
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 6: Constellation

(Alexander POV)

As I opened my eyes I saw an unfamiliar ceiling on top of me. As someone bad with mornings it took a whole minute before I remembered all the stuff that happened.

I smiled as I took a seat before opening my status page.

Name: Alexander Runeguard

Vision: Anemo

Energy Type: Anemo Elemental Energy

Level: 3 / 90 (Every level up grants 200hp, 10 attack, 10 defense) (Authors note: I adjusted the stats on chapter 1 and added 1 level up worth of stats so when MC reaches 90 max base HP would be 20k, max base atk and def would be 1k)

HP: 2600

Attack: 130 + 238

Defense: 130

Elemental Mastery: 143


Normal Attack: Brute Force (2/11)

Elemental Skill: Energy Explosion (MAXED)

Gather any type of energy before condensing it into a sphere that would explode upon contact dealing 500% damage.

Consume 5% of the user's HP when cast

No Cooldown

Elemental Burst: Samsara's Smite (MAXED)

A technique to enhance your weapon with any type of energy, boosting your next attack by 2000%.

Consume 20% of the user's HP when cast

No Cooldown

Passive Talent 1: Reactive Adaptation

>The Ability to Adapt to any and all phenomena.

Passive Talent 2: Resurrection

>The Ability to Revive with Full HP can only be triggered once every 365 days.

Passive Talent 3: Master of Weaponry

>Normal Attack Level +1

Weapon: Dragon's Bane

Artifacts: None

I couldn't help but smile widely as I reviewed my skills. At first glance, one might think that a particular skill is not useful because it costs HP to cast, but I know better. Apart from not having any cooldowns, which means it can be used frequently, I now also remember which anime my passive skill came from. After closing the Status page, I opened the Constellation tab on my interface.

The Constellation tab in the game is quite similar to what I have, except that my constellation is an Eight Handled Wheel. As a result, I have eight constellations, but only the first one is illuminated in the same color as my Anemo Vision. The remaining seven constellations are still greyed out.

My constellation name was Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga.

Damn, reading that name gave me goosebumps. However, recalling the sorcerer who chanted "With this treasure, I summon" every time he was at a disadvantage, made me chuckle.

That being said, with Mahoraga's talent, using my HP to cast my skills wouldn't be a problem for me. It would even benefit me more because the more I spend HP, the more I would adapt, causing my regeneration to grow stronger.

After completing my status inspection, I stood up and hung my Anemo Vision on my left breast like a brooch. Then, I left the room to have breakfast. As I descended the stairs, I noticed the owner, Felix, wiping the counter with a wet cloth.

"Good morning, Felix!" I greeted the middle-aged man.

"Good morning to you too, Alex. Up early ain't ya" With a smile the middle-aged man returned my greeting.

Early? While I'm not so sure about the current time I do know that it shouldn't be that early anymore probably somewhere around 8-9 am. With confusion, I asked the man. "Early? This is early?"

With a hearty laugh, Felix answered, "You are at a pub ma boi. Do you seriously think those drunkards in the other rooms would wake up early?"

I chuckled then asked "Seems legit. So do you have any breakfast for me? Considering it should still be 'early' do you have some cooked?"

With a grin, Felix went to the back room and after a few minutes came out with a bowl of beef stew and a loaf of bread. "Here ya go. Eat well my friend."

I nodded and began eating my bread and soup, which surprised me. Yesterday when I ate, I had many things on my mind, so I wasn't able to enjoy my food. But now that I am focused on eating, all I can say is that it was better than what I expected.

MCs in Isekai medieval troupes often complain about bland food, but Teyvat's cuisine seems to be an exception.

Although the bread could have been better, the taste of the stew was excellent. The aroma alone was enough for me to give it a 7/10 rating. I am quite strict when it comes to grading food, and the highest rating I have ever given was 8.3 to a Michelin-starred restaurant. So, giving a 7/10 rating to a stew served in a village pub is a big deal for me.

After taking a few mouthfuls my eyes brighten even more. The bread was still a 5/10 for me so it's average but dipping it to the soup changes everything. While true I said the bread could have more room for improvement than was when I ate it alone. With the soup, I'd give the combination a 7.2/10.

As I greedily devoured the food, Felix saw me and had a good laugh, and praised my appetite. He then gave me more as he liked that I enjoyed his food that much which made me continue eating.

My thoughts on this was the quality of ingredients. The stew was a normal beef stew but the ingredients here on Teyvat are most likely more superior than on Earth. Is it because of the presence of elemental energy? Like in some works, I read meat of creatures that have mana was a step above others. I would need to do more research. That reminds me I should go to Liyue to eat at Xiangling's restaurant.

After finishing my meal, I paid a total of 15k mora for both the food and the room rent. As I realized that the money I made from defeating the Hilicurls was running out, I headed to the adventurer's guild to accept daily commissions. Then after that? I might continue my journey and head towards Liyue.