
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 24: Freya

[Mission 3: Extract ten Shorty Alien's brain.

Mission details: Kill ten Shorty Aliens to be able to extract ten Shorty Alien's brain. (Completed)

Rewards:50 SP.]

<Mission 2: Bring Original Kishimoto into the harem, Rewards: 1 Charm stats>

Kurono sighed when he saw the completed mission. In the end, he still completed Rosei mission on bringing the original Kishimoto into his harem.

Looking at his bed, two naked beautiful was sleeping with a thin blanket covering their bodies. The two were too tired after making love with Kurono.

At first, Kurono make love with Kishimoto. However, she soon lay in defeat as she could not keep up with Kurono. Feeling the heat of lust still remained inside his body, Kurono then pulled Sakuraoka, and ddid some rounds of intense 'exercise' with her. In the end, the girl also lay tiredly on the bed, while Kurono was still feeling energetic.

As he saw their tired face, Kurono desire to continue making love waned. He could only sigh at his own self. Did my capability in bed also become stronger after I improved my stats? Kurono was sure that this was the case.

"Should I have more girlfriends?" murmured Kurono. Suddenly, he become alert. Uspoually, Rose will come out and make fun of his thought. However, she didn't come out this time. Is she busy?

[Host, Rose is temporarily unable to attend to your chat or give you any mission.]

"Huh? What happened to Rose?"

[It's not just her. Light is also unable to give you mission.]

"I know that. He is just a temporary replacement for you. So, I suppose he is already gone away."

[Actually, both Rose and my brother got arrested, and being kept inside the Virtual Prison.]

"They got arrested? Did they do something bad like what you did?"

[Hey, stop mentioning about my wrongdoing. Anyway, the two got arrested because they tried to get involved directly in the host affairs.]

"My affairs?"

[That's right. They cooperated to generate the memories of the copy Kishimoto, turned it dream memories, and put it inside the original Kishimoto.]

"So, that's why she got that memories! I knew something was wrong when she suddenly remembered the memories of her copy."

[Well, those act violated the law enforced on all of us System Entities. Father...I mean, the Administrator was really furious when he found out about this. That's why he send those two into the Virtual Prison.

I say, serve her right. Hahaha. She was the cause of my punishment. Now, she will experience being punished too. That's what you call karma. hahaha]

"...You know, I can see your gloating face. Your face look...not so good."

[Ah, I lost my self for a moment's there.] Dark hurriedly calmed down and adjusted himself.

[By the way host. There will be another System Entity to replace Rose. She will be coming to meet you tomorrow.]

"A she?"

[Rose is a girl. So, her replacement should y a girl too.]

"Oh, I see."

[As for me, I'll tell you first, host. I'm going for some vacation during this time, as the next Gantz mission is still further in the future. So, don't miss me too much, host.] Dark then left.

Kurono shook his head, and decided to just go to sleep. Before that, he put the 1 Charm stats into his own stats. Then he lay down besides the two beauties, and slowly fall into deep sleep.


"Hey, let's play a penalty games." said Nakazawa.

"Penalty games? Like soccer games?"

"No no no. We will play a spin games. We will took turns to spin this arrow. Whoever's arrow are spun and pointed towards a girl, that guy need to go on a date with that girl for at least two times. Do you guys dare to play the games?" asked Nakazawa, towards his friends; Matsumura, Izumi,and Kurono.

Right now, it was a break time. Izumi who was from the class next door came to hang up with Kurono and friends. Right now, they are just randomly playing some games.

"Alright. I'm in." agreed Matsumura.

"What about you two?"

"I'm fine with that." Izumi nodded.

Kurono on the other hands was being silent. He knew this scene in the comic. When they play, he will get the penalty and was forced to date Kojima Tae. After that, a Shorty Alien will come and kill everyone in his class.

However, that will not happen, as Kurono and his team already killed all the Shorty Aliens.

"You guys continue playing. I need to do something." said Kurono. After that, he stood up and walked out of the class.

"Where is he going?"


After coming out of the class, Kurono headed towards the Kendo Club room. He entered the place and looked inside.

There are not many students in the club. There are only four of them inside. One was a tall man who was in the middle of instructing a girl student. The other two were in the middle of exchange blow in Kendo exercise.

"Hello everyone. Sorry for the sudden disturbance. I'm here to find the Kendo Club captain. Is there perhaps a chance that one of you guys are the captain?" asked Kurono.

"I'm the captain. I think I've seen you somewhere before. If I'm not mistaken, your name should be Kei Kurono, right?" said the one who was instructing the girl member.

While he is speaking, he gestured for the girl to stop training, and let her move to the side.

"Oh you know me. But I never know you before."

"It's a coincidence that I saw you fight against Yonekura and his three Yankee friends. I saw you beat them all without breaking a sweat. Those fighting scene is still fresh in my memory. So, that's why I recognize you Instantly." said Sakaki Seiji, the club president.

"Oh, I didn't know someone was aware of that fight." Kurono was a little proud that people start to recognize his performance.

"So, why are you looking for me?"

"Actually, I've come here to issue a challenge to you." said Kurono, looking at Seiji with a serious expression.

Seji was surprised with the sudden challenge. He then asked, "Why?"

"I played a penalty games with my friends, and I lost. The penalty is for me to fight the president of the Kendo Club." said Kurono, lying to Seiji.

"Are you sure?" A flash of fighting desire appeared on Seiji's eyes.

"Yes." Kurono nodded.

"Then, I accept your challenge." Seiji's expression turned serious. He took two wooden swords and throw one of them to Kurono. "In case you wanted to use sword to fight, that's your sword. If not, it's up to you to use any kind of weapon."

After that the two of them prepared themselves to fight. At the side, the girl and the other two members stopped their activities, and sat down to watch the fight.

Seiji hold the wooden sword close to his body, and slowly stepped forwards, while Kurono was holding his wooden sword at the side. The two stared at each other, as if trying to see any wrong movement, or any flaw in their defense.

"Hah!!" Swish!

Suddenly, Seiji rushed forward and slashed his wooden sword. Kurono calmly looked at the attack, and thought to himself that the attack was a bit slow. After improving his stats a couple of times, Kurono now already have good perception to his surrounding, and his reaction speed also become better.

Kurono didn't evade the slash, but countered it with his own slash. The wooden swords hit each other, and bounced back.

Seeing that his fast slash was being cancelled easily caused Seiji's eyes to open big in surprise. "You got some good reflexes there, Kurono."

After that, Seiji changed his style from less aggressive, to an active one. He rushed forward, and started to deliver many slashes that were aimed at Kurono's vital spots.

In return, Kurono just instinctively followed the movement of his opponent, and slashed his sword to meet every slashes. Accurately, he managed to hit and deflect every attack. This caused his opponent to feel greatly shocked.

Even the three other members were stunned when they saw the situation.

"That guy is good. Who is he actually?"

"Look, he is moving almost exactly as how captain is moving."

"He is incredible."

The fight continued, and the captain eventually got tired. In the end he held up his hands and surrendered. "I lose."

"Thanks for the fight." Kurono bowed down a bit to thank the captain of the Kendo Club. After that, he turned around and walked away.

"Hey, wait." Seiji called to stop Kurono. "Are you interested in joining the Kendo Club?"

"Sorry. I am not that interested. I'm just here for the challenge."

"Is that so. You got some good talent as a swordsman. I really hoped for you to become member of this club. If you wanted to, I can appoint you as the vice captain of the Kendo Club. what do you think?" said Seiji, trying to entice Kurono.

"Hmmm...let me think about it later."

"Alright. Then, I will first list out your name as a temporary member. Don't worry. It just a temporary. If you decide to really join, I will directly make you the vice captain."

Kurono didn't said anything. He just bowed, before he turned around and left.

"Captain, did he agree to join our club?" asked the girl, who walked and stood beside the captain.

"He didn't say to join or not. However, we could try to entice him slowly." said Seiji.

"I hope he join us. Just by looking at his fighting ability, I can tell that he have a good reflexes, and great learning ability. He almost copied your every moves, captain."

After leaving the Kendo Club, Kurono checked his mission panels.

*Mission 2: Fight the Kendo Club (Completed)

Mission details: Challenge the captain of the Kendo Club for a fight, and win the challenge.

Rewards: 1 Strength stats*

*That's good, host. Now, here's your next mission for today.

Mission 3: Fight the Judo Club

Mission details: Challenge the best fighter of the Judo Club, Masashi Himura. Win the fight.

Rewards: 1 Strength stats*

"Huh? Freya, can we do this next time? Break time is already over. I should be in the class right now." said Kurono.

Freya was the System Entity that was sent to replace Rose temporarily. She have a tendency to ask Kurono to challenge any martial art club in the school.

Early in the morning, she already issued a mission to fight the Karate Club. Kurono managed to win the fight ang got 1 strength stats.

1 strength stats!

"Can you be a bit generous about the rewards?" Kurono was a little unsatisfied with the given rewards.

*What are you complaining about host? Didn't you get only 1 Charm stats from completing Rose's mission?*

Thinking back about Rose's mission, Kurono was reminded that he always got a charm stats after completing the mission, and only one stats at that.

*Furthermore, every additional stats will give you a fix amount of boost. For normal human, there is no such fixed increase in their basic stats. Even the additional increase that they gained will eventually decrease back when they get older, gaining weight, or getting sick. So, you should be thankful for getting addition in your stats.*

"...okay. I understand. You don't need to lecture about that."

*Then, go and complete my mission.*

"Hai hai!"

*If you complete all the first five mission, I will consider increasing the rewards.*

"Okay. Thanks for your consideration."

*Also host, there is a surprise if you complete up to ten mission. You...*

Along the way, the girl talked non-stop to Kurono, that he started to think of her as a naggy mother. Sighing, he decided to go back to class.

As he made his way to his class, he heard a commotion coming in the direction of his class.

"Run everyone. There is a murderer up there. Run!"

Kurono's expression suddenly changed when he heard the shout.

"It can't be! Did there another glitch and there are alien attack in the school?"