
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

Dihua Marsh

"How was your visit to the Jade Chamber?" Zhongli asked Aether who had just arrived.

"It's big. It's pretty and most of all expensive as it can get. Ningguang is generous though personally all business people are 'generous' Keqing is more trustworthy than her." Aether gave his opinion.

"So you met the Yuheng as well? What did she say?" Zhongli asked getting interested.

" She said, 'The time of the adepti has long passed. If even the Liyue Qixing don't want to face that truth, then what future is there for Liyue?' " Aether mimicked her way of speaking. Zhongli chuckled.

" No respect for the divine. She hasn't seen us in action, then she will come to see what the founders of Liyue Harbor can truly do. " Zhongli said smiling. Aether smiled back but then got a grim look.

"So I took a look at the legendary wall in Ningguang's office. It's not looking good. The Fatui are recreating the Sigil of Permission." Aether reported. It got silent for a while. Zhongli looked down and shook his head.

"Always be on your guard." Zhongli advised. Aether nodded.

"I'm always on guard when dealing with them. So what are we here for?" Aether changed the topic quickly.

"We'll be gathering wild Glaze Lilies." Zhongli answered.

"Madame Ping has them." Aether said. Zhongli shook his head.

"No, those lilies have all been gardened by people. They won't do at all. Dihua Marsh used to be full of Glaze Lilies. It is a sort of joyful flower that listens to human song. Before the Archon War, Dihua Marsh was all dry land and fertile soil. But the war caused landslides and the land was flooded, turning it into the marsh you see now. Nearly all the Glaze Lilies were wiped out. Of course, there are some kinds of flowers that have been preserved and gardened by people in the city. But very few people know that Glaze Lilies may still be found in the wild." Zhongli told Aether remembering everything.

" Wild Glaze Lilies have the strongest fragrance. If we want to follow the true tradition of the Rite of Parting, we must grind up the wild lilies and place the powder in the censer of Everlasting Incense. You will help me gather them." Zhongli said. Aether nodded.

"Where do we start?" Aether asked ready as ever. Zhongli pointed to a flower in the distance. They walked over to it.

"Now sing to it." Zhongli told him. Aether cleared his throat. He sang Barbara's idle song beautifully. Clearly he practiced this.

Three Cryo Whopperflowers appeared.

"Nah my singing isn't that bad bruh." Aether denied and fire arrows that appeared out of nowhere pierced through the Whopperflowers easily.

"And done." Aether muttered and looked at Zhongli.

"The Glaze Lilies used as a disguise were buried with the Whopperflower for too long. The result seems to have surprisingly potent medicinal value. Let's collect what we can of these petals." Zhongli muttered and they picked the petals up.

"Excuse me... Are you searching for Glaze Lilies?" Ganyu came over and greeted them. The duo looked at her.

"Oh? Cocogoat is back." Aether muttered and Zhongli snickered to himself. He smiled.

"Hi Ganyu! Nice seeing you here!" Aether greeted happily. Ganyu had a semi-shocked expression on her face.

"Eh.... You still remember my name, Aether?" Ganyu asked him. Aether nodded and smiled.

" Well of course I do. How could I forget a beautiful girl's name? " Aether asked curiously. Ganyu blushed in embarrassment.

" Sorry for asking.... " Ganyu apologized timidly. Aether petted her light blue hair gently.

"It's alright." Aether said softly. Ganyu put her hand on his hand and took it off from her head.She covered her face in embarrassment.

"Baka..." She muttered cutely and looked away shyly. Aether felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He then looked at Zhongli who was rubbing his head with his hand while grumbling. Aether chuckled.

"There is no way Ganyu's acting like that around him. I thought I taught her how to calm herself thousands of years ago." Zhongli grumbled in annoyance.

" Say Ganyu, are you an adeptus? Because those horns don't look very humanlike." Aether asked the half Qilin. Ganyu nodded.

" Mhm. I am a mix of human and Qilin blood in my veins. Adeptus blood flows through my veins. I fought for Rex Lapis and the city of Liyue during the Archon War." Ganyu answered while trying not to look in those eyes fearing he would embarrass her again. No she's not in love, at least not for some time. Give her at least a month.

" Please tell me more." Aether goaded her to speak more.

"Well.... Sure I guess.... After the war ended, I signed a contract with Rex Lapis and took the position as secretary for the Qixing. I've continued those duties to this very day.

"That explains those cute horns that you have. " Aether complimented. Ganyu hid her face in both of her hands again. Zhongli shook his head harder.

" What are you here for?" Ganyu asked timidly.

" Glaze Lilies. But we just ran into three Whopperflowers when I tried to sing to it. " Aether grumbled. Ganyu giggled, still having her hands on her face. She put her hand in her pocket and took out a Glaze Lily.

" I've just picked one myself. Here, you may have it if you wish." Ganyu gave him the flower. Aether smiled.

"Thanks Ganyu. I owe you one. Actually we owe you one." Aether said looking at Zhongli again.

"You're welcome. I have to go now! Good luck byeeeeee!!!" Aether blinked at that time and she blurred away the next second. There were small snowflakes floating down where she stood before.

"That's Ganyu for you. Went she's working you won't see this side of her. Although you could try to get her to break her 'work face ', I doubt you would survive that." Zhongli warned knowing Aether would definitely do that.

"And that just about does it. Our preparations for the Rite of Parting are mostly finished. Given the ease of picking Glaze Lilies, I think this was a fitting end to our tasks, in more ways than one." Zhongli said while smiling a little.

" You know, you're retired as a God. But your not retired as a human. You seem suited to working in agricultural development. Me and Paimon can imagine you starting a business in Liyue." Aether suggested. Zhongli chuckled.

" Maybe I could give that a try. Beginning a new undertaking is always difficult at first and requires no small amount of effort. And once business is at full steam, the stress of it all only wears away at you over time. So you must be careful to take the time to step back and reexamine yourself. If left unchecked, the wear and tear on your heart may go well past mending." Zhongli said getting into mentor mode.

" I'm taking your word for it. You've seen it all." Aether said. Zhongli nodded sadly.

" I wished I never saw them in the first place. But this is the consequences of attaining godhood and living too long for your own good. I could've retired a long time ago but Liyue Harbor wasn't ready. And I've never figured out how to retire in a way that it wouldn't cause worldwide mayhem. Until now.... " Zhongli said smiling sadly. Aether patted his shoulder.

" Hey. Those things are never happening again. You should make new memories with people as a normal human. There are a lot of interesting people you can meet all over the world. Now's your chance to do that." Aether suggested. Zhongli raised his eyebrow at him.

" Travel the world like an adventurer like you? Hmmmm maybe I could give that a try

But the Harbor's safety comes first. Once it has calmed down I can give it a try. Although it would ruin some of the fun since I know everything. " Zhongli grumbled. Aether smiled.

" Let's go back. " Aether said and they walked back to Liyue Harbor.

" Aether.... " Zhongli called out while walking together.

" Yes? " Aether answered him.

" While we walk, let me tell you a story. A story about me and my wife, Guizhong....

To be continued.....