciousness in a ship after being struck by lightning in the middle of the ocean. Thanks to his near-death experience, he actually triggered his sealed memories. His memories from Earth were unsealed. He remembered everything before his memories were sealed where he was given the chance by the goddess to be reincarnated into another world called Teyvat. The boy is named Niwa Ryūhei and was born in a nation called Inazuma led by the Electro Archon, one of the deities residing in Teyvat. After his memories returned, the system gifted by the goddess also started to activate. From there, he started his new life, not as a world conqueror, but as a spreader of anime culture. Follow Ryūhei's journey to spread anime culture, starting with opening a manga shop. — — — — (C) I do not own the characters from Genshin Impact except the OC (the MC). (C) The cover is from the official page of Hoyoverse. ————— 1300-1700 words per chapter. 1500 words average. 4 or 5 chapters per week. And I might take a break sometimes if I had tight schedule irl or Genshin new maps and lores.

UltimateSenpai · Video Games
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126 Chs

116. A Chuunibyou?

The shock and amazement that swept over the group were palpable as they witnessed Rimuru's unexpected act. Pure teardrops gushed forth from the slime, swirling around the damaged Holy Lyre. In a mesmerizing display, the Lyre's broken pieces began to mend and reassemble themselves, guided by the newfound teardrops.

Venti, his eyes wide in astonishment, stammered, "It... it's repairing the Holy Lyre!"

Diluc, equally taken aback, muttered, "I can't believe what I'm seeing."

Ryūhei, sporting a smirk, said, "See? Sometimes, the unexpected works in our favor."

Aether, lost for words, simply nodded in agreement, while Ayaka looked at Rimuru interestingly.

As the Holy Lyre was made whole again, they knew they had been witness to something extraordinary. With the Holy Lyre repaired, the eclectic group of Ryūhei, Ayaka, Venti, Diluc, Jean, Aether, Paimon, Rimuru, and Veldora set off together toward the Starnatch Cliff, ready to face the corrupted Dvalin. Each member brought their unique abilities and strengths, and as they journeyed onward, they couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of unity and purpose in the face of the challenges that lay ahead.

As Veldora and Rimuru joined the group on their journey to the Starnatch Cliff, an air of excitement filled the air. Memories of their adventurous days came rushing back, and they couldn't help but reminisce about the times when they had set out on their own adventures.

Veldora grinned, "Ah, the thrill of the unknown, the battles we've faced... Those were the days!"

Rimuru nodded, a glint of nostalgia in his eyes.

On their way, they encountered a girl wearing an attire typically including a sleeveless black lace dress-like leotard, with a black lace collar and purple bow tie, crosses stitched in, and black and violet tailcoats, giving her a somewhat mystical appearance.

In terms of her physical appearance, she has striking and beautiful features. She has long, blonde-colored hair that she ties in twin tails. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of green, and wears an eyepatch covering her left eye.

The girl, with her characteristic dramatic flair, introduced herself to the group with a sweeping gesture and a theatrical tone. Much like a pose in Jojo Bizarre Adventure. "Greetings, noble travelers of the unknown! I am Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, investigator of the arcane, and the one who peers into the abyss of night! And my faithful subject is called Oz, the raven of night. We traverse the realms in pursuit of the supernatural and the uncanny. It seems the cosmos has intertwined our fates to this day."

As Fischl's ever-faithful raven, Oz, perched nearby, he decided it was a good time to introduce himself. With a bow, he cawed, "I am Oz, the vigilant sentinel and faithful companion to the enigmatic Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung."

Ryūhei and the rest of the group exchanged amused glances, now accustomed to the eccentric introductions.

Ryūhei, Ayaka, Veldora, and Rimuru exchanged glances but decided to play along, each introducing themselves in turn.

Ryūhei said, "I'm Ryūhei, and this is Ayaka, Veldora, and Rimuru."

Jean and Diluc were familiar with her. So both of them just nodded. Aether and Paimon introduced themselves to Fischl.

Aether spoke, "I'm Aether, and this is my constant companion, Paimon. We've been traveling together and helping wherever we can."

Paimon chimed in with her usual enthusiasm, "Nice to meet you, Fischl."

Fischl nodded with intrigue, "Ah, travelers from other worlds, how mysterious and enchanting. The cosmos has indeed intertwined our paths in the most wondrous way."

Oz, the ever-watchful raven, cawed and spoke, as if to translate Fischl's dramatic words into a more understandable form for the group, "My mistress, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, welcomes you to Mondstadt. Our paths intertwine in these extraordinary times."

His translation added a touch of eloquence and formality to Fischl's already enigmatic persona, making her introductions even more intriguing to the group.

Venti, ever the sociable bard, replied, "I am Venti, the bard of Mondstadt, and these are my friends on a mission to confront the corrupted Dvalin."

Venti, with his typical enthusiasm, explained their group's purpose, which was to confront the corrupted Dvalin and put an end to the Abyss Order's nefarious influence. As he spoke, Fischl's eyes widened in surprise, her expression a mix of intrigue and wonder.

"Confronting a corrupted dragon and opposing the Abyss Order?" Fischl mused aloud, her voice less dramatic than usual. "Truly, this is a mission of great significance. The stars have indeed aligned for us."

As Fischl's electric raven companion, Oz, fluttered nearby, it observed the exchange and then translated Fischl's words in a more straightforward manner.

"My mistress is intrigued by your mission and believes that it holds great significance," Oz conveyed in a clear and concise manner. "She is ready to join your group on this quest to confront the corrupted Dvalin and the Abyss Order."

The group nodded in understanding, appreciating Oz's translation and Fischl's willingness to stand alongside them in this important endeavor.

Indeed, Fischl's way of speaking can be quite cryptic and difficult to decipher. It seems she enjoys adding a dramatic and mystical flair to her words. But with the help of Oz, her electric raven companion, the group could at least get a more straightforward translation of her intentions.

As the group continued on their journey, it became apparent that Ryūhei, Veldora, and Rimuru, who had witnessed their fair share of unique individuals and had their own eccentricities, seemed to have a deeper understanding of Fischl's character and her penchant for the dramatic.

Ryūhei shared a knowing look with Veldora and Rimuru, and a subtle smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. They exchanged silent but amused glances, recognizing Fischl's quirks as something they could appreciate, even in the midst of their challenging mission.

Ryūhei, Veldora, and Rimuru couldn't help but draw parallels between Fischl's eccentricity and a phenomenon they were familiar with on Earth. They recognized that her dramatic and mystical persona bore a striking resemblance to a concept known as "Chuunibyou," which referred to individuals, often in their youth, who exhibited exaggerated or delusional behavior, believing themselves to possess extraordinary powers or connections to the supernatural.

It was a common enough occurrence, and they couldn't deny that Fischl's eccentricity, while unique, had a touch of that familiar flair. With this understanding, they appreciated her quirks even more, finding her presence to be both intriguing and oddly endearing as they continued their journey.

Upon arriving at the Starnatch Cliff, Fischl turned to the group, and her faithful raven Oz began to caw, seemingly eager to help facilitate the conversation.

Fischl, in her dramatic manner, asked, "Noble travelers, how shall we proceed? The air is thick with an uncanny presence, and the corrupted Dvalin awaits."

Venti, who had a better understanding of the situation, replied, "We must first find the source of the corruption. Once we locate it, we can work together to cleanse Dvalin's corruption and restore him to his former self."

Fischl nodded, her yellow eyes gleaming with intrigue, "A quest of such ominous import. Very well, let us venture forth and confront this abyssal threat."

With a shared sense of purpose, the group, now enriched by Fischl's presence and Oz's assistance began their preparations to face the corrupted Dvalin and protect Mondstadt from the looming Abyss Order threat.

Upon reaching the breathtaking Starnatch Cliff, the group was met with a truly magnificent sight. Each member couldn't help but express their awe and admiration, sharing their thoughts one by one:

Ryūhei admired the scenery and remarked, "What a magnificent view. This place is extraordinary."

Ayaka, equally captivated, added, "The beauty of Teyvat's landscapes never ceases to amaze me. It's like a piece of art."

Veldora, a dragon who had seen many wonders, rumbled with approval, "A landscape worthy of a dragon's admiration, indeed."

Aether, who had traveled across many worlds, mused, "This is a view to remember. The landscapes of each world are so unique."

Paimon, ever the enthusiast, exclaimed, "Wow! Paimon's never seen anything like this before. It's breathtaking!"

Fischl, with her dramatic flair, declared, "A place of mystical resonance, where the arcane energies flow like a river of dark omens."

Oz cawed in agreement, adding to Fischl's mystique.

Jean, appreciating the tranquility of the place, said, "The serenity of this cliff is a stark contrast to the chaos we're about to face."

Diluc, who often kept his emotions in check, simply acknowledged, "Impressive."

The group stood in awe of the stunning landscape, appreciating the grandeur of their surroundings before confronting the corrupted Dvalin, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Venti, the bard, concluded, "Lovely for a fated reunion, isn't it? Well, we must be prepared for a fight. Everyone, please step aside! I, the best wandering bard of the mortal world, shall begin my performance with the Holy Lyre."

As Venti, the bard, prepared to play the Holy Lyre, the group stepped back, giving him the space to perform his musical summoning. With a resolute expression, Venti began to play, his melodious tunes resonating through the Starnatch Cliff.

The atmosphere became charged with anticipation, and just as Venti reached the crescendo of his performance, a powerful gust of wind heralded the arrival of the corrupted Dvalin. The immense dragon descended, its presence filling the cliffside with its dark aura.

Aether, Paimon, Fischl, Oz, Jean, Diluc, Venti, and Ayaka braced themselves, ready for the impending battle to free Dvalin from the Abyssal corruption and protect Mondstadt from the Abyssal threat.

Despite the awe-inspiring appearance of the corrupted Dvalin, Ryūhei, Veldora, and Rimuru remained remarkably unfazed. Their expressions showed a calm resolve and an air of confidence that seemed to say they were more than prepared for this encounter.

Moreover, Ryūhei felt that Dvalin's appearance resembles a Blue Dragon Sea Slug in his past life.

Ryūhei glanced at the colossal dragon with a nonchalant smile, his demeanor unwavering. Veldora's eyes gleamed with excitement, and Rimuru exuded an aura of serene determination.

The rest of the group couldn't help but notice their unique composure in the face of such a formidable foe, which only added to the air of mystery surrounding these individuals.


AN: I'm still sane after writing Fischl's dialogues, y'know... 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

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