
Genshin Impact, Alexander Runeguard

Alexander Runeguard finds himself inside the game he had played for 3 years. Now what will he do? What changes would he bring to the story? What is his goal? Watch him find himself through his journey all around Teyvat. -Cover photo was made by the artist Rilim IG: @rilim.tempest Twitter: @RilimT FB: RiLim Tempest

Kuroki_Shishiro · Video Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 13: Where is Chloe?

(Alexander POV)

As I reached the riverside, I wasn't able to find Chloe.

One of the few topics we discussed when I was escorting her toward their camp was her patrol route. Her patrolling time should be 8 pm to 4 am on the riverbanks. While I do not know what the exact time is right now, I am sure that it is only around midnight so she should be around.

Chloe's injury was not that bad, a few sweet madame and a good night's sleep should have done the trick.

'I still find it odd that this world uses food to recover. Good thing I got my regeneration, I surely don't know how I would take a bite in the middle of a battle' I thought to myself as I remembered what Chloe told me when I asked her if she had a healing potion. She said healing restoratives are expensive and usually only used by the Harbingers or the wealthy high-ranked Fatui members. Lower-ranked members like her need to bear with it and then just take food-buffed items when out of combat.

'Anyways, my thoughts are getting sidetracked.' As I cleared my mind, I returned to the main point which is Chloe should do her patrols unless something happened since the last time we met.

"Suspicious" I muttered as my eyes squinted. My intuition was alerting me that something was wrong, so I decided to believe it and look into what trouble that silly girl found herself in.

Usually sneaking skills would be a top priority when you are a lone man in a dangerous area but it was different in my case.

My main training method this past few days was combat training. I faced various mobs ranging from normal Hilichurls to Frostarm Lawachurls. I also intentionally create noises so that I could lure them towards me creating a nonstop cycle of grinding.

Luring mobs using noise was more efficient than me running around looking for them so I never had the chance to attempt and develop my sneaking ability. Some people might find it stupid to do so but I believe in my adaptation. The more stress and pressure I feel, the stronger I should become. Worse come to worse, I still had another life which only boosted my courage to do this kind of training.

'Now I need to learn a new trick.' I said to myself.

As there is still a long distance between my location and the Fatui Camp where Chloe is stationed, I decided to learn a new technique by relying on my trusty adaptation

I concentrated my breathing as I gently stepped on the snow. I then tried to blend as much into the darkness of the night. Believing that as long as I can control my adaptation, I should be able to do anything with it.

Imagining myself being swallowed by darkness as it tried to cover up my body with the intention of hiding me from the naked eyes, I could feel my presence slowly thinning out while I continued to maneuver in the shadows of the night.

I am not really sure what it looks like from another person's perspective. But as I looked at my now slightly blurred arms, I assumed that it would still be possible to spot me, it would just be harder and I probably would blend more if I stayed still.

'Not bad for a newly learned technique. I might be a genius. Hehe.' Jesting to myself to slightly alleviate my bad mood. I continued my journey to find Chloe.

With each step, I could feel it. My movements which were stiff and unlearned became smoother as fewer traces of me passing by were left behind. My body became blurrier as if I had turned into shadows traveling through the dark as the natural eyes would have trouble spotting me out. I felt like I was now a ninja as I muttered, 'Nin, Nin.' Inside my mind.

With a nod, my speed became faster as I tried to polish my technique further as I rushed towards the Fatui camp.

I considered Chloe as a friend. She was the first friend I made after arriving here in the world of Teyvat. Our meeting might have been short but that short meeting was enough for me to consider a dear friend. She was a naive but gentle girl. The Fatui is trash for tricking people like her and making them use Delusions slowly killing themselves for their purpose.

'If I could help her, I would. It would suck if she did a Teppei on me tho.' I said to my mind but I cannot really stop her. She had her reasons which I don't know of and she needs the delusion to fight as she is already a Fatui member it is too late for that. The only thing I could do is to warn her not to overuse it.

After a few minutes of traveling, I arrived a few hundred meters outside the Fatui camp. Inspecting myself one last time, I saw my body further blurring out as it adapted to hiding in the dark. With careful steps, I entered the camp.

The camp was small and probably could only host more or less ten people. 'Well, it might be less if they had a few fat Fatui gun wielders.' I said to myself as I remembered the ugly bastard lusting after Chloe.

Inside the camp, I found four agents sitting at a campfire. They consist of two Fatui Pyro Gunners, one Fatui Geo Staff Wielder, and one Fat Fatui Cryo Gunner.

With disgust and anger, I felt my blood boiling as I heard what the Fat Fatui Cryo Ugly Bastard said.

"You think Ivankov would successfully be able to dispatch that bitch brother? That bitch Chloe has a great body. I can't wait to have a go at her." The Cryo Bastard said as he laughed disgustingly as his hands squirmed around as if imagining my friend's naked body.