
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

Cooking For a Cute Astrologist

"Ahhhh..... That was a good lunch." Paimon said while rubbing her belly in satisfaction and pleasure. Aether smiled and ruffled her hair. He looked at Mona who looked like she wanted more food in her stomach. Aether smiled. He went over and knelt beside Mona.

"Hey princess. You want more food? Surely that vegetarian noodle isn't enough for you?" Aether asked the astrologist. Mona looked at him and smiled softly.

" Thanks but no thanks. I'm fine with what I ate." Mona tried to lie but Aether chuckled.

" You can't lie to me princess. I know you're hungry. I know you want more but you can't do that because you think I'll pass the bill to you. " Aether whispered in her ear. Mona blushed feeling his hot breath touching her ear.

"The second one isn't true—

" Oh just relax. I'll cook for you. How about that? We won't spend more money that way. I have a dish in mind. You want to try it? I'm a great chef you know. I have a lot of experience cooking for a lot of beautiful people like you. " Aether suggested while still whispering in her ear.

"Umm..... Sure, but it better be good! Or else!" Mona glared at him.

"It'll be the best dish you ever tasted. I promise." Aether nibbled her ear and immediately went into the Inn after that. Mona processed what happened for a second before her face was 500 shades of red.

"Nuuuuu.... I let my guard down....I should've expected that....." Mona whined to herself.

" Welp. Shenhe's going to kill him now. Best of luck. Paimon here is just a witness. " Paimon smirked to herself.

" We meet again, Ms Goldet. I should've expected you to be a spy for Ningguang. " Aether arrived in front of the reception desk and greeted her. Verr smiled.

" Greetings and welcome back, Aether. What room do you want to stay in this time?" She asked him. Aether shook his head at her question.

"Not this time. Can I borrow your kitchen? I have to cook something fast." Aether asked for permission. Verr though for a while before nodding.

"Sure. Smiley is on a break. He'll never notice unless you make a big mess in his kitchen. He'll throw a tantrum. You are warned." Verr smiled sweetly at him.

" Yep. That's actually not scary at all. " Aether thought. He thanked the spy and went into the kitchen. He didn't notice Verr

" I see a crab and I'm going to cook it. "Aether muttered and took the dead crab that was just lying on the shelf. He did some cooking magic and voila, the crab turned golden and there was steam coming out from it.

"Mona is going to love this." Aether muttered while smiling and he put the golden crab on a plate.

"Maybe I'll share it with everybody. The flames burnt the food and it's fat in my body so I need more. It's big enough so long as Paimon controls herself." Aether muttered and disappeared from the kitchen and reappeared in front of them.

"Here you go you two. Golden Crab. Please enjoy." Aether smiled and sat down on his chair. Mona looked at him suspiciously. She took a fork and cut a piece of the crab.

"Nom." Mona munched on it. She instantly widened her eyes and stars were shining in her eyes.

"Uwaaaahhhh!!!!!" She screamed in pleasure. She then stopped and looked at Aether and Paimon. They were trying not to laugh.

"Mission success." Aether spoke out. Mona cleared her throat in embarrassment. She munched on a piece again.

"UWAAAAHHHH!!!! This Is So Good!!!" She screamed even louder this time. Paimon laughed the loudest. Aether just giggled at Mona's antics.

"I mean uhh.... Yes, this is delicious. Thank you— Uwaaaahhhh!!!! " Mona screamed again after she bit off a piece of a crab leg. Aether can't hold it anymore and laughed.

"Cute princess." Aether muttered after wiping a tear of joy in his eye. Mona huffed and she kept eating with a blush on her face.

"Paimon. Me and you can eat the other half. Mona doesn't want to get chubby." Aether told the little fairy. Paimon smiled greedily and rubbed her hands together. She immediately tore off a quarter of the crab.

Aether did the same with the other quarter. Mona had the other half.

While eating, Aether noticed a little piece of crab meat was stuck on Mona's cheek. Aether shook his head. He went and knelt beside her. Mona looked at him. Aether noticed that she had stars shining in her eyes.

"What is it, my disciple?" Mona asked. Aether didn't answer and got closer to her face. He kissed her cheek. The crab piece was in his mouth now.


Aether was slapped in the face. Mona looked at him with an angry blush on her face. "We just met, asshole!" She shouted at him angrily.

"Don't care. You're too beautiful. " Aether kissed her on the cheek again.


He got slapped again. Aether didn't feel any pain at all, so he kissed her again. After that, he got slapped even harder.

"Stop it...." Mona said timidly after the sixth kiss. She had begun to melt on the third one and it was clear to her that Aether didn't feel any pain with her slaps.

"Nah. I want to keep going until you faint." Aether muttered with a deep voice that made Mona blush even more. Paimon was just watching the movie unfold with a knowing smirk on her face.

"W-we should go to Mondstadt. We're already running late with your stupid tricks. " Mona muttered while looking at him with pleading eyes. Aether sighed in disappointment.

" Sure princess. " Aether got up and they walked to Mondstadt. They arrived in front of the Stone Gate. Mona wouldn't look at Aether the whole time.

"I want to rest. My feet are tired." Mona decided and sat on a boulder. Aether looked into her eyes again. She purposely didn't notice. He looked at her for a while before she gave up and looked into his red eyes.

"Hi." Aether smiled and Mona blushed. They both sensed someone approaching them and looked at where the person is coming from.

"Are you also resting your feet here? You look rather tired. The cart we hired will be coming in a while — what say you to coming along for the ride?

To be continued.....