
Genius of the leaf

Ryuu Uchiha, a young shinobi who has a rare bloodline of both Uchiha and Uzumaki goes through many tragedies. He lost his memories of his previous life but only retained the memories of his favourite anime world, Naruto, his previous memories are sealed and he can only recall things in a familiar situation. Ryuu is adopted by his father's greatest friend and rival Sakumo Hatake and he later learns of a secret power hidden within his body. (I don't own any naruto verse characters and stuff I only own my oc and some side characters and custom jutsus and powers) enjoy. Also, the first couple of chapters were not that good cause it was my first time but I edited them later.

The_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Danzo's Shimura's Demise

Tobirama's body crumbled, and his soul floated alongside his brother's.

Ryuu and Rikuto stood before their parents, feeling a mix of emotions. Ryuu broke the silence, addressing their parents directly.

"Dad, Mom, you don't have to wait for anything anymore. We won't be there for a while, so don't expect us, you know."

Hanzo smiled as he held Yuri closely, memories of their children as young ones flooding his mind. Reflecting on the past, he thought, 'It's unfortunate that history repeated itself once more... but I'm confident my sons have put an end to it forever. The end of the curse of hatred is beginning.'

Hanzo's voice was filled with regret as he continued,

"I thought I failed you both, even when I knew you would be alright. I never spent enough time with my youngest son, and I never spent enough quality time with my eldest boy. For that... I'm truly sorry, and I hope you can forgive me."

A smile formed on Hanzo's face as he closed his eyes, expressing his pride. "But today, I've witnessed how well you're both doing, and I can't help but tell you how proud I am of you."

Yuri embraced Hanzo tightly, sharing in the sentiment.

"I'm also proud of you two. You've endured so much, and I wish you hadn't, but you persevered, you know? I'll always be proud of you two. I love you now and forever."

Hanzo walked toward Ryuu, placing his hand on his shoulder and locking eyes with him. Activating his Sharingan, he spoke with a sense of reassurance.

"Before I go, there's one last thing I must tell you, or rather... show you."

Ryuu looked back, his eyes meeting his father's gaze.

Hanzo's Sharingan transformed into a swirling tomoe pattern, and he began transmitting his memories into Ryuu's mind.

"You should never feel bad for your actions, for I trust every decision you're making, my son. This is all I can do to help you from where I am."

Hanzo's memories flowed into Ryuu's consciousness, filling him with a deep understanding and resolve. With the transfer complete, Hanzo turned around, embracing Yuri as their souls ascended and dissipated.

Ryuu and Rikuto smiled, cherishing their final glimpse of their parents.

"We love you too, Dad, Mom," they whispered as Hanzo and Yuri's souls floated away.

Ryuu wiped away his tears, a mixture of emotions welling up within him.

"Damn it, I've cried too much today. Only this time, I'm crying out of happiness, you know?"

Rikuto placed his hand on Ryuu's shoulder, offering support. "Yeah... I know." He paused for a moment before continuing,

"Thank you for bringing me here."

Ryuu nodded, appreciating the bond they shared.

"So... what were you planning to do with this piece of shit?" Rikuto turned around, his Sharingan activated, ready to take action.

Ryuu held his chin as he thought,


I know it sounds messed up, but I don't know. I've been waiting and planning for this day my whole life and now that it's here…

I don't know how I'm going to kill him."

Ryuu squatted in front of Danzo and looked him in the eyes.

'Hmph, he looks so pathetic. It's hard to believe I was once scared of this guy.

I can see through his eyes. He's so terrified of what I'm going to do to him.' A cruel grin appeared on Ryuu's face.

"Oh, well…" He clenched his fist and pulled it back, adding flames,

"Here goes nothing."

With a powerful thrust, Ryuu shoved his left hand through Danzo's stomach.

"Ah!" Danzo threw up blood.


The blood evaporated after touching Ryuu.

Danzo was trembling and twitching as he tried to push Ryuu back.

"What? You're wondering why you can't use it, aren't you?

Why you can't use Izanagi." Ryuu grinned.

"Take a look at your arm." Danzo's eye slowly drifted to his hand and then once he saw it, his eyes widened in shock.

Danzo's hand was on the floor and his right eye was in Ryuu's left hand.

"Do you want to know something, Danzo?

You've been playing in my hands ever since the fourth died.

You've made every move that I expected you to. And now look."


Ryuu squashed the Sharingan he was holding.


This wasn't even the Mangekyou, you fool.

I used normal Sharingan just to fool you and so did my father. I have his real eyes and once I kill you.

I'm going to give them to my uncle and now he'll use them to obtain the Eternal Mangekyou."

Danzo frowned upon hearing this.

"The Uchiha clan you despised so much will be more powerful than ever because of you! Isn't that ironic?!"

Ash spread into Danzo's body through Ryuu and then it entered his bloodstream.

"I'm going to make you suffer so much and I still don't think that'll be enough."

Saying that Ryuu's flames burned in an intense red heat, slowly burning Danzo while keeping him alive for the whole thing.

"Aaah!" Danzo was screaming while the flames burned him alive. He could feel everything, the flames burning through his skin and right to his bone, his pain was unimaginable.

"Hmph, you've spent all your life training others to endure pain and yet you can't even handle a little fire?

You know what they say about playing with fire, don't you?"

Danzo, trapped in Ryuu's flames, let out a chilling scream as the intensity intensified.

But Danzo, determined and cunning, moved his hand toward his shirt and revealed multiple Tetragram Sealing marks. A smug expression crossed his face as he thought, 'I won't die in vain. I'll take him with me.'

Ryuu, unyielding, retorted, "Hmph, do you really think I'll allow you to make that choice?" With his free hand, he unsealed the Amenonuhoku, a powerful naginata, and placed it on Danzo's chest.

Everyone was amazed when the seals on Danzo's body were absorbed into the naginata.

Danzo's eyes widened as he realized his options were dwindling. Desperate to break free from Ryuu's grasp, he pulled and struggled relentlessly.

"That's impossible! That was an Eight-Tetragram Seal!" Danzo shouted defiantly, pushing Ryuu back with all his strength.

Ryuu stood his ground, a mix of determination and anger in his eyes. He clenched his fist tightly, causing his ash and flames to spread through Danzo's blood system.

"That's a forbidden jutsu, isn't it?" Ryuu asked, his voice laced with disdain. "Then you deserve the consequences."

As Danzo's eyes turned red and his skin began to boil, he writhed in agony. The effects of Ryuu's power surged through his body, punishing him for his actions.

Stepping away, Ryuu created a clone composed entirely of Phoenix Flame, ensuring Danzo remained restrained. Rikuto watched in awe, marveling at his brother's mastery of the flames.

Activating his Mangekyou Sharingan, Ryuu made a hand seal and locked his gaze directly into Danzo's eyes.


In an instant, the world transformed into a blood-red realm, where black and pale white figures moved in blurred motions. The genjutsu took hold, enveloping Danzo in a twisted illusion of torment.

Danzo found himself held up on a cross, defenseless. Suddenly, a blur appeared before him, a small boy with dark hair and a high-collar blue shirt.

"You… You are… Sasuke..." Danzo stammered, his voice filled with a mixture of fear and recognition.

With a swift motion, Sasuke unsheathed a long and sharp Katana, piercing Danzo's leg mercilessly.

"Aaah!" Danzo cried out in excruciating pain.

"Don't worry, this will only happen a few thousand more times," Sasuke said, his voice echoing with an eerie chorus of multiple voices.

More blurs materialized, each representing someone affected by Danzo's actions. Shisui, Itachi, Kakashi, Sakumo, and countless others. They took turns cutting and poking at him, inflicting pain and retribution that seemed endless.

Although it lasted mere seconds in reality, the experience felt like an eternity to Danzo. He was left broken and unable to stand by the time Ryuu released him from the genjutsu.

In the real world, Danzo's body went limp, but Ryuu's clone still held him in place, ensuring he remained under his control.

"You're done," Ryuu declared with finality, a determined look in his eyes. From within a seal on his person, he unsealed a purple dagger adorned with intricate sealing encryptions on the blade. It was clear that this summoning required more than just his blood.

Infusing his chakra into the blade, the seals began to glow, pulsating with power. Without hesitation, Ryuu stabbed himself with the dagger, extracting a small fragment of his soul. With swift precision, he sliced the fragment and formed a series of hand seals.

"Summoning: Shinigami!"

A chilling breeze swept through the room, and a ghostly figure materialized before them.

Only Ryuu could see its true form, shrouded in mystery and ethereal presence. Towering over him, the shinigami cast a profound shadow, draped in a flowing white kimono and wielding a set of prayer beads as it floated toward Danzo's lifeless body.

Ryuu performed another hand seal, and a seal on the shinigami's forehead began to glow with intensity.

"Bring it to me!" Ryuu commanded, his voice resolute.

Obeying without hesitation, the shinigami removed the tanto from its mouth, revealing its jagged teeth and elongated tongue.

The seals inscribed on the blade of the dagger glowed brightly as Danzo's soul started to be forcefully extracted from his body.

The others watched in awe and trepidation as Danzo's physical form deteriorated, his once vibrant appearance now pale and distorted, bearing the mark of his inhumane deeds.

"Leave," Ryuu instructed the shinigami, who nodded silently before departing as mysteriously as it had arrived. A heavy silence, a solemn reminder of the consequences Danzo had brought upon himself.

'Now there's no way Danzo will ever come back now. He has no soul, nowhere to go and nothing is left beside a wretched memory.'

Ryuu's flames extinguished, dropping Danzo's corpse.

'Taking a shred of my soul feels... cold.

But that's what these flames are also for.'

"What did you do to him?" Kakashi asked, his voice filled with both curiosity and unease. He looked upon Danzo's lifeless body, a vast difference from the man he once was. The effects of Ryuu's actions were evident.

Danzo appeared monstrous, his complexion pale and sickly, akin to the very Hashirama cells he craved. Wrinkles marred his skin, a testament to the weight of his sins, and his eyes, once filled with cunning and ambition, now stared back at them, vacant and devoid of life.

"I got rid of him for good," Ryuu replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of satisfaction and weariness. He raised his hand, and a wave of intense flames erupted from his palm, engulfing Danzo's body in an inferno.

The wind reduced the once-powerful figure to mere ashes, carried away, leaving no trace of his existence.

Kakashi, Shisui, and Rikuto watched in silence as the flames consumed Danzo, each processing the finality of the act. The weight of their shared history with the man, the atrocities committed, and the secrets he held, all of it now turned to dust.

With the task complete, Ryuu rose to his feet, feeling the strain of the battle taking its toll on his body. Every movement was slower, every breath labored, but he pushed through the pain and exhaustion.

Teleporting alongside Kakashi, Shisui, and Rikuto, he knew that there was still much to be done.

As they disappeared in a swirl of smoke, the remnants of Danzo scattered in the wind, carrying with them the echoes of a dark chapter that had finally come to a close.

The journey ahead would demand all of their strength, resolve, and unity. Together, they embarked onward, determined to shape a future free from the shadows of their past.

When they arrived, a haunting sight greeted Ryuu and the others. Perched atop a tree that jutted through the Foundation's hideout, Itachi and Obito sat in silent vigilance. The scene below them was one of devastation, a chilling tableau that bore witness to the grim aftermath of their encounter.

Bodies littered the ground, some engulfed in ominous black flames that danced and consumed all in their path.

The air was heavy with the scent of charred flesh and the bitter residue of destruction. The groans of the injured and the stench of blood permeated the atmosphere, a grim reminder of the violence that had unfolded.

Wooden spikes, sharp and unforgiving, pierced the fallen bodies, pinning them to the earth like macabre trophies. The once pristine surroundings were now marred by the remnants of the battle, bearing witness to the clash between powerful forces.

The crackling of flames and the occasional creaking of the impaled bodies broke the silence in the air only. Itachi and Obito remained perched atop the tree, their presence a testament to the power and skill required to bring about such devastation.

"Hmph." Ryuu smiled and looked away.

"You guys did well." He said.

"So it's over?" Obito asked as he jumped down.


I still have to tell Sarutobi-sensei about this, I know he'll be mad at me, but I'm ready for it. In the meantime, tell Hokage-sama about the mission."


Ryuu teleported to the Sarutobi clan compounds.

(A/N) We're finally done with this chapter of Ryuu's life and now there's much more in store for him. What did you think of this arc? Let me know in the comments.

Also, apologies for the lack of consistency recently, a lot of things have been coming up recently and I've found it hard to write because of less free time. To make it up to you, I'll start this week with 2 long chapters.

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

Leave a comment if you'd like, I always love to see what you all like about the story and what you don't. Your feedback helps me improve.

Join my discord to talk about the book and other things the updated link for the discord is now on my profile.

The_Hollowcreators' thoughts