
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

12. To be Stronger

"Little Xiang!"

When Tian Ling shouted, everyone at the courtyard look at him and to Meixiang's direction. Everyone was about to run to their little miss but she just wave her hand and said to continue their training.

It's been a week since their young miss stays inside her room. They wanted to show their progress and to ask for more advices.

"Little Xiang, are you out to look at my heavenly progress so you can give me the heavenly books?" Tian Ling excitedly asked.

"Hmm. Let's look at the 'heavenly' progress of Brother Ling."

Tian Ling under the observing eyes of her younger sister become nervous for the first time. He put a fire on her index finger and in every five seconds he control the fire according to Meixiang's order. Seeing Meixiang's satisfied nod he playfully run the small fire in between her fingers and laugh arrogantly.

"See? See this? Little Xiang really have a discerning eyes for talents. Hohohoho." his voice is too loud that everyone in the courtyard can hear him. "You see me and Litlle Fire have this undeniable bond. In the past week he is like my brother now---no my twin brother hahahaha. Wait did that makes us triplet? Oh that's so funny hahahaha."

Tian Feng who is currently cultivating didn't care about his older brother adopting a fire to be their brother. Meixiang on the other hand didn't also mind her Brother Ling's nonsense and casually put out all the prescriptions for heavenly doctor tier 1 outside the sacred book.

Tian Ling after learning the basics of becoming a heavenly doctor at the Su manor is now ready on his first step to become a heavenly doctor first level.

Seeing the pile of papers, Tian Ling thanked his little sister. Carefully carrying the prescriptions he hurriedly run and went inside his room.

Meixiang next went to Old Leng's work shop area.

"Youn----Ahem Little Xiang."

"Old Leng." Meixiang while walking around the workshop and observe everything. The old man's tools are scattered at the surface of the large table while one of the wall was full of papers with drawings and notes. Seeing the writings, Meixiang nodded satisfiedly.

"Young---Little Xiang, my progress is slow but rest assured this old man is not wasting Little Xiang's resources."

"No need to worry about money. Old Leng's progress is great. These are new things that are not existing in our kingdom not even in the capital. It's normal to have such progress at the start. Besides you are still on your research stage. I just wanted to know what are the comments of the Old Leng to the designs I gave?"

Old Leng's restrained eyes suddenly brighten. "This. Cough. This are amazing that this old man never expected such things existed. These machines or called appliances' functions are amazing. Some are existing already in our kingdom but their source of power is what makes them more amazing. There are a lot of ways to run this appliances but I focused more on this thing called solar panel. Imagine only by accumulating the heat of the sun, you can already do chores in one go."

"It's just that this solar panel's other parts are foreign to this old man and not at all existing here, with the knowledge of this old man trying to find substitutes, expect to have a great progress after six months."

Meixiang satisfiedly leave Old Leng's open workshop and was encountered by Ping Chunfeng pulling Ping Lei excitedly. When Ping Chunfeng saw Meixiang she happily bows her head. Ping Lei also followed.

"Ping Chunfeng sees the miss."

"Ping Lei greets the young miss."

Meixiang casually nodded then turns her head to Ping Lei "Hmm. You're better good looking when you're awake. How are you?"

Ping Chunfeng who have seen her young miss appreciating beauties blatantly still can't get used to her not to mention Ping Lei who's ears are blushing for the praise he received.

"Ping Lei is good. I have woken up a day after taking young miss' pills. Little Chun already explain to me that I can't continue my cultivation. I am helping the other's to their combat skills."

"Good. And Sister Feng?" Meixiang look at Ping Chunfeng who's face is covered with a thick green colored cream. If her bare face was shown everyone will notice her extremely blushing cheeks.

Chunfeng can't be blame with this. To be called 'Sister Feng' by a little beauty, Chunfeng can't help but feel shy.

"This---this s--sister's training is good with the help of brother. Also miss' cream is so effective."

"Hmm. Indeed. You have risen to beginning level of the next stage in just a week." nodding satisfiedly she then dismiss them. The two obeyed.

Walking towards the training ground, Meixiang saw Bai Zihan doing a combat training with his puppet that is set at martial artist third stage at a peak level.

Bai Zihan is currently a martial artist at third stage at beginning level, considering his current stage and age, 21, Bai Zihan is considered a talent in Long Dynasty but in the capital where geniuses all gather, this aptitude is not shocking.

Although Bai Zihan's current cultivation is average, his combat skill is in par or better than those with higher cultivation than him. This is with a reason: Bai Zihan is a soldier of Su Manor joined countless of combat training and actual war since at age of 15. Being an orphan who personally recruited by Tian Xi, his training partners are real soldiers from war always more skilled than him. Until it came to the point no one under Su army can't compare to him anymore so he always seeks General Tian's presence during training. This is also the reason he leaves the Su army and join Uncle Tian.

When Bai Zihan noticed their young miss' presence, he stops his training and walks toward Meixiang. He bows his head respectfully.

"I have seen Brother Han's combat skills. It surpass my expectation."

Bai Zihan proudly smiled amd chuckled. "Thank you, Lit---ehem Little Xiang."

"Your fighting style is like Uncle Tian and the Su's army's. You have adopted the moves while in the Su army. Your technique of fighting gaves a great blow to your opponent. Based with these moves if given a weapon it would be inappropriate with you. You have great agility and stamina. If you still use this fighting technique your agility will be wasted. Stop your combat training for the time being. Focus first in cultivation. When you improve your cultivation to stage four, I will give you a book that is suitable to you."

Bai Zihan nodded too grateful and thanked Meixiang. He have notice this before. He is agile by nature and his stamina was just nurtured after joining the Su army. In a large scale war, soldiers kill one after another by force as the space is not that wide so the movements are just limited. With this, show casing his agility can't be fully displayed in war.  Even noticing all this facts, Bai Zihan no longer care changing his fighting technique appropriate to his natural talent but this is not the case with the proper guidance of their young miss Meixiang.

After some more advices, Meixiang together with Bai Zihan went to Father Tian who is currently cultivating.

Meixiang didn't change his Uncle Tian's cultivation and fighting method but improve it by giving a book of martial arts suitable with his current fighting technique. While discussing the ins and out of the book the three of them are on their way to Tian Feng where he's currently cultivating. Not far away from Tian Feng's room, Mother Tian's shout was heard.

"You stinky kid! You wanted to let your brother put the fire for me? That's not even that kid's fire. That is Xiang-er's! Hurry up to the kitchen you stinky fire magician who thinks he's a dragon with a priceless fire!"

Father Tian cough loudly to call his wife's attention.

When Mother Tian saw Meixiang, she abandon her own blood and flesh running towards Meixinag.


"Auntie." Meixiang politely greets Auntie Tian. "Auntie is here for?"

"Oh it's nothing. It's nothing."

Meixiang wave her hand and two combat puppets appeared on her side. "Auntie cooking for us all is hard. Have them to help you. It is also to thank Auntie for the delicious delicacies she brought me for the past few days."

"It's not that hard. It's not that hard." Mother Tian being humble as she look at the two man in black.

"Xiang-er are you sure with these?"

"They can do small works just show them what to do. They are the same as Uncle Tian's combat partners naturally both can perform fire magic."

Bai Zihan can't help but twitch his face. Isn't this luxurious? Isn't this too much, miss? These powerful beings to assist in the kitchen?

"So they are better than my stinky son?" Mother Tian murmur which is still heard by the four. "Oh. Oh. Okay." nodding happily. "Then Auntie have to go first and go to cook Xiang-er's meal. Xiao Feng and Xiao Ling will be in my hands first."

Bai Zihan's mouth twitch. Isn't this scene too familiar? Xiao Feng? Xiao Ling?---Little Fire?

After mother Tian leaves, same as what she do to the others, Meixiang check on Tian Feng's progress.

"Hmm. Not bad. After a week your cultivation risen a lot. Your thunder attribute risen to the third stage and your fire element is about to breakthrough to the peak of second level." Meixiang casually stated not noticing the three men's faces are a bit off.

They swallow their questions. Since day one, they really wanted to ask how can she see through their level of cultivation. It is a basic to know that a cultivator who have a lower level of cultivation than the other cultivator can't see the stronger's cultivation stage. Their miss is indeed a talent but now, that she just started cultivating, their cultivation is indeed higher than her leaving them a question-how can Meixiang see through them.

Not only this question but a lot are floating in their mind. Like where did she get these powerful puppets that she just casually gave to them as their combat partners? If she just turn ten seven days ago then on the crown prince's banquet how did she defeated the spiritual beast on it's fifth stage peak level? But these questions just stayed on their mind.

Seeing too much, they are no longer surprised at her current level of cultivation. She just cultivated for seven days right! Now looking at this level of cultivation, only months will it take to be in par with them who cultivated for years.

Meixiang who is beeing interrogated by the three on their mind is now giving her instruction slowly and clearly.

They are given list of herbs to be used in removing the impurities in their bodies for a better cultivation and healthier body. Because nine people are to use these in their bath, a massive amount is to be bought that needs a man power.

After instructing the three, she took her leave and go straight to Xian Ji's place where he is currently cultivating. She didn't disturb him as he is in his bottleneck period about to breakthrough to the second stage martial artist.

Among these subordinates of her, Meixiang knows Xian Ji have the lowest aptitude and also have the weakest will, hence, she only set her goal for him to reach the stage three before six months end. Anyways, when this lazy young man will learn the highest form of beast taming, she knows this idle wannabe young man will turn to a new leaf.

Before going to the dining area, Meixiang went back to Old Leng's open workshop unexpectedly to see Ping Lei helping Old Leng on his workshop.

"Youn---Little Xiang. You are here again."

"Hmm." Meixiang look at Old Leng and turn her head to Ping Lei.

"Oh. Yes yes this Young man Lei is helping me for the past few days after helping the others on their training. Oh he also helps Madam Tian inside the kitchen sometimes."

Meixiang nodded and with a wave of her hand a puppet is already standing on her side. "Little Meixiang forgets to give Old Leng a helper so I went back."


Meixiang didn't explain much. She calls the attention of Ping Lei and went out from Old Leng's workshop with Ping Lei.

While the two are walking towards the direction of the dining area, Meixiang is explaining the specification of Ping Lei's poison.

"The poison inside your body is a bit tricky. This poison is especially made for dark magicians. This kind of poison should be given to the victim consistently once a month. Until twelfth month, the poison will be self sufficient and will slowly act inside the victim's body. The poison eats the host's cultivation. The more the host cultivate, the more the poison eats his cultivation. If the host is strong, the poison will takes some years to eat the hosts cultivation completely. There is another way to kill the host using the planted poison. It is to exhaust the host's magic qi so the starving poison can eat the remaining qi and will take over the host's body."

"When I checked your condition I can say they use the latter. You use your magic in an incredible level until the poison started to eat the remaining few qi inside your body. But it amaze me that you still live after you exhaust your magic. It means your absorption of qi is extraordinary. You fed the poison inside your body and still cultivate for your own use. The great damage inside your body means you exhaust your cultivation twice. Seeing you are still alive today, it is considered a miracle."

"Thanking the miss for this miracle."

"No." Meixiang shook her head. "What I did is nothing compared to what you did. It really amaze me how fast your body absorbs qi. Such a genius, a pity your cultivation have to be delay first."

Ping Lei pursed his lips.

"About the pills I gave. What I concoct is to freeze the poison worm inside your body and also I fed you another pill to freeze your level of cultivation. Therefore, even you cultivate, you can't increase your stage of cultivation. This is to avoid to awake the poison worm inside your body."

"Thanking, Young Miss Meixian."

"Hmm then be good to me. I just didn't expect seeing such a high end poison personally this early, thanks to you. This challenges me a lot"

Ping Lei however stoic his face is, everytime facing this young miss he can't help but to show new faces.

"To remove the black magic inside you completely, I still need some time. I have to reach stage 9 of becoming an heavenly doctor. For the herbs, it's a seed of a certain phantom plant and the water flowing inside the phantom world. Lastly, a leaf of Hinoire Yuin Tree, a home of the beast clan Three Eyed Golden Eagle. Others are available in the market."

"M---Miss?" a crack suddenly appeared on Ping Lei's stoic face.

Meixiang casually said, "Oh the three ingredient are just around the corner. It will just take a lot of time in becoming a stage nibe heavenly doctor. I'm still on my second stage so it will really take some time. Maybe a year and a half is enough."

Ping Lei can't help but look at this little girl's face in daze. In the past few days, his sister, Ping Chunhua keeps on boasting this youmg miss of them so he naturally knew this little girl just cultivated for seven days! Second stage in just for seven days it means her fire attribute is also at the second stage.

Is it a joke when she praised me just now for being a genius in cultivation?

When he tried to see through her, his face twitch more. Not only the fire attribute but the other elements and her dou qi is also not being idle.

Ping Lei can't help but fear this little girl's talent. How perverted this young miss they are currently following? Even in the place they came from this talent is just a legend. Seeing her speaking casually without a hint of boasting, he can't help but stop on his track.

Meixiang also stops.

"When I removed the poison worm inside your body, let me have it, hmm?"

Ping Lei just stared at her blankly.

"I'll accept that as a yes. Oh I remember. Old Leng said you do menial jobs around the courtyard in the past few days?" Ping Lei nodded. Meixiang frown then think of something. "You see, helping the others will only leave you at loss. Try to do something. You can't improve your cultivation but you can still use your magic. Do you want to be a refiner?"

Meixiang casually asked him like being a refiner is a menial job. Ping Lei's mouth twitch.

She didn't wait for his reaction and added, "Old Man Leng does smith before. Learn the basic from him. He is also your sister's master when they are still at the Su Manor. You seems to be smart maybe a week or two? When you think being smith worker is into your liking I will give you book in becoming a refiner. You are a magician in seventh stage a black magic at that, it will be wasted if you wouldn't cultivate other areas. It would also be beneficial to us."

Refiners are those smith who works with spiritual materials to create spiritual weapons. They are called Master Refiners when they are able to put beast cores and spiritual crystals on the weapons. To be able to hole these spiritual weapons with beast cores and crystals, they have to be atleast stage seven magician or  seven level martial artist who trains to become a refiner.

A Master Refiner Magician can only hole cores that can be use by a magician- the same rule followed by martial artist master refiner. Magicians are rare compared to martial artist not to mention magicians who practice refining. This is the reason the scarcity of Magician Master Refiners are rarer and with higher demands resulting with higher prices.

These spiritual weapons have a better quality based with the spirituality of the metal used, the beast cores and spiritual crystals and lastly the Master Refiner himself. The stronger the magic of that master refiner, the stronger the spiritual weapon he refines. Ping Lei is the best candidate for this not only because he is already in stage seven middle level but also with the reason he is a dark magician. The lethality of the weapons he will refine will be greater as the dark magic's ability is destruction.

While Meixiang is persuading Ping Lei to be a refiner, Father Tian and the two are in the market buying the herbs on the list given by their young miss.

"Their manor is boasting her talent to cover her relationship with her cousin's betrothed."

"Ssshh. Someone may hear you."

"Heh did I mention a name?"

"But we can't deny her talent. Aside from being double element magician her cultivation is too fast. To be honest she is like the second Dan Feihan of Long Dynasty if she is only a summoner."

"Oh speaking....."

After the three overheard these gossips, they can't help but reminisce their young miss' attribute test. They can no longer react on mentioning their young miss and her mother's name as they can still feel their fear of how perverted their young miss is.

Bai Zihan can't help but sigh. A pity  suddenly rose from his weak heart for these people especially towards the Su manor and the royal family.

There would be time their young miss will kill these people with regret and shock.

He turn his head and look at Uncle Tian's back. Good thing he followed General Tian. Good thing he followed him right!