
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

23. Familiar

The next day, Meixiang departed early in the morning.

Meixiang use her journey from east part to the west part of the White Forest to increase her stamina, endurance, speed, and agility. Ofcourse, between her journey she didn't forget to earn money. She will kill every spiritual beasts she'll spot. At night, she will climb on the top of a tree and enter the sacred book to cultivate and sleep. Only in a week, Meixiang arrived at the west part of the forest.

She got more vigilant and careful of her action. With the help of techniques available in the sacred book she can only hide her real cultivation and see the cultivator's current level of cultivation but she can't detect a cultivator's presence higher than her.

Because Meixiang was sure strong cultivators will appear inside the White Forest, she needs to be careful.

The reason why Meixiang is certain with this fact was all because the information accumulated from the burly man they encounter at the entrance of the forest, and from the snow white fox.

Snow White Fox said he stole it with a group of people with highest cultivation of eighth grade mining at the west part of the forest. Entering the east part of the forest the burly man said he saw a group of people ftom Vian Din Pavillion entered the forest with highest cultivation of ninth grade.

There are a lot of facts that can gather here. First, the people mining at the west isn't with the people of the Vian Din Pavillion who entered the east part of the forest. Second, Vian Din Pavillion's goal is the black mione metal sending a ninth grade cultivator and entering the east part it means they are planning to ambush the group from the west. Third, even Meixiang wouldn't use her ability to check the burly man's cultivator, she can easily guess his cultivaton is no lower than the ninth grade. The burly man and the man with him can see a ninth grade cultivation means their cultivation is no lower than a ninth grade. Having this strength, they will surely follow the people from Vian Din Pavilion.

With these facts, Meixiang already assumed the probablity of leaking the information about black mione metal to the powerful figures from the central. They must be currently at the west part of the White Forest.

True to Meixiang's assumption, strong cultivators are now lurking at the west part of the forest. The same true to the burly man and his companion now observing a cave from afar.

"There are fifteen earth magician inside the cave, one of them is only on his fourth stage while the rest are only on their third stage. The other five are also cultivators with unknown ability. Two are on their fifth stage, another one is on sixth stage and the last two are both on their eighth stage. This group of cultivators have unrecognizable symbols, we don't know yet their organization or can't even tell if they are from central. The other groups arrived are the Refiner Guild, Vian Din Pavilion, Ryu Mercenery, and Queen Mercenery from the Central. These groups doesn't have a movement yet." the burly man stated all the information he acquired.

The thin man just nodded boredly while leaning against the trunk of the tree sitting on the branches too lazy to talk.

"It must be to confirm the identity of the people in the cave first." the burly man added.

Knowing the identity of these people is a must. Offending this group without knowing their background would put them in an uncertain position.

"What about us? Are we going to wait or leave?"

"Wait. This tedious days shouldn't put in vain. Central is getting boring lately. This would be fun."

The burly man just sigh and helplessly nodded. They just completed their mission inside the White Forest when they saw the group of people from Vian Din Pavilion. Sensing the importance of the matter, they followed the group and found out everything about the black mione metal.

Meixiang who is a fifth stage peak level martial artist with a sharp five senses eavesdropping the conversation of the two slowly nodded continously learning all the information in one go.

Because she can hide her cultivation to cultivators even higher than her, naturally she can also hide her presence to them. What she can't do is to detect the stronger cultivators presence, hence, she hides her breath and spy the whole west part of the forest. This is until she finds out the other parties locations and so with the burly man and his companion.

Knowing all the information of the people from the central, she now observes the group mining inside the cave.

Once a day, a man seems on his early 20's wearing all white will exit the cave and seems sending a message in a weird way that Meixiang didn't recognize even possessing the sacred book. This teen and his action is the main reason why these powerful people from Central wouldn't attack the cave.

First, the man is only in his early 20's but already an eighth stage practitioner. They will firstly assume the man is cultivated by a powerful family. Second, the white robe he wears is with unrecognizable symbol. Third, the unrecognizable ritual the young man is performing seems he's sending a message to someone else.

Aside from this young man, no one inside the cave Meixiang saw with her own eyes but she indeed can feel the presence of these practitioners.

Third day in a row seeing the same sight from the young man, Meixiang observing from the sideline already confirm the identity of the men inside the cave.

Meixiang entering the sacred book, she discuss with Shi Jinhai, BaiBai, and MaiMai, who came back two days ago from the phantom world, the complications of the matter.

When Shi Jinhai heard their presence is needed, he can't help but feel complicated. Did he read the little girl wrongly? He thought this little girl is too independent and would always put them as her last resort.

Seeing the complicated gaze of her Uncle Jinhai she then explained calmly, "There are powerful organization eyeing this group. Uncle and MaiMai's presence are just to restrain them from acting. It's with a low chance they will attack us. No. These people are not dumb."

Shi Jinhai sigh and just nodded. Meixiang then continued discussing her plans to them.

The next day, the powerful organizations from the central observing from the shadow are now buffled by the presence of a little man in white wearing a white mask covering only his eyes and nose followed by a man in black already in commander stage and a young little girl also in white hanfu.

They can't feel a fluctuation of qi of young man wearing white mask and the young little girl but they are certain the man following them is with higher than a ninth stage practitioner.

Seeing the man being respectful to the young man wearing mask, they can't help but frown. It means this young man in white mask is with identity. Also with the young little girl standing one step away on the right side of the young man wearing white mask, it means the little girl have higher position than the ninth stage practitioner.

This set up is too questionable.

The young man wearing white mask stopped on his track and look at the exact directions where the Vian Din Pavilion, Ryu Mercenery, Queen Mercenery, and Refiner Guild so with the burly man's hiding spots. His thin lips arched and a mocking smile appeared. The group observing from the dark can't help but frown, the others hold their breaths.

While others are with mix emotions, the companion of the burly man can't help but curl his eyebrow. This young man in white mask seems familiar. This aura he brought seems too familiar. Too familiar that he took a glimpse of the image of that little girl's thin pinky lips he only saw twice.