
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 14: Rage

(Alexander POV) 

While anger slowly consumed me, I did not give in. 'Anger will resolve nothing.' I said to myself while still looking at the Fatui Agents like they were dead men.

"Yeah, let's just hope Ivankov doesn't break her early. The last Cicin Mage broke quite easily. The more they struggle the more arousing it is." Said one of the Fatui Pyro Gunners.

I summoned my spear and am now ready to start a massacre. I calmed my mind as I slowly positioned behind the Geo Staff Wielder while I continued to listen to their conversation.

"Aren't they taking their time? Chloe's brother should have been dealt with by now. Don't tell me Ivankov couldn't help himself and decided to taste Chloe in the middle of nowhere." Said the other Pyro Gunner.

"Nah, something probably just held them up. Ivan did not take the drug with him. I still have it with me." Said the Geo Staff Wielder.

"I hope they arrive faster. Just imagining Chloe's cute face and that bombshell body is already making me stiff as a rock." The Fat Fatui Cryo Gunner said as he adjusted something inside his pants.

I already heard enough. At least Chloe should still be safe until they return but these guys? Heh.

I silently cast my elemental burst before impaling the Geo Staff Wielder's heart with impeccable speed and precision. An evil smirk could be seen on my face as I ironically impaled one of the motherfuckers that is waiting to impale my only friend.

While the remaining three enemies were still processing what happened, I recalled my spear back into the inventory. I then rushed towards the two Pyro Gunners before summoning the Dragon's Bane on my right arm and the Black Tassel on my left.

I then cast two more elemental bursts dropping my HP to 45%. With the two spears coated with emerald-colored winds, I skillfully impaled two more motherfuckers as I bathed through the blood that squirted from the stab.

Like before, I stored back the two spears inside the inventory before taking the Dragon's Bane out for the third time.

This was a neat trick, I learned this past two days. I can easily recall the weapons that I got from the Gacha even when I am not holding them in direct contact. The maximum limit for recalling the weapons was a hundred meters. Sadly, this feature only worked on the weapons so far, as it failed to store materials remotely.

I then turned around to face the last living Fatui agent, the Fat Cryo Ugly Bastard.

The fat bastard froze with fear as it saw my smiling face filled with blood as I dashed towards him. He tried to say something but I had no time to listen to a dead man's tale so I went and straight up impaled the bastard's heart.

As I looked at the four corpses in front of me, strangely enough, I felt nothing. I knew that there would be a day for me to take a life but these scums do not look like humans in my eyes. They are something way worse than trash. At least trash could be recycled.

After a few minutes of staring at the dead bodies my anger slightly alleviated. I then searched their pockets only to be disappointed with my loot, "Poor bastards" I said out loud.

Aside from their elemental delusions, the only worthwhile item I found was one bottle filled with liquid which I would assume was an aphrodisiac the one the Geo Staff Wielder talked about earlier.

I kept the delusions, aphrodisiac, mora, and other miscellaneous stuff that I found inside the camp inside my inventory before shifting my gaze towards the corpses and deciding to store them as well, 'You'll never know when a corpse might be useful.' I said to myself.

Using my newly learned technique which I named Shadow Movements, I once again blended with the darkness as I went out of the camp.

A few tens of meters outside the camp, I stood motionless waiting for my prey.

(Ivankov POV)

'Finally' I said to myself as I caressed Chloe's medium-sized breasts and thighs. I licked my lips as I held the unconscious Chloe in a princess carry. Although I am already horny, I planned to bring her back to the camp first. I started walking toward the camp as dirty thoughts clouded my mind.

Using the drug that I smuggled from our motherland Snezhnaya. An aphrodisiac potent enough that would make a straight man do it with another man with only a few drops. I cannot wait to corrupt this naive girly. I lick my lips another time as I squeeze Chloe's perky breast.

With a last look behind my back, I aimed my gun towards the lying pest. With a snort, I shot the pest's head ten times to ensure his death.

"If only you just gave us your sister. Such a stupid creature that couldn't understand his place." I said while my steps became faster. I clicked my tongue as the pest could have been a good pawn. If only he had a little brain and simply offered up the goods to his superiors.

A creepy smile could be seen on my face as I continued to feel up Chloe's body as I carried her. I further hastened my pace intending to reach the camp a little faster.

As I continued to feel her up Chloe woke up. As she was currently severely weakened from overusing the delusion all she could do was ask me why.

"Stupid bitch. You ask why? Are you dumb? You should have just offered yourself willingly and none of this will happen."

She cried after I told her how her stupid brother died. She attempted to use her delusion but with how weakened she is it was impossible. In the end, she could only threaten me and said "You won't get away with this."

I smirked at the stupid bitch before saying, "Yes, I could. Where do you think we are? Dragonspine. A highly dangerous area. A few deaths of some recruits are normal. Also, both you and your stupid brother were already reported dead since the last report." I smiled as I licked my lips while continuing to fondle her breast.

But before I could tell her about how she would live the rest of her life as a living toilet my mind blacked out. The last thing I saw was a blood-red spear covered with an emerald aura.