
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
Not enough ratings
285 Chs


(Using ' for thinking.)

Kujou Sara flew out of the crater she landed into. She glared at Aether. Aether smirked back.

Four black wings were flapping behind Sara's back. To Aether she looked beautiful, but he shook that feeling off.

'I'm in a war. I can't be simping for girls now. Maybe later but definitely not now. ' Aether thought to himself.

Sara blasted towards him. She swung her katana at him. Aether swung his own.


Another shockwave rang throughout the grassy field. This time, Sara tried to kick Aether in the stomach.

Aether jumped away and created a fireball in his hand. He threw it at her. Sara dodged.


The fireball exploded in the air. Sara flew high in the sky. Lightning shot down towards her. Sara grabbed the purple lightning and appeared in front of Aether. The purple bolt turned black in an instant.

She slammed the lightning bolt into Aether.


A giant purple glow covered Aether. Sara jumped away and looked at Aether. When the glow died down, Sara widened her eyes.

Smoke was coming out of Aether's body. There were no visible wounds on him. If he even had wounds, they would be immediately healed by his regeneration ability.

"Good. Good. You have clearly improve. But it's not enough to defeat a God, Sara. Come back next time when you've gotten stronger." Aether grinned at her. Sara growled.

" Why should I listen to you. You're the enemy." Sara argued with him. Aether raised his left hand and pointed the index finger at her army.

A black ball appeared on the finger. "Think about your soldiers, Sara. Ignore my request and they die." Aether threatened her with a frown. Sara gritted her teeth and clenched her katana tightly.

" F-fine!! I'll go! But next time you won't escape!" Sara shouted and appeared in front of her army.

"We're going home!" She commanded.

"But ma'am—

" We're. Going. Home. " Sara glared at the soldier who spoke up. The soldier gulped in fear.

" Yes, ma'am. " He muttered.

The Shogun's Army slowly marched away. Sara looked at Aether on last time before huffing.

"Hmph! I'll show him." She growled angrily.



Aether was sitting on a boulder. Ayaka was sitting beside him. "How long do you think this war will go on?" Ayaka whispered. Aether sighed.

"I'll end it as soon as possible. I just have to take out their headquarters and we'll be halfway done with the war. I just hope news about me declaring war didn't spread to the world. " Aether mumbled.

He was wrong. News that The new God Of Destruction has declared war at the Raiden Shogun has spread through the world like butter. Everyone and their ancestors know it.

Kaeya was reading the newspaper with a big frown on his face.

'God Of Destruction declares War! Does he want to live up to his title or is he a kind hearted person? '

"The Clark person sure does know how to attract sales. Maybe I should hire him to do something advertising." Diluc muttered as he flipped to the next page of the newspaper.

" I really hope you know what you're getting yourself into, Aether." Diluc whispered to himself and continued reading the newspaper in silence.

"Mama. What does declaring war mean and why is chi-chi doing it?" Klee asked Jean. She was sitting on her lap while Jean was reading the newspaper.

"Uh.... It means your dad is just having fun with another God." Jean gave an excuse with a nervous smile. Klee nodded and looked back at the newspaper. She frowned.

'Mama really does think I'm stupid. I know what that means. Stay safe out there, chi-chi.' Klee thought to herself.

"It's not even two months after he became a God and he's doing something stupid again!" Xiao growled and slammed the newspaper down onto the round stone table.

She looked at Shenhe who was reading the newspaper quietly. "Hmmm.... It says here that the Raiden Shogun and her army steals the mortals visions. Maybe that's why Aether's declaring war. " Shenhe told her. Xiao groaned and rubbed her hair gently.

" He just wants a good fight and wants to cause destruction—

"Now now."

All eyes were on Cloud Retainer. She was in her human form and was also reading the newspaper as well.

"It would do you good to trust Aether's decision. After all, he is your husband." Cloud Retainer smirked slyly at her.

"Arrghh!!! Why do you keep reminding me about that!?" Xiao growled and blushed madly.

" Hoho. Because I can." Cloud Retainer pushed up her glasses and smirked proudly.

"Fuck you." Xiao grumbled and walked away.



"Yep. They won't know a thing." Aether muttered with a smile. Ayaka giggled.

"I want to help the resistance soldiers with building up the camps defenses. Do you want to help?" Ayaka asked him. Aether nodded and they got up.

" Let's go. "



When Aether transported Zhongli to Celestia, Zhongli was baffled to see Guizhong walking towards him.

"Morax?" Guizhong looked at him with surprise.

"Huh? What the fuck! Guizhong!!" Zhongli muttered to himself and rubbed his eyes.

'I must be dreaming. It'll go away in a moment. ' Zhongli thought to himself.

"Morax!!!!" Guizhong shouted and ran towards him. Zhongli was surprised when she engulfed him in a hug.

"Guizhong? How? I can feel your body." Zhongli muttered to himself. Guizhong interrupted his mumbling by kissing him passionately.

They shared a much needed kiss for awhile. When they released it, Zhongli still couldn't believe it.

"So he really did it." Guizhong smiled to herself. Zhongli was confused.

"What do you mean, dear?" Zhongli asked her. Guizhong looked at him.

"You know Aether right?" Guizhong asked him. Zhongli nodded.

"He promised me he'll find a way to transport you from Teyvat to Celestia so you can visit me. And it looks like he did! " Guizhong hugged him tightly.

"I.... This is impossible. No one can bypass the barrier between Teyvat and Celestia." Zhongli muttered. Guizhong giggled.

" When Aether was here, he met The Sustainer of The Heavenly Principles—

" He what! " Zhongli widened his eyes in shock.

"Relax, honey. They didn't fight or anything. It's quite the opposite actually, they're very good friends. " Guizhong reassured. Zhongli breathed out a sigh of relief.

" With benefits." Guizhong continued with a sly grin on her face. Zhongli sighed in defeat.

"Even her as well." Zhongli grumbled. But then he grabbed Guizhong's shoulders.

"Guizhong. Where are our children?" He asked with some fear in his voice. Guizhong giggled happily.

"Follow me, honey. I'll take you there to see them....

To be continued....