
Gasp! She Can Travel Through Time and Space!

Lin Wanwan has a time bracelet that allows her to transmigrate back and forth between the modern age and the Tang Dynasty. One was a modern era with a ton of information, abundant resources, powerful medical care, advanced education and technology, but with indifferent, solitary people. The other was an era that was poor in supplies, had droughts, floods, and locust plagues. From time to time, the emperor also had to cut off their budgets to support soldiers to further expand their territory. It’s said to be a prosperous era, but everyone often went hungry. But there were little ones in the Tang Dynasty who depended on her for everything, and an ancestor several generations before her time, who treated her like a treasure in her family. Lin Wanwan had no ambition. She just wanted to bring some changes to the world that she liked, so that her family could live a better life. She had a home in the Tang Dynasty.

Green Bamboo Lin · General
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40 Chs

Making A Windfall, Purchasing A Person

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After studying it for a while, Xie Yuting stood up and said, "This wild giant yellow croaker is not bad. It weighs about 60 kilograms. I'll pay 3 million. Are you selling it?"

Lin Wanwan had used her own scale to measure her weight before she left the house. The result was 59.9 kgs, but the other party could estimate it so accurately just by looking at it with the naked eye. This was a true master!

"Chef Xie, you have superb eyes! Deal, I accept the price." It was a little higher than what Lin Wanwan had found online, and she was very satisfied.

Xie Yuting was obviously very confident in his own judgment. He did not show any surprise even after being praised by a beauty. He said with a normal expression, "Alright, let's wrap it up then."

Lu Shouyue explained to Lin Wanwan, "Chef Xie won the gold medal in the world's food ingredient identification competition. He can clearly tell the weight of the ingredients just by looking, listening, and cutting."