

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


A pool of blood slowly formed around Leo as the 3 men stood looking down on him, with one of them holding a bloodied dagger.

"Serves you right for messing up our plans"

"Come on, we need to leave before somebody sees us"

The 3 men ran off, leaving Leo to bleed out from the stab wound on his left side.

'It seems like they hit one of my organs'

He coughed up blood and was now breathing heavily. He looked left and right and saw that no one was coming. He tried calling for help but had already lost soo much blood that he could not make a sound.

He was being soaked in a pool of his own blood.

'Is this the end for me. Maybe Mr. Edward was right'

Tears began flowing down his eyes and mixing up with the puddle of blood that was beneath him. He remembered Jax and how he would be all alone. The pain of leaving him behind was just unbearable.

As his consciousness began fading, he started to recall his childhood moments with his mother and father and how much he missed those days. Different scenes of happiness flashed by his eyes and he found himself smiling.

'I'm coming Dad; I'm coming Mom'

But then scenes where he and his brother were playing together, laughing, eating and crying started flashing by and he realized that although he missed his mother and father very much, he did not want to leave Jax behind. He chose to survive by any means necessary.

And that's when it happened

The words RESTORE YOUR POWER ran through his mind and he wondered. 'Where did I hear those words?' The burn markings began glowing again.


The gentle sound of a bell was heard and Leo opened his eyes and found himself in the living room of his house. He jumped off the cushion and in a state of panic raised up his shirt to look at the stab wound.

"What the?"

He quickly turned around to increase the illumination on that part of his body.

"What is happening to me?"

The fatal injury he received just a moment ago was gone and there was no sign of a scar. All the blood he lost was nowhere to be found on his clothes. He sat back down and concluded that he dreamt up the whole thing.


The door opened up and Jax walked in shouting on top of his voice.

"Hey Leo!!, I'm back"

"I'm right here, you idiot"

Leo smiled while looking at Jax. Jax stared at Leo with a look of discomfort.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Leo kept mute, standing up and walking towards Jax. Jax watched as his brother acted in a weird manner.

"Are you alright bro?"

Leo grabbed Jax and gave him a tight hug.

"I am now"

It may have been a dream, but it felt too real for Leo. Seeing his brother made him realize how lucky he was to be alive.

"I love you Jax"

Jax was still confused about Leo's behavior and decided not to give it too much thought. He returned the hug by holding the person that had been with him since the beginning, taking care of him, feeding him and always making sure that he was happy.

"I love you too Leo"

Jax knew about the hardships Leo had to go through while they were growing up. He knew about the issues with his dad and his mom and how their aunt treated Leo. That's why he was always happy and working hard to make Leo proud and end his suffering.

The tender embrace lasted for quite a few seconds before Leo let go and gave out a sigh of relief before returning to his chair. While seating back down, Jax noticed something and pointed it out to Leo.

"Hey Leo. Did you get into an accident at work?"

Leo squinted his eyes at Jax showing that he did not understand the question.

"What do you mean?"

Jax raised his finger, pointing at Leo's side. Leo looked down in the direction of Jax's finger. He stared at the object of his brother's interest, his eyes slowly widened up and his face turned pale and was filled with a look of fear.


Jax was waiting for a response from Leo.

Leo was looking at a torn part of his uniform. The tear on the uniform looked like something that could only be inflicted by a knife. And it was on the same spot where Leo got stabbed in his dream.


He raised his head to meet the gaze of his little brother who was now getting worried about his well-being.

"Oh this, this happened at work in the kitchen. I got careless that's all."

Jax was reassured of his brother's health and proceeded to go to his room.

"And by the way, your back is extremely dirty"

Leo was going through multiple stages of shock at this moment, but decided to hide it from Jax in order not to worry him.

"Ok, thanks. Don't forget to do your homework"

"I won't"

"When you get hungry, just warm up something from the fridge"


The moment Jax was out of sight, Leo ran as fast as he possible could to the bathroom. Using the mirror, he inspected his body. The tear on his side and the dirt on his back suggesting that he laid down on the ground. The only thing that could explain all these were the events of his dream.

'Was that even a dream?'

The evidence that his dream was in fact not a dream at all was plentiful. He was losing his mind. He quickly removed his clothes to carefully inspect his body. That was when he saw the markings on his arm.


Leo took a closer look at his arm.

"When did this happen?"

The markings that was initially the size of the ring was now all over his right arm.

"The ring. I totally forgot about it."

It was then that Leo remembered about the ring that Jax got from a stranger, the stranger that he could not remember anything about. He remembered how Sara could not remember anything about the customer she supposedly served every day and how he knew Leo. He remembered the man he thought he saw while leaving the restaurant earlier that day and the words he said to him, the same words he heard right before he woke up.

"Are they all connected? And if so, why me?"