
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 28: Moving too Fast.

Kurono's Stats

Strength: 65

Dexterity: 53

Intelligence: 42

Charm: 10

After Kurono learned the Psychokinesis skill, he got 5 additional stats in intelligence. With that addition, it increased his ability to think and made it easier for him to perform psychokinesis skills.

"Should I try to fly with this skill?"

At this time, Kurono was already home. Currently, there are no one in the house except him. Sakuraoka is still at work, and Kishimoto already come back to her own house. Without the two, he felt lonely and started practicing the Psychokinesis more.

Kurono then used the skill to lift up his body. Surprisingly, it was a lot more easier to lift up his own body than lifting up something that has a similar weight to him.

He then tried to move himself, and fly inside the house. The more he do that, the more he feels excited. Then, he got off the house, and fly in the open sky.

"Woah! This is awesome. I feel like I'm a free man now. I can do this all day long, and not feel bored."

His excitement didn't last forever. At some point when he fly up in the sky, he started to feel dizzy, and blood started to run out of his nose. "Crap! I flew too high. Let's just rest first."

Kurono quickly dropped down, and landed slowly on the ground. "Although my intelligence is a lot higher than a regular human, it only enabled me to fly for some limited height, and there is the time constraints. I need to increase my intelligence in order for me to gain a permanent flight ability."

"Look like I'm still not able to compare to Superman, huh." Kurono sighed in defeat. However, he still feels excited about the flying experience. He then asked Freya, "Hey Freya, do you have any mission that could rewards me with intelligence stats, or basic stats?"

*Not for the time being. By the way host, your intelligence has already increased, but why are you still not that smart?*

"What do you mean by that? I could memorize things easier now, and I can also solve many questions given by the teachers in school. If I'm fighting any opponents, I can perceive their actions, and think of many ways to overpower them. So, why am I not that intelligent?"

*Maybe you still haven't think it through, huh. Host, the thing is, rather than trying to gain basics stats from the System Mission, why don't you just increase your own stats?*

"What do you mean?"

*It's called training. Human body can be trained to increase it's prowess. Even more so for you who is under the assistance of the System. Compared to normal human, your body stats will not going to flactuate.

Normal human will experience the decrease in their stats when they got sick or grew old. As for you host, the System is there to fix you stats in place permanently. Therefore, it will only increase if you increase it, and there is no decrease in it.*

"I see. So, will I not turn old then?"

*You are human host. So, you will still become old. However, even then when you have the appearance of an old man, you will still have the same stats, unless you caught some kind of desease.*

Kurono nodded. Somehow the reminder from Freya opened up his ways of thinking. It was true that human body can be trained to gain a better stats. It just lucky for him to have the System to help his body to gain more stats in advance. Right now, he can almost see the way to become someone with a super human stats.

*That's the right mindset. Alright, let me give you a little motivation. Here's a mission for you.

Mission 3: Improve yourself through training.

Mission details: Pick some training courses, and do it until you gains 1 additional stats in each of your Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence.

Rewards: 4 stats for each of the trained stats.*

"Wow, this mission is way better than all the previous one. Thanks Freya."

*You should try to complete it as soon as you can.*



Before Kurono could decide on which training course he should pick, his mobile phone rang. The call is from Shion Izumi. "Huh, what's up with this guy calling out at this time? It's almost night time."

Kurono still decided to pick the phone call. "Hey man. What's the deal?"

"I have something to show you. Can you meet me at school?"

"Dude, it's already night time. Can you just show it to me tomorrow?"

"I can't. I cannot risk anyone else to see it. Come to school. I'll be waiting for you."


The call was ended!

Kurono was irked for a moment. Why would that guy need to pick a night time to meet at school? Though he can guess the reason.

"Whatever. I guess I can have a running session to increase my Dexterity. Alright. Let's make a dash without stopping until I reach the school."

Before Kurono head to school, he texted Sakuraoka to tell her where he will go. After that, he took his bicycle, and travelled speedily towards his school.

Not long later, Kurono reached the school while panting heavily. He then headed inside while checking his stats. However, there is no increment in the Dexterity. It seems to be not that easy to manually increase my stats, thought Kurono.

Kurono then texted Izumi that he already reached the school. Izumi texted back, telling him to come to the class. Kurono then headed to his class and saw Izumi was really there.

"So, tell me. What so urgent that you wanted to meet me here at night?"

"There is a little something that I wanted to talk to you about." said Izumi, while taking out a pistol from his back pocket.

"Like what?" asked Kurono. A flash of light glimpsed on his eyes as he saw the man hold a pistol.

"Do you think Harry Potter looks like Nagaharu Yodogawa?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Or does Honjo Manami looks like a duck?"

"Alright dude. Stop over there. Why don't you just go straight to the point?" Kurono decided to stop the guy from rambling non-stop. "I'm going home if you don't have anything important to say."

"Wait. Actually, I want to talk to you about this one guy. This guy is fascinated by a black ball called Gantz. He was so fascinated that he would do anything.

Why was he so fascinated? Is it because he believed the nonsense written in the journal on the web? No. It was because there is one memory that hidden deeply in his mind...or something has erased it. But, he was sure that he was related to it, to the black ball.

He believed strongly that he was there before. A long time ago, that guy had also been to the room. That's how it is."

As Izumi finished his story, he looked intently at Kurono.

"That guy...is you, isn't it?" Kurono already knew this story. "It seems you got affected really badly by that journal on the web. If you're done with your rambling, let's end it here. I'm going home. See ya."

Kurono walked away and was about to leave the class. However, Izumi on the back pointed his gun to Kurono.


The gun was shot and the bullet hit Kurono on his head. However, he didn't die.

"That's incredible. This is a real gun, and you didn't die after being shot by it. It must be because of the suit you are wearing under your clothes. Kei Kurono, you are a person from the Gantz Room, right?" That was the conclusion that Izumi come up with. With this, he confirmed that Kurono was really had been into the room.

What Izumi didn't know is that Kurono forget to wear his Gantz suit. If it's not for his Psychokinesis ability, he would have been dead by now. He managed to strengthen his defense on his head by stacking three invisible wall, and avoided getting killed by that shot.

At first, Kurono thought to just go along like in the story. However, he suddenly remembered that he forget to wear his suit. This forced him to be on alert all this time, and put his Psychokinesis ability to guard himself.

"What the f@#k man? Are you trying to kill me? You sick or what?" scolded Kurono, looking menacingly at Izumi.

"I must go back to that room, no matter what it takes." Izumi showed a great determination.

"Hah! What are you going to do about it? Kill yourself? You might not even go to that room when you die."

Izumi stayed silent when he heard Kurono. A second later, he took out a small black ball and put it on the table. He said, "I found this thing at my home. It was in my drawer for some reason. Take a good look at it."

Kurono took the ball and saw some words were written on it.

'Think about the people in the room. I need you to bring as many people as possible.'

"That message appeared yesterday. It seems the Gantz wants more people. Or is it giving me another chance to go back there?"

Kurono put the ball back on the table. He looked at Izumi. "Sigh, do you really going to believe the words from that ball?"

"Next sunday. I will go back to that room. The place will be Shinjuku Street."

"You are going to kill people?"

"Are you going to stop me?"

"Do whatever you like. It doesn't concern me anyway." Kurono then walked away.

Izumi frowned when he saw Kurono being nonchalant about it. "Are you really not going to stop me?"

"Do you want me to stop you?" Kurono asked back, while glancing sideway at Izumi.

The instant Kurono glanced at him, Izumi felt like he was being stared by a ferocious beast that was ready to pounce on him. However, he was excited when Kurono showed such menacing vibe. As his blood boiled in excitement, he said, "I wanted to surpass you. Come and stop me."

Kurono observation this psycho for a moment. Then he turned away, and once again started leaving the room. However, he still left some words for Izumi. "I will come find you next week. At that time be prepared, because I've decided to go hunt you down."

Izumi's eye constricted and his heart thumped faster. The guy is challenging him!

"Don't worry. I won't wear any suits."

With that, Kurono disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Izumi looked for a while at the distance, and said, "I will be waiting then."

After that, he also left the school.


"So, what's the deal with the Izumi guy you're talking about?" asked Sakuraoka, who was laying down on the bed, beside Kurono.

"That guy is a past Gantz Fighter. He got a call from the Gantz."

"A call? By phone?"

"No. It's a ball. Gantz somehow managed to sneak a black ball into Izumi's drawer in his house. Through the ball, the Gantz informed Izumi to take more people into the Gantz Room."

"What? The Gantz is recruiting more dead people? That's mean Izumi will go and kill people then."

"Haah. That's the gist of it." Kurono sighed. Although this is how it should happen in the story, he was not fond of the act of killing human.

"Whatever. Let's not think too much about it." Kurono decided to leave those matter be. He looked at Sakuraoka thin pajamas, and got aroused when he saw those big breast. He licked his lips, and pulled her close, saying, "Let's talk about ourselves. I think It's been a while since we have done those deed. Why don't we have a go tonight?"

"Hehehe. So, you are eying my body all this time..Mnnm."

Kurono kissed her on her lips. After that he started to undress her, and explore her body with a great desire to experience her inner place.

Not long later, the sounds of Sakuraoka's moaning reverberated in the room. Kurono was so intoxicated by the feeling of having intercourse with her that he did it more than three times.

Suddenly, he remembered that he got a mission to increase his stats. If I do it fast, will I gain an additional stats to my Dexterity? The plan on his mind was translated into action, and his body suddenly moved fast.

"Mnn ahn! Ah you are Mnn! Moving too fast..."