
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 33: The Arrival of The Vampires

"That one hell of a psychic powers."

"Will we be able to do the same thing like what he di"

"If we live, we might eventually be able to do that. So, we better take these raptors down first."

"You are right. According to the radar, we only have about twenty minutes left before the end of the hunt."

"Let's hurry then."

Both Sakata and Sakurai felt motivated after seeing how powerful Kurono was when he used the psychic powers. They then started to fight those Utahraptors. However, there are too many of them in the area. Even more of them is coming.

The three girls helped too, and killed two to three raptors each.


The fireballs that was still in the are flew and attacked those raptors. Kurono was controlling them to clear up those raptors.

Within a minute, the fireballs killed many of those raptors and leaving only two to three of them. It's not like Kurono wanted to left them behind. It's just that the fireballs got vanquished after killing so many dinosaurs.

"Guys, I'm going to rest for a bit. Can you take care off the rest of the raptors?"

"Sure. Just go and rest. We got this." replied Sakata.

Kurono was about to rest, when suddenly he saw two Parasaurolophus walking in the distance. "Lucky me. This is the fourth type of dinosaurs. If I take them down, I will only need to find and kill another type, and I'm done with Dark mission."

Kurono then flew towards the two and started attacking them.


Back to Kato's side, right now, he just finished killing four more Triceratops aliens, and two T-Rex. For him it was very easy with the Z-Gun in his hand.

"That weapon is too strong. I wonder why did the ball gave that weapon to that boy." Said the old man.

"Hey, does that thing have unlimited ammo?" asked Kaze.

"I'm not sure." replied Kato. He added, "Though, it needed to be charged before I could shoot that gravitational force. The longer it was charged, the stronger the shot."

"That is definitely a strong weapon." nodded Kaze.

"Actually, Kurono killed many aliens to acquire this weapon." Kato answered old man Suzuki's previous question. "Well, we are done here. Let's go to the next target. We are tight on time, so we have to be fast."

Kato then checked the radar, and saw the one glaring dot in the location where Kurono saw the Supersaurus. Another dot was moving towards the place where they got teleported.

After discussing it for a moment, they then decided to head towards the location where the dot is not moving.

After some minutes, the three of them arrived at the place where Kurono's group killed the Brachiosaurus aliens. At this time, they saw the Supersaurus was digging some hole on the ground. The two dead Brachiosaurus were beside the hole.

Suddenly, the Supersaurus saw Kato and his group. "Are you the one who inflicted death to my children? I will not forgive you people. Now, prepare yourselves."

Suddenly, the Supersaurus swung it's head towards Kato and his two teammates. They hurriedly jumped to the side, and where they were before, a big hole was cut by the blade like horn on the head of the Supersaurus.

"Oh God! This is not gonna be easy." Just by that one single swing, already caused considerably huge destruction. It caused old man Suzuki to feel unsafe.

"Doesn't matter. Let's just end this thing." Kato locked the Supersaurus as the target, then shoot a gravitational force. The Supersaurus was then smashed down by a heavy gravity and caused it to smack onto the ground. However, it didn't die with that one attack. It tried to stood up once more.

Kato shoot some more attack, and once again slammed the big dinosaurs onto the ground. Kato then repeatedly shot the dinosaurs until it no longer able to stand. At last, the Supersaurus died.


After killing the two Parasaurolophus, Kurono was about to check his radar. However, he was ambushed by a Skeleton T-Rex. Although it was unable to shoot fireballs, it's attack was still as powerful as the real T-Rex.

"Is it some kind of Zombie? It's just a skeleton, but it could still move. Better kill it as fast as I could."


Suddenly, two standing Triceratops appeared not far away from Kurono. One of it grabbed onto a wall.


What the Triceratops wanted to grab was a girl that standing beside the wall. That girl was Reika, who followed Kurono here.


Reika tried to run, but the other Triceratops grabbed her. It then tried to swallow her in one gulp.

"Not so fast."

Kurono created an invisible disc and sent it flying, cutting the hand of the Triceratops. After that, he pulled Reika to his side.

"You should be very careful. This place is too dangerous." advised Kurono.

"Okay. Thank you for saving me again." Reika blushed when she saw Kurono up close.

"Go hide first. These things are not something that you can handle."

Kurono then levitated, and tried to remembered back on how he suddenly managed to create that invisible disk. That attack was a sudden inspiration that he come up with in order to save Reika.

"Let's do it one more time."

Kurono then seriously created the disc attack. This time, it has a proper form, and spinning so fast that it become so sharp like a chainsaw. "Let's call this Psychic Chainsaw."

Maintain that form however was very mind consuming. Kurono didn't want to waste time. So, he used the Psychic Chainsaw to cut the two Triceratops, and the Skeleton T-Rex.

Just as he was done cleaning the three aliens, the ground started trembling.

"Now what? Are there still many more dinosaurs?" Kurono frowned. If that's the case, they won't be able to finish the hunt in time.

Krang!! Crack!!

The building near their place suddenly broke, and a tall Supersaurus walked out of it. The Supersaurus looked around with it big eyes, and found Kurono was looking at it with a frown.

"Little ones, finally, I found you. I know from the scent that you are the one who killed my children. I will now take your life, so prepare yourself." said the dinosaurs looking intently at Kurono.

It then moved towards Kurono and directly slammed it's head at him. Kurono evaded the attack, but it almost knocked Reika.


Reika was once again felt terrified. Kurono contained Reika in a psychic bubble, and sent her away towards the others who just finished taking down those raptors, and also the Kappe Alien. Everyone ganged up to fight the Kappe Alien, and Kishimoto was the one who delivered the killing blow.

"You all go hide. I will be handling this big guy."

Just as Kurono said that, another slash came from the Supersaurus. Kurono quickly evaded again, and levitated in the air.

"Let's see whether this thing can stop the fireballs."

Kurono took out those twenty fireballs and combined it into one. He didn't directly throw the fireballs at the Supersaurus. He instead created a Psychic Chainsaw, and launched it towards the Supersaurus.

The disc however got detected by the dinosaurs. It used it's sharp blade horn to deflect the Psychic Chainsaw. Seeing this, Kurono controlled the deflected disc back to attack the Supersaurus once more. Then, the Psychic Chainsaw and the Supersaurus were in a slashing battle.

At the same time, Kurono controlled the big fireball to attack the place where the heart of the giant dinosaurs are located.

Suddenly, many eyelids opened up from the body of the Supersaurus. The eyes saw the incoming fireballs. After seeing the fireballs come upon it, the Supersaurus tried to move it's body to avoid the fireballs. The fireballs however followed the Supersaurus and hit it on the right chest.

By his control, Kurono burned the oversized dinosaurs starting from it's right chest, and spread towards the rest of it's body. Soon the dinosaurs collapsed to the side, no longer moving.

Kurono dropped down and leaned on a wall, feeling a bit exhausted in body and mind. "Hopefully, Kato already settled the other aliens."

Kurono checked the radar, and saw that there are no more dots shown in it. "Ah, finally. All of them is taken down."

Kurono then approached the rest of the group. At this time, he can also see Kato and his group are heading at their direction.

Kurono looked at everyone, and said, "We completed the hunt. We can now go back to that room, and be able to go home after that."

All the newbie feel delighted when they heard him. Finally, they managed to survive these aliens hunt. They felt lucky that they listened to Kurono's group. Otherwise,they will become like the rest of the people who died permanently in this place.


The first person to be teleported back was Sakurai. As soon as he saw the changes in the scenery, he become happy. What Kurono said was true.

After that, everyone was teleported back one by one. Kato, Kishimoto, and Sakuraoka also got teleported back. Next was Reika. As she started to get teleported, she looked at Kurono and said, "Um...thank you for saving me many times. I owe my life to you."

"That...I did what I should do."

"I know. And you look really amazing when you did so."

After that, she got teleported, leaving only the old man and Kurono in that place. It should be my turn next, thought Kurono. Suddenly, he remembered something, and his expression changed. At this time, it should be the time for the arrival of the vampires. They are here to hunt down the Gantz Fighters.

To confirm his thoughts, in the far distance, he suddenly saw a group of people coming towards their direction. "Oh shit! I forget about these guys. Old man, hurry up and hide. Don't come out, and just wait until you are being teleported back to the Gantz Room."


Without waiting for Suzuki's answer, Kurono pushed the old man towards the sky until he got on top of the highest building in the area.

'Hopefully, he can be safe until the time he got teleported into the room', thought Kurono. Right then, it was his turn to get teleported.

At the distance, there are four man walking towards Kurono's direction. Seeing that Kurono was about to get transported caused them to frown.

"Damn. We are late. Those guy are already gone. That last one is also disappearing." said a blonde vampire.

"Let's kill him before he really got away." said a tall vampire, who was wearing glasses.

He then hold out his right hand, and put out two fingers. The fingers instantly transformed into a pistol. He then shot many bullets at Kurono's body. However, a layer of invisible defense blocked those bullets.

"What is that? Ah! He finished disappearing!"

The one with the glasses become annoyed that his attack didn't do any damage to the disappearing body.

"Hahahah. You are funny. You want to shoot something that already going to vanish. Hahaha." the vampire who has a black hair laughed at his friend.

"Whatcha laughing at? You didn't even get to kill him yourself." Said the first one.

"I don't really care. Anyway, what are we going to do now?"

"You guys go do whatever you want. I have something else that I wanted to settle out first." said the blonde. He then left the others in that place.

The other three just glanced at him. After that, they dispersed on a different direction.

On top of the roof, old man Suzuki slowly come out of his hiding place. "What are they? Why did they suddenly attacked Kurono?"

"I found you."

Suddenly, the blonde vampire appeared at the back of the old man. "Don't think that you can hide from me. I can smell your blood from down there. Now say your prayers, and die."

A blade come out of the blonde's right palm. after the blade fully appeared, he was about to cut the old man. However, the old man then started to get teleported away.

"This again. I will not allow you."

The blonde stabbed the blade on the old man heart. However, the Gantz suit protected him momentarily from those stab. Then, the old man get completely teleported away.