

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasy
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33 Chs

A fool or a hero

He woke up the next morning after his younger brother had shrugged him several times. The ring that was on the floor the previous night was now on the small table beside the chair.

"You slept in and now I'm gonna be late for school."

Leo Looked at the time, it was almost 8am and he hadn't even made breakfast for his brother. He panicked and rushed to the kitchen pulling out a cereal from the shelf and giving it to Jax. He opened the fridge and brought out a bottle of milk.

"You're having cereal for breakfast"

Jax smiled, he loved cereals

"Awesome. You should sleep in more often"

Jax gulped down his breakfast and ran out to enter the bus while Leo went up to prepare for work. He had totally forgotten about the ring and last night's incident.

After he was done preparing for work, he hurriedly left the house and quickly walked to the restaurant.

"Mr. Edward is going to kill me. I just happen to come to work late the day after he revealed how much he liked me. If I had any means of transportation, I could have made it to the restaurant in no time at all. I have to get myself a bicycle"

On his way to work as he was passing an alleyway, he overheard a group of 3 men discussing the mugging of a lady that was approaching Leo but was still some distance off. The lady looked wealthy because she had on a nice dress and expensive jewelry. The way she cat-walked herself down the street with such pride and a saucy look on her face made her a good target.

"No, no, no, no!! why today? why now? why me?"

As Leo came closer and closer to the lady who was walking towards the men who were ready to assault her, he thought of the best way to warn her without letting the men know about it. That way, he could save the lady and avoid implicating himself in the process.

"Ok, I know what to do"

The moment he came close enough to the girl, he blocked her path and greeted her while doing so.

"Hello Miss. Good morning"

He always had difficulty talking with people he knew; let alone someone he didn't know.


The girl welcomed his greeting with a slap because his approach was too straightforward and the girl just happened to be a saucy girl.

"Are you crazy? Don't you know how to talk to a lady?"

Leo held his face while cussing inwardly at his inability to properly talk to a lady. But still, wasn't the slap a bit excessive?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that the group of men behind me are…"


Leo received another slap on the other cheek. This second slap was enough to make Leo want to slap her back, but he controlled himself. He knew that he would regret not saving this girl and so decided to persuade her to listen to him.

He was such a fool for thinking that way.

"Please ma'am, listen to me. The men behind me are trying to rub you"

Unfortunately for Leo, the lady could not see the men because they hid in the alley waiting to pounce on her as soon as she passed by.

"What men? Out of my way, you weirdo!"

Leo kept begging her to turn around, but she then started screaming. His act of heroism quickly turned into an act of terrorism and this attracted the people that were close by to surround the two. Leo could not explain his reason for blocking the girl to the crowd because among the people surrounding them were 6 eyes watching him with vicious intent. The men that planned the mugging also approached them to know why Leo was spoiling their plans.


In a desperate attempt to save himself from the crowd and the men that started all this, he claimed that the girl reminded him of his late mother and that he misses her soo much. This answer managed to calm the raging crowd and even made some of them sympathize with him and look at the rude girl with disdain. Soon after, the crowd dispersed, leaving only Leo who was pretending to cry.

"That was a close call"

Though it didn't go as planned, he still ended up saving the girl and getting popular in the process. As he began moving towards the restaurant, he felt a sensation that he could recall feeling in the past. The sensation he felt when he was in Mr. Edward's office. He turned around slowly as if in fear of something. He could see a man in the distance watching him, but the man was soo far off that he could not make out his face.


A car passed by Leo prompting him to look towards the road. Leo instantly returned his gaze to look at the mysterious man, but he was already gone. For some time, Leo stood silently at the same spot.

'Who was that man? Could he have been the same person I sensed back in Mr. Edward's office?'

He then came to realization that he was already very late for work. As he turned around to continue his rush to the restaurant, a small glow is clearly seen emanating through the sleeves on his right arm. The same spot where the burn with the markings appeared.

At this point, Mr. Edward was definitely going to kill him. As Leo walked into the restaurant, he met with Mr. Edward's glaring gaze.

"What is the meaning of this Leo?!!"

In a state of panic, Leo raised his arms to his face in self-defense as his boss quickly approached him.

"I…I can explain sir"

"Oh, it better be good then"

Mr. Edward was furious with Leo, not because he was late, but because he felt that Leo intentionally came late because he thought that Mr. Edward would let it slide because of their closeness.

"Well, it all started when…"

Leo's explanation was brought to a halt when a female customer stepped into the restaurant. Leo's eyes couldn't help but widen up as he locked eyes with the customer.

"Oh fuck"

It just had to be the lady who had made a mess of his morning.

Thank you for making it this far

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