
Gatorella vs. the Baracus

Now, Face and Ms. O'Hannorhan are in a tight spot. The Baracas has got them both hilariously pinned to the floor of his lair...

Above, Ms. Fulbright isn't sure what to do. She's...never had to do this before, actually...

From above, the ceiling caves in. This causes the Baracus to look up, and back away...

When he does, he takes his paw off Ms. O'Hannorhan's bum. She's still petrified. With the threat passed, Face crawls over to her, and takes her by the arm. They both stand, and run...as the lair collapses, all around them.

Boulders and stalactites fall from the ceiling. Too many of them come dangerously close to crushing them both.

One rolls by...and broadsides Face. Ms. O'Hannorhan stops in her tracks, and screams.

When she finds him, he's pinned. She tries, in vain, to push it off him. Alas, she's not sure if she can...

Via a whip, Ms. Fulbright swings forth, and attends to them. She puts on a jeweled gauntlet; a relic that she once nicked from her "other" job. She aims the jewels at the rock, and waits. On her fist the jewels light up, and...

They shatter the rock to bits, freeing Face. Thankfully, Face can still run. He hoists Ms. O'Hannorhan over his shoulder, and follows Ms. Fulbright out of the lair.

Outside, a spectacle has unfolded. The jungle has become host to an epic fight: full-out Gatorella vs. the Baracus…

Gatorella is the reason the Baracus's lair has collapsed...which, also makes him partly responsible for Face's recent near-demise... But then, Hannibal Tran was always a bit of a misogynist back when he was just a human hero, so it makes sense that that demise was undone, and prevented, by a bitchy Tia Carrere lookalike... But then, Gatorella also inadvertently saved both Face and Ms. O'Hannorhan from the Baracus, so...it's more of a give-and-take, on Gatorella's part. And give-and-take, of course, is the ONLY thing better than take-and-no-give. It leaves neither a signature, nor a void.

Just outside the Baracus's now-ruined lair, the trio watches in awe, and a bit of concern, as the water dragon and the great gold-collared black panther fight one another to a standstill. Alas, this is probably going to take more time than the trio has to stay out here.

But then, their main cause to rush things has, it seems, since been abandoned. Without the Baracus to threaten them, the only threats that're still here to combat, or avoid, are themselves, and the natural hazards of the jungle around them...which the Baracus, before, made seem like jokes.

Ah; except there is ONE other threat, besides those, that probably deserves addressing. And as memory serves, they're still gestating under a pile of rubble, alone in the jungle, where a warrior's tomb once stood...