
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 7: Hilichurl Camp

(Alexander POV)

After leaving the inn, I headed to the guild to collect today's daily commission from Katheryn.

Today's commission was straightforward. I was fortunate not to be assigned a balloon escort job. I dislike that commission with a passion.

The first task is to gather 10 Calla Lily Flowers.

The second task requires me to collect 8 Small Lamp Grasses.

The third task is to gather 5 Dandelion seeds.

Lastly, I need to eliminate the Hilichurls who have set up camp a kilometer away from the Village northern side.

As I made my way toward the Hilichurls' territory, I checked my inventory to see if the materials I hoarded the previous day were still in good condition. Although I gathered a lot of items, I hadn't tested if my inventory worked like those that could preserve everything inside as if time had stopped. While I do realize that it was a bit risky on my part, I had too many things on my mind the day before, and I simply hoped that my inventory would be as reliable as the one the Traveler had.

To my relief, it seemed like my inventory was as reliable as it could be. As I took out a Calla Lily, I could see and smell the freshness it had.

With a satisfied expression, I stored it once again inside the inventory and double-checked if I had enough for the commissions.

Calla Lily x21

Small Lamp Grass x13

Dandelion Seeds x8

As I saw I already had enough materials, I started to sprint towards the Hilichurls camp in order to finish the final mission as soon as possible.

As I arrived a few tens of meters from the camp I decided to climb a tree and scout before I launched my attack.

While I already had quite a bit of experience fighting Hilichurls, this was different as they had set up a camp and I know the Abyss Order had plans for Mondstadt so it was better to be safe than sorry.

While observing the camp, I was glad that I had not acted rashly.

I noticed a significant number of enemies at the camp, including four Normal Hilichurls armed with a Crossbow, six Normal Hilichurls carrying a club, two Anemo Samachurls, one Mitachurl, and one Cryo Abyss Mage.

Now this is a problem. Although I can easily defeat the 10 Hilichurl mobs, the Anemo Samachurl could prove to be difficult if they manage to cast their Vacuum Trap skill. Additionally, the presence of the Mitachurl defending them may require me to use my elemental burst to destroy its wooden shield and recast it again to swiftly defeat it. However, this course of action may not be possible as the Cryo mage will likely attack while I am occupied. Destroying the cryo shield is also a challenge I will have to overcome.

As I pondered for a few minutes a glint could be seen in my eyes. I smiled then slowly moved forward as I started to circle the camp trying to find a good entry point to launch a surprise attack.

After a few turns, I found a tree that I could use to jump into the camp and surprise attack the Mitachurl.

I then backed away for a few meters before sprinting towards the tree. As I got closer I used the momentum of the sprint to jump higher as I grabbed a somewhat thick branch which I then used as a swing to propel me towards the unsuspecting Mitachurl's back. I then summoned my spear from the inventory and cast Samsara's Smite as I launched a full-powered strike. The Mitachurl turned into ashes, and the shielder was the first one to be taken out.

While the enemies were still confused about what just happened I instantly cast an energy explosion targeting one Samachurl as I dashed towards the other one with my spear on hand. As the energy explosion collided with the first Samachurl I reached the other one and I stabbed its eye. Both of the Samachurls could only shriek before they turned to ashes.

I then glanced at my HP and saw that I only had 60% left. I lost 20% from my elemental burst and another 5% from my elemental skill. The 15% might have come from fall damage as that was quite a height I fell from. Anyway, I saw my HP was slowly regenerating as I began to adapt to the first damage I sustained since coming to this world.

I then dashed toward the Cryo Abyss Mage while I sent four energy explosions toward the four Hilichurls holding a crossbow further dropping my HP to 42%. (Some math dude might complain so I'll say it first. He already regenerated 2% HP so 42 not 40)

With the Shielder, Mage, and Rangers out I started clashing against the main course. The Cryo Abyss Mage and his sturdy shield.

While I clashed with the shield I could hear the Abyss Mage saying something that I could not understand, even so, I could hear the smugness in its voice so I could tell it was mocking me.

The Cryo Abyss Mage then shot its first attack, a few ice projectiles appeared on top of its wand before launching it at me.

While I sidestepped to dodge a few Hilichurls were running straight at me as they swung their clubs franticly. I made a sweeping motion with my spear as they came closer stopping their advance but the Cryo Abyss Mage did not miss that opportunity to cast a skill causing icicles to appear on top of my head as they started dropping with the intent to take me out.

I quickly dodged as I sent three more energy explosions towards three Hilichurls which were the closest to me further dropping my HP to 30%.

I then dashed against the Cryo Abyss Mage which was underestimating me as I launched another attack on its shield. While my attacks looked stupid as I was not using my elemental skill or burst, I simply grinned. I could see my attacks slowly adapting towards the Cryo Abyss Mage shield.