
Gate: War of Two Worlds Shorts

As the war continue, their are many stories that are untold. Voices, perspectives, battles, characters, and more that get lost between the bigger picture. These stories are to show another side of a long and bloody war. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad, Wattpad, and Fanfiction,

PWOFalcon · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Minick Dojo


--- Fort Minick Dojo, Fort Minick ---

A charging human male swings his fist.

With a quick dodge, Shino was able to get behind the man and kick him. "Got to do better than that."

The soldier shook his head and smirked. The man charged forward, throwing punch after punch. Shino easily dodged them all and then swing a kick. To her surprise he caught it.

The man twisted her leg and lunched her in the chest, knocking her on her ass.

As Shino got up, she held her chest. She did not expect his counterattack and realized she no longer could goof around. "Alright big guy, you want to dance, let's dance."

Seeing the threat, Shino ducked, dodging the sword attack. She grabbed that arm and flipped the man around. She placed her knee on the guy's back and hold him down.

"Enough," Chief Master Sergeant Carlos Cruz ordered. "Good Spare."

After a quick celebratory laugh, Shino helped the soldier up. "Good job Manpiv. Good fight."

For the past few months, Shino has been helping train the Alnus Militia into a fighting force. Some are farmers who never fought before. Others are ex-slaves who want revenge or to fight for their freedom, like the Black-Americans during the American Civil War. Luckily, at least a third are trained fighters like Adventurers and defector Imperial Soldiers. The issue has been each group has its own problems to sort out.

As part of the cultural exchange and influence scheme, many martial art associations and authorities back on Earth in many countries have approved the recognition of the natives of Uros in the official ranking system. As a result, so far, many militant members have attained formal belts indicating their skills in martial arts like Delilah and Wolf with Red Belts in and Judo; Tyuule with Yellow Belts in Kyokushin Karate, and not so surprisingly Rory with a Blue Belt in Judo, which she against Giselle during the Battle of Mount Tube.

Manpiv has been one of Shino's star students, quickly achieving a red belt. Once an Optio of the Imperial Army, a rank appointed by a centurion from within the ranks to act as his second in command. The US equivalent is a modern First Sergeant. He was captured by British forces at the Siege of Kerush. Once the city fell, he was an insurgent for a few months against NATO. However, his fellow insurgents wanted to harm the people of his city and that was a line he refused to cross so he switched sides and warned the British occupiers. From there he was allowed to join the Alcatris Knighthood.

"Thank you," Manpiv said. "Still not use to throwing punched at a woman but good fight."

"I get it," Shino said. "It is not natural unless you're a dick. But good job on your form. Don't go back into the brawling habit and remember your Judo training. The point of Judo is to counter people like you."

"Pay attention everyone," Carlos said to all the other students. "Take a lesson from this fight. While Leading Private Shino Kuribayashi is smaller in frame and size than Manpiv. However, strength and size are not always the most important. Understanding your opponent and using his weakness against him is a must to become successful warriors."

As Carlos lectures about the merits of soldiering, Shino looked at the large crowd of recruits.

"It is impressive."

Looking to Shino's side, she noticed Honorary Captain Grey Co Aldo of the Rose-Order of Knights. "What is impressive? I only kicked his ass because of advanced martial art I know."

"Not what I mean," Grey said. "I never thought to see so many recruits. I always assume you Terrans would fight this war alone."

"That was the plan," Shino said. "Even though this post was designed to train natives until warriors that we can work with it was always intended as a pet project. The only reason your Rose Knights are so active is that Pina is a Princess, and they are working directly with Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe."

"I expected that," Grey replied. "But, what happened at COP Romesha(1) changed things."

Shino heard the stories from COP Romesha. It was a massacre at the outpost and construction of highway Eugene Reybold has been delayed for a week. "I know. My people bombed Pearl Harbor back in 41 and all it did was piss them off. I am getting that vibe; the Empire made a mistake."

Grey crossed his arm. "Over thirty dead, almost a dozen wounded. General Stanford became Military Governor of the region and one of his first acts is to reform the Alnus Militia into the Alcatris Knighthood and asked for recruits. Reaching out to the City-States and other allies for more Knights sense the Italica Knights were key in saving the outpost from being overrun."

"Yup," Shino stated as she reflected. "Broke rule number one twice and now the Americans want blood. The Empire might have had a chance if they laid low and turn this into another forgettable American War like Afghanistan, but that option is gone now."

Not hearing a reply, Shino looked at the old man again confused. "What is bothering you? Wishing you are in the fight?"

After a moment, Grey spoke, "while a part of me wishes to be out there with the Rose Knights that is not what I am thinking about. I am surprised to see so many different classes of people here, many races, freedmen, and ex-slaves. I guess what Sharpe said at Italica the first time was correct, peasants able to control destiny and fight."

"Wish I was there," Shino said. "If it was my people, they probably would have just sat back and waited to see what happened." She looked again at the crowd.

"And I think that is why so many are here, as a blessing or as a fault the Americans act and it attracts," Grey said. "It is why Pina was consumed by the ideas of a revolution, why cities like Italica switched sides and why these people are here. For the first time on Falmart these people see they have a future and are willing to fight for it know they see they can."

"In the future, I believe Romesha will be seen as a blessing," Grey said. "Wars are always filled with important battles that influence society. The sight of NATO soldiers beating some of the worst monsters Falmart have ever seen, the Ghouls. Besides them a Knight fighting side by side, both needing each other to survive and win."

With a chuckle, Shino enjoyed what Grey said. "I am surprised Grey, that was very deep. It sounded very romantic in a military way." Looking back at the crowd. "Still, only two hundred here."

"And next week will be three hundred," Grey responded. "And next month will be a thousand."

"And that is why we are here," Shino replied.

"Alright, now for the Brazilian trainer turn. Any takers?" Carlos asked.

"I will," Wolf said. He walked forward, taking off his rob and red belt. "These fancy dances are effective but how do they do against a beast race like me? Let's find out."

After organizing the recruits and starting the next round, Carlos explained what Brazilian jiu-jitsu is. A Special Forces instructor is currently teaching another recruit the arts of it.

With Stanford's new plan to raise a new Alcatris Knighthood he needed many specialized close-quarter instructors to teach the recruits. The ban on giving native firearms remains in place as NATO has a planet of soldiers fulfilling that role with reserves on Earth. The battle of Romesha proved NATO needed a more diverse way to counter other threats in this war.

Shino watched as the Brazilian trainer dodged around Wolf, using Wolf size against him. The truth is she would not want to fight a beast like Wolf. She knows if this were a real fight and fighting this close, she and other NATO soldiers would be dead without a firearm. Even as a black-belt she knows he would not last that long in a fight alone. But that is why NATO is investing in these training classes, to prevent that from happening.

As the training event continued, Shino watched as the Brazilian trainer stayed out of Wolf's reach. Struggling to do so because of how long Wolf's arms. Wolf reached out and the Brazilian trainer moved in, getting on Wolf back and starts bringing him down.

Then Wolf with his long arm grabbed the Brazilian man's leg and ripped him off and tossed him onto the ground.

"Match," Carlos said. He then walked into the pad. "Take a lesson from this. I do not want you all to think these techniques will make you into a god. As you can see Staff Sergeant Mantovani was able to counter Wolf, forcing Wolf into the defensive. However, the fact that he is a Beast gave him the upper hand in the end. The beast technique can still fail if you do not understand your opponent. Against a far stronger opponent like Wolf, you might want to consider doing a two on one or more."

Carlos then pointed to Shino. "Get in the ring."

"Shit," Shino said. "Well, let's kick ass."



(1)Chapter 204



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Head Editor: Rockerboy Arriie

Story Artist: CallmePlez & Milkduds100

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS