


The First of His Name

Once the grand wedding feast had concluded in a flurry of laughter and music, and the echoing halls of the Red Keep grew hushed with the cloak of night, Jaehaerys found himself in his solar. The young king let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the whispers of the smallfolk and the murmurs of the devout had not erupted into chaos over his union with his dear sister-wife, Alysanne. Perhaps, he mused, it was time to commend the Seven Speakers for their preaching on the Doctrine of Exceptionalism. With a sense of purpose, Jaehaerys set about restructuring his council, deftly weaving together strands of loyalty and diplomacy. A notable achievement was the mending of fences between Lord Rogar and his mother, Dowager Queen Alyssa. The monarch's keen mind also turned towards the treasury, implementing new taxes to replenish the Crown's coffers, a task that required both tact and resolve.

Yet, amidst these triumphs, a thorny predicament remained. His eldest sister, Rhaena, now sat across from him in his solar, her presence a mix of fire and steel. There was a weight in the air, a silent challenge hanging between them, as she prepared to unburden her heart to her brother, the King.

Jaehaerys' brow furrowed in concern as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "What could have driven this… Ser Franklyn to such drastic actions?"

A flicker of defiance danced in Rhaena's eyes as she revealed the root of the conflict. "He fears the influence I wield at Faircastle, especially with Dreamfyre by my side. The presence of a dragon unsettles him."

Understanding dawned in Jaehaerys' eyes as he nodded in solidarity. "A common response when faced with the might of House Targaryen."

With a deep breath, Rhaena delved further into her tale of turmoil. "After that, we went to Casterly Rock, where Lord Lyman extended us guest rights, only to unveil his true intentions. He sought not just an alliance, but a matrimonial tie between our houses, even offering his sons, trueborn or a bastard, as potential matches. That includes my son Aegon. And as if that weren't audacious enough, he dared to covet a dragon for his own."

Rhaena's words dripped with a fiery resolve as she recounted their travels through the Westerlands and Riverlands. "At every noble seat we visited, the same power-hungry ambitions echoed, mirroring the greed of Lord Lyman Lannister."

A shadow of anger crossed Jaehaerys' features at the mention of such presumptuous demands. "It appears the lords of the Westerlands and Riverlands are eager to bind their lineage to the House of the Dragon."

Determination blazed in Rhaena's gaze. "But I refuse to be a pawn in their games. I have weathered the storms of Maegor's reign. I will not be manipulated by lesser houses seeking power."

In a silent display of solidarity, Jaehaerys reached out to clasp his sister's hand, offering her the unspoken strength of kinship. "Your resilience and fortitude have withstood trials few can comprehend, sister. I can attest to that."

Then there was heavy silence settled after Jaehaerys's comforting words. The weight of their conversation hung in the air, anticipation crackling between them.

"My advice to you is this... Return to court. Your presence is needed, especially with young Aegon here. He has proven himself adept in his role as my cupbearer," Jaehaerys declared with a tone that carried the weight of responsibility and expectation.

"And shall I forever live in your shadows? No, brother. I crave a seat of my own, a place that is untainted by the whims of lords, a stronghold where my people find refuge under my vigilant eye. Lands to call my own, men to stand by my side, and a castle to safeguard those who seek my shelter," Rhaena pronounced with unwavering resolve, her words echoing through the chamber like a clarion call to arms.

"We can find you lands, erect a castle befitting your stature," Jaehaerys declared, his voice a calming melody amidst the tempest of her demands.

"But the lands are taken, the castles claimed," Rhaena countered, her tone laced with the ironclad certainty of her lineage, "save for one... a stronghold I or my son hold a superior right than your own. I am the blood of the dragon, brother, and it is Dragonstone that calls to me, my birthplace, the seat of my father." Rhaena paused for a moment, "I want Dragonstone."

Jaehaerys, caught in the swirling eddies of her conviction, found himself without words, only a pledge to deliberate on her request. His Small Council, when convened, stood as a dissent against relinquishing the ancient seat of House Targaryen to Rhaena. Yet, none could offer an alternative solution, leaving the fate of Dragonstone hanging in precarious balance.

In the quiet sanctum of the royal chambers, Jaehaerys and Rhaena sat facing each other, their expressions a silent ballet of familial tension. The air was thick with unspoken words, heavy with the weight of duty and power.

"Dragonstone shall be your seat," Jaehaerys announced, his voice a melody of regal authority. "No place more befitting for the blood of the dragon. But remember, sister, it is by my gift, not by right. Our grandfather forged the Seven Kingdoms into one, and I will not divide them by granting you a separate realm. You are a queen by courtesy, but I am king. My rule stretches from Oldtown to the Wall, and it encompasses Dragonstone as well. Do we find accord in this?"

Rhaena's eyes, twin flames of defiance, met her brother's unwavering gaze. "Are you so uncertain of the Iron Throne that you must bend your own blood to you?" she retorted. "So be it. Grant me Dragonstone and one more thing, and I shall trouble you no further."

"One more thing?" Jaehaerys echoed, curiosity sparking in his eyes.

"Aegon. I demand the return of my son," Rhaena's voice was firm.

Jaehaerys hesitated, the weight of his decision heavy upon his brow. Aegon Targaryen, a boy of seven, his acknowledged heir, loomed large in his thoughts. Acknowledged through the existence of his eldest brother, the Uncrowned, Aegon possessed a strong claim to the throne that could not be denied. Yet, in a realm fraught with treachery and ambition, Jaehaerys knew the boy must be kept safe, away from the clutches of political machinations that sought to devour him, or this presents an opportunity to indirectly kick Aegon out of the succession by staying in Dragonstone with Rhaena. He will still be the Prince of Dragonstone until Alysanne can bear a boy.

"Done," Jaehaerys acquiesced, the word leaving his lips with a hint of haste. Aegon would be sent to Dragonstone, far from the intrigues of King's Landing, safeguarded from those who sought to manipulate his fate. Though the boy's silence, his solemn gaze that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages, gave Jaehaerys pause. Aegon was different, too different. He was too observant, like he looks like he was always calculating, and acts like an adult stuck in a boy's body.

"Thank you, brother," Rhaena's voice softened, a hint of gratitude lacing her words. With a graceful bow, she accepted his decision, a queen bending to her king.

As Rhaena prepared to make her exit from the solar, "By the way," a voice of Jaehaerys suddenly halted her in her tracks, turning around to face him. Jaehaerys was having look of deep contemplation that etched across his youthful face.

"How long do you plan to grace us with your presence this time?" Jaehaerys inquired.

"Only until the morrow," Rhaena replied, a touch of disdain coloring her voice. "I simply cannot stand King's Landing. The very stench of this place turns my stomach upside down," she confessed, her discomfort evident in the way she wrinkled her nose in distaste.

Jaehaerys, ever the inquisitive one, pressed on. "I can't help but wonder, what led you to choose this… Androw Farman as your new husband? Coming from a house of lesser renown, destined to never rise to great power or inherit vast lands due to his birth order. And if I may be blunt, sister, from the brief encounter I've had with him this evening, he seems to lack... depth. What is it about him that captivates you?"

Meeting her brother's gaze head-on, Rhaena's response was unwavering. "It's simple, brother. He treats me with kindness, and in that, I find comfort," she explained with a quiet conviction.