
Gene System

Blake is a young man who has had to suffer through devastation over and over again losing more than just an arm. With no power of his own he could barely stand a chance against others or even be deemed useful by the military. All he can do is accept his sister's help bitterly knowing he can't return it to the same effect. After a series of events a meeting with near death shocks him to his very core changing his life forever. Awakening a hidden element buried deep within his genetic code. The Gene System, an advanced complex genetic technology used to expand and improve the overall potential and direction of evolution for the user's genetic code naturally mapping out and directing where the user should go with the growth they obtain. Not much else is known, only that few on every planet are given one through unknown means. The current state of the world is racked with unbridled chaos as the military fruitless attempts to stop the atrocities committed by the organisation known as the Gene hunters. Seeking to steal and splice any genetic data they can get their hands on by whatever psychotic means whether it be dissection, slow harvesting or cloning ethics are not a concern. Hundreds of thousands have been affected by the gene hunters including Blake's family. Some are never seen again, just used as cows for genetic harvesting over and over again until they dried up never to see their families again. Changes have begun to sprout in the background of earth leading to more and more mysterious events occurring, genetic powers becoming stronger, animals becoming mutated and evolving faster than normal generational lines. All the while in the background an unknown force beyond human comprehension lurks just beyond the veil waiting patiently for the time to run out and indulge in his planet level feast devouring all life in sight. Blake will give his all to overcome these brutal circumstances by whatever means. No matter the pain, suffering or loss he will continue to go forward no matter the cost. Failure isn't a devastation but a stepping stone in his larger goal. In his pursuit to build his strength he wont forget where he came from guarding the weak as someone who grew from that. Seeing the lack of care or acknowledgement to the majority viewed as weak in the military disdain makes him step up as the leader needed to change the structure of this world for the better. In the weak there is strength which Blake knows all too well. His reason to go forward is to become the man he wants to be. The only thing that truly terrifies is the idea of letting it all go, giving up and betraying himself and his potential.

NocturnOwl · Sci-fi
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146 Chs

Disoriented Recovery

Raven and the doctor are now watching Blake in awe. The medical bubble had burst, spilling out fluids and healing agents out onto the floor.

Green static surged unrelentingly throughout Blakes whole body. His consciousness emerges from the depths of the murky void.

The green electricity viciously protects the body before them. Spreading out from his body, equipment in the room starts to go haywire. Static dancing amongst the medical fluid. The static wraps itself around Blakes body as if it were giving a maternal embrace.

Until it violently coursed outward, leaving the two in anticipation of the oncoming shock. Only for all of the static to be drawn back into his body. Flowing into his body trying to quench a desert with the energy it was delivering to him.

Finding his way through the confusion, falling, he finds his way back to his body. Ideas and sensations of this world stir within him at the recollection of his existence, what surfaces into his awareness first, is the absolute trauma his body is in. The agony is still fresh from the experience, less impactful but there nonetheless.

Rolling off the gurney, disorientation looms over his mind. Forming together under the oppressive reality being fed into him.

"WHERE AM I". information of his life began pouring into him at a nauseating level, his brain processing it all at an alarming rate, as the blackness that claimed him originally, returned him.

All his body can focus on is the agony, looking over himself with wet eyes, still fresh with medical liquid and membrane from the bubble.

Scars cover his whole body, the splits that had formed originally sealing up only a little. Burns covered his body, sending shocks throughout his nervous system. The exposure of air added to his anguish.

However one scar leaves Blake terrified over the remembrance of it, The lightning had left his mark on his body, almost as a sign of claiming him as one of their own. His hands running down the stemming scar, going from his neck down his chest. Noticing this, the doctor tries to ease Blakes confusion.

"Blake was it, you have to listen to me, you can't be moving around in your state. It's a miracle you're even alive". The doctor's clear bewilderment over Blake seeps into his tone.

"That mark on your body, it's known as a lichtenberg. It normally forms when you've been struck by lightning". Upon saying this the doctor finally pieces together an explanation. Mortifying him.

"He must've been struck by the storm, that was one of the more intense storms we've had in Boreal. I've never seen lightning have these kinds of after effects though. How did he manage to even hold together". The doctor's thoughts are said aloud for the ward to hear.

Seeing her brother in these levels of agony, sends distress running through her core. Flashes of the past surface, a gruesome bloody pool fills her vision as the memory tries to detach her from her reality.

"Blake, Blake, I'm here it's going to be okay. Everything will be okay, you're safe". Panic riddled her voice leaving it hard to breathe through the gasping.

Holding her brother in her arms despite the shocks sent through her, she starts to run her fingers through his hair, holding his hand in the process. This was a coping mechanism the siblings developed over their lives.

The sense of touch distracts Blake out of his torment. A piece of light entering his bleak darkness full of anguish. Slowly Blake realizes who it is, opening his eyes to be sure.

The membrane splits apart and the sight of his sister fills his view. The tearful smile she gives illuminates him out of his pain.

Finally being put to ease, he realizes he managed to return from oblivion. The exhaustion takes over his body. Not allowing anymore thought or actions to run through, he shuts down. Continuing to soothe her brother, gratitude fills her knowing that he will survive this ordeal.

Asking for just a moment, she takes solace in her reverie. The panic dissipates from her mind, support for her brother is all that remains. A familiar tune of a mobile surfaces in her mind as she holds onto his wounded body.

"There's hope now that his brain activity has returned, things will start to look up from here. I'm sure of it". A smile forms on the hardened doctor, clearly evident of what he's seen in his field.

"The medical bubble has done its job in speeding up the healing process, I don't think his body could do that on his own". Looking over Blakes wreckage of a body, his empathy clouds his mind again.

"He'll need 3 days before I can discharge him, even then i dont think his body will be able to handle much on its own. I pray for his future". The doctor gives his final condolences, ushering Raven out of the room now as they set up Blakes unconscious body on the medical bed once more.

His eyes begin to crack open once again, praying for clarity that he's still there. Getting his answer relief finally washes over him. Knowing it's real.

Before he can fall into much needed sleep however. A loud chime is heard in his mind. Followed by a familiar screen hovering in his vision, making out the words anxiety starts to come back into his mind.

"THAT WASN'T A HALLUCINATION"! He screams out before agony crashes down on him like a waterfall again.

[Consciousness has finally returned the final change in your body will now occur]