
Gate: War of Two Worlds Shorts

As the war continue, their are many stories that are untold. Voices, perspectives, battles, characters, and more that get lost between the bigger picture. These stories are to show another side of a long and bloody war. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad, Wattpad, and Fanfiction,

PWOFalcon · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Noriko Marketplace


--- The Dancing Princess Brothel, Alnus Town, ---

Date: June 15th, 2026

Looking up at the ceiling fan, Specialist James Ward took a deep breath. "Man, this sucks." He then felt Neko, Aimi's fur hand across his bare chest.

"I thought you enjoyed the sucking," Aimi asked as she rubbed her head against James' arm, hand rubbing his chest while purring. "And all the other things."

Looking at Aimi, while he sees a beautiful naked feline, all he can think about is the first time Noriko ran into him. He has heard the stories about the girl and who her son is.

"You are thinking about that girl again?" Aimi said and rolled her eyes. "You know, it is rude to think about another girl when you're in the company of another. Especially when you paid for this."

Looking away, James took a breath. "I am like my father. He used to sleep around all the time until he met my mother."

Aimi rolled on top of James and kicked his chest once. "Knock it off; you came here to relax your mind and body. Well, I do enjoy it when you're stressed, but besides the point. You are being deployed tomorrow, so forget about everything and think about this moment."

"You're right," James replied.

Grabbing Aimi's arm, he rolled until he was on top of her. His hand moved along the fur of her breast as he began to thrust into her. While his body enjoys every physical movement, he cannot stop thinking about being with that other girl.

--- Marketplace, Alnus Town ---

"Thank you for coming out with me, Hamilton," Noriko said.

"It is no problem; it is also my duty to watch over Tenchi," Hamilton lowered herself and played with the baby while holding her chest. "He is so cute."

"I think all babies are cute," Noriko said, then handed Tenchi a toy. "But mine is the cutest."

"We shall see when my baby is born." Hamilton cheerfully said as she placed her hand on her three-month pregnant belly. "But why did you invite me?"

Looking around, Noriko took a breath. "Sometimes I feel like I am being watched, and I don't mean by our guys." She then looked at the HUMVEE filled with Vanguard Rangers inside it. Sarah accidentally slipped that she has private security after what happened to Tenchi during Herm's prison break(1). However, that is not what is bothering her as she expected Sarah and Sharpe to provide security. Sometimes when she walked around the town, she got a bad feeling about some people. But she wondered if it is her insecurities getting the best of her.

"I understand," Hamilton said. "As Princess Pina's personal servant, I was expected to throw myself to protect her if an assassin tried to kill her."

"Brutal," Noriko replied. "Just remember, you are married. Your man is the one who is supposed to protect you, so Sarah tells me."

"I have to admit, I have struggled with my dual loyalties," Hamilton said. "I think it has been good that I did not go to Rondel even if I wanted to."

"What do you mean?"

Hamilton placed her hand on her arm. "When I became the Princess servant, I was never supposed to fall in love and have a family. My only purpose was to serve Pina. Now, I am married to Andrew and being an expected mother of his child."

Hearing that, Noriko giggled. "I understand. It is new. When I gave birth to Tenchi here, I was so scared. If it was not for everyone's support, I don't know what I would have done. But it sounds like you already know the answer. You married Andrew and are starting a family along with your Princess's blessing. You just need to get used to it, and I think this time apart is good for you."

"You are right," Hamilton said. "It is a new life for me, and I need to embrace being a wife and a future mother, not a servant."

She was glad that Hamilton began to embrace her new role in life, butNoriko frowned when Hamilton asked if she was looking for a husband. "Ahh, no. I don't think I will date for a long time. I can still feel his brute hands on my arms and elsewhere."

"I am sorry," Hamilton said. "I hope one day you can move on."

Noriko looked and stared at the strange pink alien fruit. She has fantasies about having a boyfriend, someone who could emotionally save her from Zorzal's touch, make her feel safe to walk down the street and help with Tenchi.

"Maybe, but right now, I have my hands full," Noriko said. "And the school has been a big project with all the new students. It pays the bills and keeps me busy."

Hamilton smiled and nodded, "What about him?"

Confused, Noriko turned around and saw that Ranger from last time(1). She ran into this man and ended up on the ground. She did not blame him for being a soldier and acted in self-defense, but the context of the situation bothered her. "Hi, James."

James stopped, looking at Noriko, shocked. "You remembered my name?"

"Well, yes," Noriko said. "It is hard not to remember a guy who threw me on the ground."

James nervously blinked. "Ahh, sorry about that. But next time, don't blindly come around the corner at full speed."

"Fair enough," Noriko replied and then noticed a peculiar stench coming from James. She pinched her nose and moved her baby away. "I see you came from the brothel. How is Aimi?"

"Ahh, yeah, wait, how do you know I was there and about Aimi?" James asked.

Rolling her eyes, Noriko said, "because girls talk. I am surprised that you remember her name, and besides, I can smell you."

James snuffed his jacket. "Sorry. We are being deployed tomorrow."

"Whatever, justify your lifestyle, James." The sight of James disappoints Noriko. She does not find the man ugly and pretty handsome. Well, but that is expected of being a soldier. "Good luck on the frontlines."

"Do you mind, Ranger?" Hamilton asked. "We are having a girl day."

"I am sorry to bother both of you," James said. He was about to leave but reached into his bag. "Before I left, I wanted to give this to you. I was thinking about you, and my sister said someone like you might like this."

What the soldier said baffled Noriko. She has been hit on by soldiers before, but they usually leave once they know she has a kid or run away once they know the Sharpe family are her guardians. She knows James just wants to get into her pants for a one-night stand, but she is shocked by how much effort he's putting into it. The fact that he even bragged about it to his sister and got advice scares her. "Is his entire family this crazy?"

Once James took out a small box, Hamilton took it. "Thank you, Specialists. I think you better hurry. Captain Bailey will not like one of his men smelling like you on a mission. Don't want to attract any wolves."

Once James left, Noriko took a breath of fresh air. "Finally, he left. I know guys always think about sex, but this is getting annoying. I already said no, so I wish he would just leave me alone."

"Maybe, you can bring this up with Sarah," Hamilton said as she opened the box.

"I will think about it," Noriko said. "I don't want to be that weak, and she is busy with her job, school, and her pregnancy. I don't want to dump more drama on her."

"You know, in Sadera, I have seen very respectable men who went to brothels," Hamilton said. "Soldiers go to those places to forget the stresses of the war, one last good night before their potential death in battle. But, one thing is confusing me. It is strange that he is sleeping with a whore but is only thinking about you?"

"What do you mean?"

Hamilton held up a beautiful silver pin with a blue dolphin on it. There are four tiny jewels under the dolphin. "There is a note with it. It says, 'swim free.'"

Noriko took the pin, instantly took it, loving the design. "It's beautiful."

"I know in your culture when a boy gives you small, more personal gifts like that, it means he likes you," Hamilton stated.

After shooting a disapproving glare at Hamilton, Noriko looked at the pin. Her mind already figured out a dozen ways to use it. But everything that just happened confused her. "We should leave."



(1)Gate: Short, Day with Noriko



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Head Editor: Rockerboy Arriie

Story Artist: CallmePlez & Milkduds100

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS



