
chapter 3 final part 1

Anyone can become a hero where I'm from. Quirk or not."

"A-anyone? Where do you come from?"The youth's head rose up, locking eyes with Garou. An interested, curious look now shone in his eyes. Garou could see that kid was warming up to him, the fear diminishing in his voice.

"...best you don't know, kid," Garou said as he looked around the place.

"Got any food?" Garou's stomach rumbled within. His body was in need of desperate replenishing. That and he needed a place to rest and recover before setting out into the world outside.

Glancing once at Garou, the young boy rushed over to the nearby destroyed kitchen. He began searching high and low for any food they had in their stores. He could feel Garou's gaze on his back as he continued searching. Opening a nearby pantry door, a large bowl of wrapped up rice sat there. Reaching out and grabbing the container, the silver-haired youth began rushing back over to the still figure of his savior.

"I-Is rice ok?"Holding out the large bowl of rice to Garou, the boy smiled slightly at Garou.

"...got any meat? Protein?" Garou asked as he took a good look at the rice. It seems cold and hard. He needed to warm it before it's edible, but the microwave was ripped from the outlet.

"S-sorry… the villains broke the fridge. This is the only thing intact." The boy dejectedly replied.

"...screw it. Bring those too. I don't care if it came from the floor; I need it now." Garou had no room for fickleness. He needed his blood sugar to boost his healing, and he needed it now.

Placing the whole bowl of rice down on the ground next to Garou, the boy rushed back over to the kitchen. Opening a nearby drawer, he pulled out a plate. Going around the kitchen, he began collecting all of the food that had been spilled out onto the floor — half of a chicken, a small pile of beef, many small, scattered sushi rolls and more layers on the ground in the kitchen. Scooping them up, the young boy placed them on the plate. Before long, the dish had a giant pile of assorted foodstuffs on top, the boy barely able to hold it steady.

Slowly, the boy began to make his way back to Garou, trying to not topple over from the weight of the food piled up. As he neared Garou, he noticed that the bowl he had put on the ground was now empty. It looked like nothing had been in the container. Placing the plate on the ground next to Garou, the boy huffed from the exertion.

"Thanks, kid."

Garou sat down cross-legged, starting to gorge on the food with his bare hands. He needed to tough out the cold-hard mortal fuel and work his stomach past its limits. It was hard to eat raw rice, but at least the trace moisture contained in the wrappings made it soft enough for him to swallow — cold meat and vegetables. He regretted leaving them uncooked, but pickiness was not a luxury to afford. He needed the energy, and he needs it now.

Watching Garou devouring that massive pile of food fiercely, the silver-haired boy's eyes widened in surprise, witnessing pound after pound wolfed down at an incredible pace. Not only was he capable of effortlessly handling a group of villains by himself without taking a scratch, but he could also engorge himself a feast meant for tens!


The sound of Garou's consumption filled the silent air of the devastated kitchen. After a few moments, the plate was licked clean, the one clattering to the ground noisily. The young boy gaped at the man, glancing over at the cleared plate. A few moments had passed until the entire pile of food to disappear into Garou's maw.

"Got water? A large jug or something?" Garou asked as he burped a little, his breath now smelled like a rotten collage of junk.

Turning back around, the boy once again rushed over to the kitchen. He began looking around for anything that he could fill with water for his hungry, parched guest. In one corner of the kitchen, lay an empty gallon jug. After picking it up, the silver-haired youth began quickly filling it with the only undamaged tap available. The boy waited and waited as the pitcher continued filling up. Feeling the weight in his hand increase steadily, the boy glanced over to the still seated Garou.

Once the jug was filled to the brim, grasping the handle with both of his hands, the youth began heaving the pitcher over to the awaiting Garou. Just like the plate, the child placed the pitcher beside Garou, water sloshing around inside. The silver-haired boy straightened back to his feet, panting heavily from the repeated trips back to the kitchen.

Raising the jug to his lips quickly, Garou drank deeply, dumping all of the clear liquid from above. Within a few moments, the water had almost entirely disappeared. After a few more seconds of audible gulping, only empty air remained within.

"Ahhhh~" Garou took a refreshing breath of relief as he stood up. He was ready to go out once again.

"Thanks." He would need to find a place to stay here among other things. Garou looked out the broken window, seeing the sun illuminating from the other side. A new world… one for him to explore. An enticing prospect the more Garou mulled it over, leaving him a smile over his lips.

It would seem God had plans for him, whatever they may be. However, nonetheless, Garou refused to allow God the pleasure of seeing his design work as he pleased.