


My name is Duncan Stonestark, though it used to be Duncan Snow. I was born from a one night affair between my mother Ashara Dayne and father Eddard Stark at the Tourney of Harrenhal. I didn't meet my father for Four years as the war waged on between the Rebels ands the Crown. We heard of my father's and Robert Baratheons victory two weeks before my father arrival.

I first met Eddard when him, two other men, and a women in a cart holding a bundle trampled into Starfall. I noticed one of the men was greivously wounded so as my mother ran out to see what was happening i ran to grab the maester. I would later learn the injured man's name was Lord William Dustin and my quick actions saved his life. After the confusion of the Northmens arrival was cleared we learned what had happened at the Tower of Joy and Uncle Arthur's death. Mother was devastated that the man she loved killed her brother and I think thats what made her jump after telling my father about me.

After my Mother's funeral I left with the Northmen with a baby Jon in tow who i had taking to watching over and he seemed to enjoy my attention. On the way to Kings Landing my Father and I talked about the North and I showed off that my mother had been teaching as much about the North as she could, hoping I could make a life there for myself after the war. As weeks rolled past we came upon Kings Landing where father met with King Robert for a while and then we left with the rest of the Northern Army still waiting. It would be Ten Years before I met King Robert agian.

Weeks rolled by as we marched North. Our stop at Riverrun did not go smoothly, with father introducing me and Jon as his bastards to Lord Tully and Lady Catelyn. Father decided to leave quickly after that because of more than one fight started by the Tullys'. On the road before both departed for their keeps I spoke with Lords Dustin and Reed about their lands and they enjoyed humoring my questions. Lord Dustin even took me out for my first hunt, though father was furious after. The whole i didn't neglect to keep an eye on lil Jon since Lady Catelyn's frosty eyes gave me bad vibes. When we finally reached Winterfell it was closing in to my Fifth Nameday and the rest of my LIfe.

10 Years Later...

Life had been good for me since I came to the North. The liking Lord Dustin took to me years ago stuck and when I was Ten offered to foster me till I came of age, my father knowing how rambunctious me and Lord Dustin could be was hesitant but after much begging from me and surprisingly Lady Catelyn he agreed. Over the years between visits home to Winterfell and making sure Jon knew I had a plan to get him and I away from Lady Catelyn in our own keeps, Lordling Lessons, and Combat and Tactics training time seemed to fly by till the Ironborn attacks.

The attacks hit first at Flint's Finger and Barrowton since they were the closes to the Iron Islands. I had lead part of the Barrow Knights to quickly clear out raiders with Lord Dustin and had the Ironborn scum out of Barrowton fast. After the initial attacks and the call of banners by my father, Lord Dustin and I left quickly to reach Moat Cailin. When the host was all gathered we marched to Lannisport clearing out Seaguard and other assailed keeps as we went. As we reached Lannisport my father let me know his feelings about not wanting me on the front lines and i denied him and explained that if I wanted my own keep I needed a legitamacy from the King and I will get it when we take down Pyke. When I also explained that I wanted to take Jon with to make him a lord sworn to me with Jory Cassel who I intended to get a Knighthood for father relented to my plan.

The fall of Pyke was quick and bloody. Jory Cassel, Jorah Mormont, Thoros of Myr, and I were the first through the breach. Jory took out Marlon Greyjoy in a fierce one on one duel while I took on Dustan Drum and his infamous sword Red Rain on top of Victarion Greyjoy who was wielding another Valaryian Steel Sword he must of pillaged from somewhere. One by One though all the Ironborn leaders fell first Marlon to Jory and then Drumm and Victarion in to my quick neck slashes. I took the Swords to do with as I pleased as spoils. After the Fall of Pyke and the subsequent dishing out of rewards I got all I wanted plus some. King Robert had agreed to legitamize Jon and I while even giving me a port city charter after I told him my plans for where I wanted to put my keep. Jory even got his Kinghthood from the King himself for his role in Marlon's single handed take down. That night I partied like never before because my goal to be legitamized as Duncan Stonestark were realized and my little brother can share my joy when he hears of his legitamization.

The Northern reception for the returning fighters was grand. With the news spreading of my deeds in the war and subsequent legitamization gifts were rolling in on top of offers for marriage and offers to buy of the Valyrian swords in my possesion. The biggest prizes were Jon's tears of joy at our ridding of bastardom and Lady Catelyns tears of dismay. After all the festivities I finally got the chance to talk to my Father about the land I wanted to settle. The area I chose was one that would provide the North a naval deturrent against the Ironborn and other Western threats and it was the Stony Shore. The land was evenly split up with the Shore part being the perfect size for a port city and keep, while the Small mountain range that cut through the territory was sizable enough for a bigger keep to be situated on it with room to expand if the veins of Iron and Silver ore he discovered while surveying the land and mountains ran deep. Finally the flatland on the opposite side of the mountain towards the Rills would be great land to convert into farmland for crops and cattle. With the plans ironed out father and son decided to reveal the plans to the other Northern Lords at the next Harvest feast in Eight Moons giving Duncan time to work on other things.

Duncan sat Jon down ands explained his plans for the two of them. Jon Would be starting his own branch of Stonestark that would rule over Stoneport, the name for their future port city, while Duncan would start the main branch of Stonestark of Stonefell, Duncan's future Mountain fortress. Duncan also told Jon that with Jory earning his Knighthood he was gonna help build him a keep to run their farmland on the other side of their mountains. After all the revealing Duncan turned their conversation to marriages and the two agreed to offer Jon to marry Lord Manderlys Ten nameday old granddaughter Wylla who was the same age as Jon, this would hopefully allow them to repurpose the Wolf's Den stone for their Shore castle. Duncan's next step was to sell his non Red Rain Valyrian sword cause even though he would love to keep it for Jon they needed funds to start up their new life for real, and Duncan knew just the man to contact for a lot of gold Tywin Lannister.

Travelling to and back from the Rock was an experience Duncan wouldnt ever want to experience again but he got the gold he needed squeezing Two Hundred Thousand Gold Dragons from Tywin and then discovering and convincing some of his miners to leave and teach his people their craft. With his gold ready Duncan immediately left for White Harbour to meet with the Manderly's with Jon after getting fathers permission. We were welcomed warmly at New Castle by the Manderlys, with lord Wyman being his usual jolly self. After the plesantries were done it was time for business, Duncan offered a Ten thousand Gold Dragon Bride price for Wylla and an additional Ten thousand gold Dragons for the Stone of Wolf's Den. Lord Manderly was very ammenable to the terms since it tied his blood closer to the Starks even if it was a new side branch and he was glad to be rid of the Wolf's Den since it was wasted there anyway. With more objectives accomplished, and Jon settling in at New Castle for fostering as well as getting to know his future bride, Duncan decided that it was time to go to Braavos and meet with the Iron Bank and The Sealord and thanks to lord Manderly that was easier then ever.

The time Duncan spent in Braavos further cemented his rise to a powerful lord in the near future. In his meeting with the Sealord and Iron Bank, Duncan hashed out a deal that would send Carpenters and Shipwrights from Braavos to the Stony Shore to help Build his Port city and teach others their craft for future projects all this would be for a three year period. Duncan also arranged for shipments of Potatoe and Bean seeds for his future Farmland projects. The last thing Duncan did in Essos was travel to Myr and lured poor glasssmakers to his land in exchange for some gold and promises of more for glass made in the North. With his time spent in Essos successful and the time for the Harvest feast growing closer, being only four months away when he gets back to the North, Duncan realized he only had two things left for his plans to keep running smoothly, and that was more wood because even if some of his land is wooded he'd need more and he new a certain bear clan that could use some gold but he also needed more man power which would be trickier.

The return to White Harbour and quick move to New Castle was a much needed reprieve for Duncan especially with Jon's shy interactions with the equally shy Wylla being adorable to watch. Soon though Duncan was off to Winterfell to discuss with his Father about penning a letter to the Hand and King about sending smallfolk looking for work North to help build Stoneport and reassemble the Wolf's Den that was already being torn down and prepped for transport by boat. Leaving Jon at New Castle and leaving for Winterfell was tough but the thought of seeing his other Brothers and Sisters was a treat that Duncan always enjoyed especially since it kept Robb and the others from looking up to Theon who was two namedays older then them but way cruder. It also gave Duncan time to keep impressionable Sansa from listening to the damn Septa his father allowed here. Lady Catelyn was still cold but kept it to herself since I made myself a lord even if unworthy in her eyes. After Spendings a few weeks with his siblings and discussing his smallfolk plan with his father Duncan Set out again first for Stony Shore to check the progress of the miners since they were the only ones their starting up the openings to the mines and from there to Bear Island.

Bear Island was a beautiful place filled with trees and hills with the Mormonts wooden keep standing proud just beyond the shore. Duncan always had a appreciation for Bear Island especailly for a certain she-bear he always made time for when lord Dustin visited which wasn't often only three times over Duncan's years with him. Now it was time for Duncan to keep his promise to her and make her the envy of all the other Northern ladies. Jorah was happy to greet when Duncan landed Jorah's wife on the other hand looked down on him the entire time Duncan greeted her. His welcome with Maege and accompanying bear hug was as warm as always, his reunion with Dacey though was full of promises about to be kept. Jorah being the lord of Bear Island was more than happy to discuss trade for wood from their island in exchange for Gold and stone from quarry to start rennevating the Mormonts wooden keep into a stone one. With trade talks complete Duncan offered his final piece a marriage between their families with him marrying Dacey to make his Lady Stonestark. Jorah was more than happy to accept his friends proposal and denied Duncans offer of a Ten thousand gold Dragon bride price, only taking five thousand to help jumpstart Mormont Keeps stone rennovation. Duncan decided that Dacey and he would marry in Winterfell during the Harvest Festival when his lordship would be announced and cemented.