
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

Rising Winds Festival Pt. 14

"Wow." Aether said looking at the stall in front of him. Word travels really fast in Mondstadt, and since there are a lot of tourists from all over the world except for Inazuma, they just sold out the umbrellas in an hour.

"Wow indeed boss. What should we do now? We've sold out everything now. " Clone Aether said putting the small chalkboard stand back in the tent.

"Make even more, a lot more. Make the tent bigger to store our stock of umbrellas. I'm going to make more designs just for the hell of it." Aether said sitting down on the chair. He took out a few pieces of paper and drew more interesting designs of umbrellas.

A lot of leaf umbrella designs later, Aether summoned clones to buy the materials and make the umbrellas.

Aether now on his own again went to train in the training grounds.

When Aether was in the middle of slashing out fire blades to hit the ground, he spotted a little girl with elf ears dressed in red clothes looking at him behind a tree. He stopped swinging.

"Klee. Why are you hiding behind a tree? You can come out now!" Aether said smiling. Klee came running out while her hands were feeling the air.

"Lalala~." Klee sang and stopped in front of Aether.

"Hi Mr Aether! How did you find me?" Klee asked happily.

"I saw you looking out at me from the tree. It's pretty easy when you have red clothes. " Aether said sitting down. Klee went and sat down in between his legs.

"Awwwww... Klee thought she did a great job!" Klee whined.

"Better luck next time Klee. I bet next time I won't even see you hiding." Aether encouraged her while petting her head. Klee smiled happily.

"How's Master Jean? Is she treating you well? Did she put you in solitary without me knowing?" Aether asked with a worried and angry tone. Klee shook her head quickly.

" No no! Master Jean did not put me in solitary now. Now she takes care of me. She cooks delicious food and reads bedtime stories now for me now! " Klee explained happily. Aether smiled a little.

" At least it worked. " Aether thought.

" Are you happy now Klee? " Aether asked while taking off her hat and took out a comb from his pocket.

"Mhm! Klee is very happy! Master Jean is also getting happier as well!" Klee said grinning. Aether took out the bands that were tied to her hair to make a pigtails hairstyle. He combed her hair and tied her hair in the same hairstyle again.

"That's good. Does she get tired when she gets home?" Aether asked worried. "That's one thing i need to look out for. She will faint one day if she keeps this up. I will help her. But how? " Aether thought at the same time.

" Klee also saw that as well. Master Jean was very tired when she read a bedtime story for me. She even slept when reading it. Klee decided to sleep on her own. " Klee explained turning sad again.

" Shit. " Aether muttered. Klee looked up at him.

" Mr Aether? Did you just curse? " Klee asked curiously. Aether smiled.

" Yes Klee. Please don't curse yet. Wait until you're older. Your mother would kill me if she caught you saying these things. " Aether said. He felt something was wrong when she got a confused look on her face.

" Who's my mother? Do you mean Master Jean or my real mom? " Klee asked.

" Both of them Klee. And it would do you no good to curse at this age. I do not want to die yet. " Aether said seriously. Klee nodded understanding Aether's point.

" So... don't curse until you're older." Klee muttered. She then turned to Aether.

"Can you teach me magic Mr Aether?" Klee asked with cute puppy eyes. Aether smiled not resisting at all.

" Of course Klee. It would do you good to control your magic. You can make your attacks stronger and do a lot more. You want to start now? " Aether asked. Klee got up and jumped excitedly.

" Yes yes! Let's start now! I can't wait! " Klee said putting her backpack down on the ground.

" But first. Did you make any more of those black bombs? " Aether asked while getting up and dusting his pants.

" I've made one. It's really hard to make it because it takes a lot of time. " Klee said taking out the black bomb from her pocket. Aether almost fell down on the ground.

" She's been hiding it in her pocket this whole time? Thank the Archons I didn't touch it accidentally. " Aether thought and calmed himself.

" Klee. Next time when you're with me. The first thing you should do is hand over the black bombs to me. I don't want to accidentally touch it. You know what happens when someone touches it. " Aether said. Klee nodded and did an okay sign.

" Got it Mr Aether! " Klee said handing the bomb over.

" Alright. Now that that's over with. We should get started. Do you remember explosion attacks I sent to Stormterror Klee? " Aether asked. Klee nodded.

" It was soooo cool! " Klee said excitedly.

" It is. You have a pyro element right Klee? " Aether asked to confirm. Klee nodded again.

" That makes things so convenient. Do you know how to use your element? "Aether asked.

" Mhm! Master Jean and Miss Lisa taught me how to. " Klee explained.

" Now I'm going to teach you an attack. My attack to be exact. " Aether said.

" But isn't that stealing? "Klee asked innocently. Aether understood what she was trying to imply.

"No it's not. And don't worry about it Klee. I don't mind and I'm sure other people don't care about it either." Aether said petting her head. Klee nodded shyly.

"Okay Mr Aether. Can we start now?" Klee asked.

"Of course we can. Let's start now." Aether said happily.

A few hours later. Klee was holding a small fireball in her palm.

"Look Mr Aether I did it! " Klee shouted excitedly. Aether smiled.

" Great job Klee! Now throw it to that tree over there. " Aether said pointing to a tree.

" Take this! Fireball Attack! " Klee shouted and threw the small fireball as hard as she could.

The fireball traveled in midair for a while before disappearing immediately. Klee slumped her shoulders on disappointment.

"Noooo..... It didn't work..." Klee muttered sadly. Aether knelt down in front of her.

"Hey hey Klee. Don't be sad. You did very well for the first day of learning. You'll get better as you practice more. So smile for me." Klee looked up and smiled. Aether smiled back.

" There we go. " Aether said and ruffled Klee's hair. Klee laughed.

" Now we should rest. I think Master Jean is coming. We don't want her to find out about our secret now do we?" Aether said while putting a finger on his lip. Klee giggled.

"Master Jean will be very shocked when she finds out Klee is very powerful!" Klee said happily.

"Definitely. I have some water. Drink it." Aether said handing her a small canteen of water. She drank it in seconds.

"All done!" Klee said handing the canteen back to Aether.

"Great. Now let's sit down." Aether said and they sat down in the same position a few hours ago.

A few minutes later, they saw Jean coming towards them. They also saw Lisa and Amber following her as well. Klee got up and ran towards Jean.

"Master Jean! Master Jean! Look who I found!" Klee ran while shouting. She hugged Jean which she hugged back while smiling sweetly. Aether walked towards them. He kissed Amber and Lisa on the forehead. They smiled happily at his actions.

Jean released the hug and looked at Aether with a serious face. Klee then had a thoughtful look. It was as if she was trying to remember something.

She then widened her eyes and giggled to herself. They looked at Klee confused. She then pointed at Aether,Jean, Amber, Lisa and shouted.

"Papa! Mama! Mom! Mommy!" Klee shouted very clearly.

" Wha-wha!!!!!! " Amber shouted while blushing like a thousand tomatoes.

"In-interesting...." Lisa stuttered while blushing.

"Kl–klee!!! Who told you to call us that?!!" Jean shouted while grabbing Klee's shoulder. Klee grinned widely. Aether smiled while blushing.

He held Lisa and Amber's hands and brought them to Klee. He knelt down and patted her head.

"Well thank you Klee for calling me that. I was wondering when you would call me that. You have a lot of similarities between Jean and I. Isn't that right Mama? " Aether said looked at Jean who was looking at him with a flabbergasted face. Klee giggled.

A few hours before Klee went to Aether. She was walking around Mondstadt and met Kaeya along the way. He and her talked for a while before he pulled out a piece of paper.

"Klee. I want you to call Aether, Jean,Amber, Lisa Papa and Mama. If you do you'll get this little plushie from me. " Kaeya said smiling while holding up a cute fox plushie. Klee smiled back.

" Okay Mr Kaeya! " Klee said and ran to Aether. She completely forgot what she needed to do when she saw him train.

" Klee! Never call us that ever again!" Amber shouted embarrassed. Klee looked at Aether sadly.

" Did Klee do something wrong again? " Klee asked. Aether shook his head no.

" No Klee you didn't. Actually you did the right thing. A shame that Eula isn't here. She would've been so embarrassed." Aether said. Klee smiled happily.

"So Klee did do the right thing! Can Klee call you guys that now? " Klee asked curiously.

" You will not —

"Of course you can call us that dear Klee. After all, I've always wanted a daughter for myself. " Lisa said kneeling down and petted her head.

" Lisa! " Jean and Amber shouted still embarrassed.

" What? Don't tell me you don't want to be parents. Aether's the dadd— i mean papa you know. Don't you want that?" Lisa smirked. Aether snorted.

" No! I mean yes!— Wait no! Yes! Damnit! " Amber shouted sitting down and looked down at the ground blushing like a rose. Jean sat down and looked at the ground while blushing and not saying a word.

"Hihi. " Klee giggled happily. Aether looked on at the scene shaking his head. And that's how a very weird but very wholesome family was created.

To be continued.....