
Genius of the leaf

Ryuu Uchiha, a young shinobi who has a rare bloodline of both Uchiha and Uzumaki goes through many tragedies. He lost his memories of his previous life but only retained the memories of his favourite anime world, Naruto, his previous memories are sealed and he can only recall things in a familiar situation. Ryuu is adopted by his father's greatest friend and rival Sakumo Hatake and he later learns of a secret power hidden within his body. (I don't own any naruto verse characters and stuff I only own my oc and some side characters and custom jutsus and powers) enjoy. Also, the first couple of chapters were not that good cause it was my first time but I edited them later.

The_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Recruiting Fu And Torune

Seeing the largest mansion in the compound, Ryuu knew it was Sarutobi's place, so he walked towards it.

Knock! Knock!

He knocked and waited.

The door opened, and Hiruzen opened it with a smile on his face. A face Ryuu hadn't seen in a long time.

"Ah, Ryuu, it's been a while, hasn't it?" He says, his voice cheerful yet hoarse as he was getting old.

"Sarutobi-sensei, how are you?"

"I'm doing great in my retirement, I've had some time to spend with my grandson. We just came from fishing last week."

Ryuu nodded.

Hiruzen looked at Ryuu, and he couldn't help but notice his strange behavior. He was nervous, looking around and slightly fidgeting. This wasn't normal for him.

"Come in, let me offer you some tea."

"Um, no thanks, sensei, I'm not here for a long time."

Hiruzen ignored Ryuu and continued walking to his living room.

Ryuu took off his shoes before he entered.

'This is the last thing I wanted.' Ryuu thought as he followed him down the corridor.

Hiruzen closed the door to his living room as he sat down, his smile lost, sensing something was wrong.

"You seem a little tense Ryuu, it's the reason I invited you inside."

He was pouring tea for both of them.

"Now, what is it you wanted to talk about?"


I know you don't want to be involved in such matters, especially since you retired, but I want you to know it from me." Ryuu quickly composed himself and got serious.

"Danzo, Koharu, and Homura are all dead."

Hiruzen's eyes widened. He nearly spilled the tea he was carrying.

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"I killed them after completely wiping out the root." He says as he takes his tea off Sarutobi's hands.

"I'm sorry, but I had to do it." Ryuu looked away and sipped his tea.

"I fought Danzo, he used a forbidden jutsu.

The reanimation jutsu, he brought back Kagami Uchiha, Tobirama, and Hashirama Senju. Plus… my parents."

Ryuu turned toward Hiruzen.

"Turns out he had their bodies all along.

I could probably find their bodies later, but I just thought you should know."

Ryuu finished his tea and put it on the table.

Seeing Hiruzen's face, Ryuu knew he couldn't respond, so he continued telling him what happened,

"You're more than my friend to me, you're like my family, I didn't come for forgiveness, I told this to you out of respect. I am sorry it had to come to this."

Ryuu stood up and got ready to leave.


He stopped walking and stood still, hoping Hiruzen wasn't as angry as he thought he'd be.

"We knew it would come to this eventually, and I don't blame you for it.

Don't beat yourself up about it, I'm glad this has happened because now."

Ryuu expected Hiruzen to scold him, he expected this would be just as it is now, but he didn't expect what he said,

"What matters to me is your mind is at peace and your parents are at peace, too.

I look forward to what you have in store for the village. And I know Tobirama-sensei and Hashirama-sensei have entrusted the village's well-being to you."

"..." Ryuu was left speechless. He couldn't help but look at Hiruzen to see if he truly meant it.

"But why would-"

"Visit more often. Maybe even train with me a little." Hiruzen looked back with a smile.

"I'm already old as it is, don't make me stay unfit, kid."


Ryuu smiled.

"Keep dreaming Sarutobi-sensei, I'll never let you stay idle from now on.

I have to get payback for all those lessons you gave me, so get ready! And thank you for the food!" Ryuu winked with a smile and teleported.

He appeared back in the forest and walked towards Torune and Fu, who were still unconscious, lying next to each other in the darkness.

"Still sleeping? At this rate, their genjutsu defenses might be worse than Naruto's," Ryuu remarked, releasing them from the genjutsu and sitting down in front of them.

"Urgh..." They both woke up, holding their heads in discomfort.

"Careful with that hand, Torune. You've got some seriously messed up poison there," Ryuu warned, referring to Torune's unique ability.

"What...? What are you talking about? Where's Danzo-sama?" Torune asked, confusion evident in his voice as he got up.

"To be honest, you two have bigger things to worry about," Ryuu replied cryptically.

Torune's eyes widened as he started to see clearly. His hand was just an inch away from Fu's face, and his own shadow restrained his body.

"Torune, Danzo-sama is dead," Fu said with a grave expression, realizing that Ryuu had already revealed the major secret.

Ryuu continued, proposing a deal, "Let's make a deal here. I'll spare your lives if you swear allegiance to the Leaf Village and me. I want to create something out of this mess that was previously known as the Foundation."

Torune and Fu exchanged glances, considering the proposition.

"Danzo-sama instructed us to revive him using the reanimation jutsu in the event of his death," Torune mentioned, clinging to the remnants of their former leader's plan.

Ryuu rolled his eyes in response. "Look around. You don't have much of a choice here. If you agree to this, I'll spare Fu's miserable life, and you both will work with me, not for me. It's a win-win situation."

They found themselves unable to move their bodies, no matter how hard they tried.

"If you don't do this, I'll just have you kill Fu and then I'll let you live with that guilt while I eat Ramen with my hot girlfriend."

Torune frowned. He attempted to control his nano-sized bugs, but nothing happened.

"Don't try that bug-controlling thing on me, they'll die too, it's useless, my defense is superior to your attack."

As he was saying this, thousands of bugs were frying, trying to get close to him.

"Torune, you want a real life, don't you?

You want to see Shino Aburame, don't you? What about you Fu? What do you want?

I'm not an enemy if you don't make me one."


"What kind of a friend says work for me or die?!" Fu yelled.

Ryuu shook his head,

"The kind that knows just how strong your resolve is, but he is willing to break it for the better. Plus, I said you'll work with me, not for me.

Listen, you're not giving me much of a choice but to time you from now.

You have twenty seconds or I'm killing Fu.

20." He started counting.

"Don't do it Torune! He said he knows your parents and my clan leader, he's just bluffing."

"15." Ryuu continued.

"Torune! Remember shinobi from the foundation don't have a family or friends."

Torune tensed, sweat dripped down his face as he went against the most difficult situation he's been in.


To add, Ryuu's countdown didn't help.

'Is Ryuu-sama going to do this? If he does, then I'll have no one. I pushed Shino away after being recruited here, but then I met Fu.

He's my only… The only person I'd call a friend.' He frowned.

"But that goes against everything they taught us." He muttered.

"Too late Torune, I've run out of patience."

Torune fought against his own body, desperately resisting for a short while.

"No! Fu!!" he cried out, his hand trembling as it touched Fu's face, and his deadly poison began to spread.

Ryuu, witnessing the situation, released the shadow possession jutsu, allowing Torune to catch Fu as he was falling.

"Torune, just get out of here. I'm going to die, and you can't beat him by yourself," Fu pleaded, recognizing the dire circumstances.

"Ryuu, don't you think they've had enough?" Nobu interjected, expressing his concern.

"Relax, I know what I'm doing. I don't kill kids," Ryuu assured with a calm yet resolute tone.

With purpose, Ryuu unsealed a syringe containing blood.

"He only needs a little," Ryuu muttered to himself as he approached Fu, preparing to inject him with blood.

"Hey, what are you doing? Leave him alone!" Torune protested, attempting to shove Ryuu, but stumbling backward in his weakened state.

"Calm down, Torune. I'm saving him," Ryuu reassured, his voice carrying an air of certainty.

Injecting the blood into Fu's hand, Ryuu ignited the Phoenix Flame.

Torune's breathing gradually eased, and his eyes opened once again. The spread of the poison came to a halt.

"Sorry for that. I was just testing your resolve, that's all," Ryuu explained, standing up and extending his hand to help Fu to his feet.

This time, Fu accepted his hand and got up.

He walked towards Torune and extended his hand once again. Torune looked at Fu and Fu nodded. He took Ryuu's hand, perhaps a small part of him was thinking he would kill him as well. But nothing happened.

"Why didn't you kill us? Weren't we the enemy?" Fu asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"Now, why would you think that? Everyone in the village is my family, including you two. I spared you because you were Danzo's most trusted shinobi," Ryuu explained, his tone sincere.

"I knew it, you only want information on the Root," Torune interjected with a frown.

"No, if that were the case, I would simply extract the information from you," Ryuu replied calmly.

"So, what do you want from us?" Fu inquired, seeking clarification.

"I killed Danzo Shimura, putting an end to the Root organization. However, there are still remnants of the Root scattered across various outposts.

I believe that children like you shouldn't be taught to sacrifice their lives for the sake of one selfish man. You shouldn't kill yourselves or your comrades in the name of a mission," Ryuu explained passionately.

"Instead, you should be taught how to love and protect your friends and family. But as long as older and more experienced shinobi from the Root still roam free, that will never happen," Ryuu continued, his resolve evident.

A leaf dropped onto Ryuu's palm, catching his attention.

"Things will differ from now on. All the children taken by Danzo will have a chance at life.

They will be taught how to live and fight for their families. Emotions are not weaknesses if you know how and when to use them," Ryuu stated, his voice filled with determination.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Fu remarked skeptically.

"The Foundation has too many members. As a shinobi, you won't have time for such ideals," Torune chimed in.

"That's true, but with the help of my comrades and both of you, I am certain that we can truly make a difference. Believe me when I say I just want to help," Ryuu replied, a genuine conviction in his voice.

"That doesn't matter," Torune stated firmly.

"What?" Ryuu questioned, taken aback.

"It doesn't matter if you're trying to help or not. We've been conditioned to kill and forsake our lives. Society won't accept us if we try to go back," Torune explained, his tone resolute.

"You attacked me head-on, while I've seen grown men tremble just by looking at me. But you're afraid that your friend won't accept you?" Ryuu asked, a small smile forming on his face.

Torune grabbed Ryuu's collar, his grip tight.

"I don't have any friends," Torune asserted.

Ryuu maintained his smile.

"That's not true. You have Fu and Shino," he countered.

"Fu is just a comrade, nothing more. And Shino... Shino is someone from my past. He doesn't know me anymore, and I don't know him," Torune replied, his gaze averted.

"Look at how Danzo corrupted you. You were about to shed tears just now when I threatened Fu. Anyway, I don't expect you to go back to your old life. I just want you to start anew," Ryuu said, gently removing Torune's hand from his collar.

"My word is final. At least try to listen to me for three years, and if you still feel the same way after that, you have my permission to leave," Ryuu proposed his tone earnest.

"Three years?! We're not going-" Torune began to protest but was interrupted by Fu.

"We accept," Fu said firmly, looking directly at Torune.

"Fu, what are you saying?" Torune questioned, surprised by his comrade's response.

"You're telling me that you'd choose to continue living in the darkness, even if there's an opportunity like this?" Fu countered, determination evident in his voice.

"Well, I..." Torune hesitated, contemplating Fu's words.

"Fine, I'm only doing it because Fu wants to," Torune finally agreed, conceding to the idea.

Ryuu smiled, appreciating their decision.

"Excellent. Firstly, let's gather the others," Ryuu said, opening a portal and teleporting with Torune and Fu.

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

Leave a comment if you'd like, I always love to see what you all like about the story and what you don't. Your feedback helps me improve.

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